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Elderly Man Loves Songs from Shen Yun

October 07, 2013 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Henan Province, China

(Minghui.org) One day I took some DVDs of the Shen Yun vocal performances and went to a public plaza where people get together to sing “red songs.” [“Red songs” are propaganda songs that praise the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).] Everyone I handed a DVD to took one, and then I ran out because there were so many people. I said, “I am sorry. I will bring more in couple of days.”

A few days later, I returned to the plaza with more DVDs. A man of about 70 stood at the edge of the crowd. I handed him a DVD and said, “Sir, how are you? I am giving out Shen Yun DVDs again. Please take one.”

He turned to me and said, “I am angry with you. Such a good DVD, and last time you gave one to everyone but me. I am very angry with you.” He kept repeating that he was angry, so I replied, “I am sorry. You see, I am giving you the first one because you like it.” Then he smiled. I thanked Master in my heart, “Thank you, Master, for bringing predestined people to me.”

He continued, “I hate these ‘red songs.’ I come here because I have nowhere else to go. Those people who got your DVDs won’t give me theirs. I finally had to follow someone to his home to watch it. The songs on the DVD are really good; the music is peaceful and the lyrics are wonderful. Give me those DVDs and I will help you distribute them – I know who hasn’t gotten one.” I was so touched. People are so eager for Dafa to save them – I felt Master’s boundless compassion and the urgency of saving people.

There was also interference and tests, but as long as I believe in Master and the Fa and hold firm righteous thoughts, Master always helps me to return home safely.

Facing Interference with Righteous Thoughts

Several months ago, I was getting ready to visit a place where it was rather difficult to tell people the facts about Falun Gong. Even though I had frequently gone there to distribute Shen Yun DVDs, the people just wouldn't accept the Falun Dafa truth clarification materials. This went on for a few years. I sent forth righteous thought for two hours one night. I asked Master, “Master, please help me save the people there.”

I went there the next day to distribute truth-clarification materials. Everything went smoothly at first. I finished distributing booklets and had only a few Shen Yun DVDs and other DVDs left. I noticed a young man playing with his cellphone, but didn’t pay much attention and kept on handing out materials.

Suddenly a police car came and stopped next to me. Two policemen got out, grabbed my arm, and asked, “What are you doing?” I told them I was handing out Shen Yun DVDs and offered them one. “How dare you!” one said. I responded, “Everything we have is public, what’s to dare?” They started to grab my materials and tried to drag me into the car. I said to Master, “Master, please hold me still so they cannot move me.” Just with that one thought, I felt I was as tall as sky. They could not move me not matter what.

I held my bicycle with one hand and pulled my other hand out of their grip. I shouted, “Stop, stop, stop!” They didn’t know what I was doing and stopped. I pointed to the characters on the sleeve of one of the police officers and said, “What do these words mean? If you can answer me, I will go with you. If not, I will not.”

They looked at each other and didn’t say a word. After two or three minutes, I said, “You don’t know. Let me tell you. The first character of ‘police’ has ‘respect’ on top and ‘speech’ on bottom. It means respect freedom of speech. You cannot arrest me.”

One policeman pointed at the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party that I had in my materials and said that I was against the CCP. I responded, “I am not against it. What’s wrong with commenting on it?” He said, “Falun Gong is said to be a cult, how dare you to hand out materials about that practice.” I replied loudly, “Jiang Zemin is nothing, he has no right to judge any one or any group.”

We were at a market, and people had surrounded us and were watching. I said to the policemen while facing the crowd, “I'll wait here. You go back and get the official document that confirms what you just said. I will go with you after you read the official document to everyone.” They realized that they couldn’t do anything. One tried to call for reinforcements. I sent forth righteous thought to prevent him from calling anyone. He tried for a while but got no response. He shouted at me, “Are you coming or not?” I said, “I am definitely not going with you.” Then he said unexpectedly, “If I tell you to go home, will you go?” I said, “That’s okay.”

An old woman tried to accuse me. She said to the police, “We do not believe in Falun Gong.” She meant to have the police arrest me, but they didn’t pay any attention to her. Several elderly men in the crowd quickly said, “He is telling you to leave, why don’t you go?”

I suddenly came to my senses. I quickly got on my bicycle and left. At the same time, I sent forth righteous thoughts to have the police read the materials carefully so they would know the truth.

Master said,

“When disciples have ample righteous thoughts Master has the power to turn back the tide” (“The Master-Disciple Bond” from Hong Yin II)

There are too many things I wanted to write down after over ten years of ups and downs in clarifying the truth. Due to time constraints, I could only share a few of my experiences over the past few years.

I recognize that my cultivation level is still limited. Please kindly point out any inadequacies.