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Falun Gong Practitioners Helped Me in My Most Difficult Times

September 13, 2012 |  

(Minghui.org) I am a 35-year-old chef from Qingdao City, in Shandong Province. I owned a restaurant near Jinan Match Factory. In June 2000, we were moving to another location. All the employees had left, and I was in the process of terminating my lease with the landlord.

One day when I was playing cards with Xiao Bai, one of the employees from Jinan, three police officers suddenly came in and arrested us for gambling. They confiscated over 2,000 yuan in cash, and a cell phone worth over 1,000 yuan from my pocket. The next day they detained us at a detention center near Jinan Airport. We were forced to labor in the extreme heat without shoes. I was also required to pay over twenty yuan each day for food. If I didn't pay, all I got for each meal was a tiny steamed bun. I was twenty-four years old at that time and had a good appetite. Therefore I was starving. However, all of my cash and cell phone were confiscated.

When I was in this truly difficult situation, three Falun Gong practitioners who were also detained there helped me. They paid for me, and bought me shoes and other daily necessities. I was truly thankful to them but I don't remember their names. These women helped me in the most difficult time. I will never forget them.

At that time, my family expected me to come home and didn't know that I had been detained. After not hearing from me for a week, my parents wanted to travel to Jinan to look for me. Later my grandmother told me, "When we didn't hear from you for so long, your mother and I were afraid that you had been killed by gangsters. We cried often. We are so happy that you are back home now. You should never forget those people who helped you." I nodded my head.

When my cousin introduced his girlfriend to his family in 2006, his father was against their relationship, fearing that they would be affected because his girlfriend practiced Falun Gong. After hearing this, I told his father, "Falun Gong practitioners are all kind people. Please don't miss the opportunity. This girl will be very kind to you and your wife." I then told him how Falun Gong practitioners had helped me when I was detained. Later his father agreed to their marriage. He told me, "Fortunately I listened to you at the beginning. Nowadays it is hard to find a kind person like her. All the villagers say that our family is blessed."

Many of my friends, former classmates, and customers are practicing Falun Gong. They are very kind and gentle people.

Story of "Relationship with Mother-in-law"

Before I practiced Falun Gong [in China], I took money and self interest very seriously. I was selfish and self-centered. This manifested in my marriage. When we discussed the wedding, my husband's family was not rich. My mother-in-law gave most of her savings to her third son to buy a house for him, and she only planned to give me 10,000 yuan. I was very upset and felt that it was very unfair.

I vented my anger on my husband. But he was also in a difficult position. In fact, my husband had been giving all of his salary to me during the past years. It was a large amount of money. However, I still felt in my heart that I had been treated unfairly. When my mother-in-law discussed the wedding with my mother, they quarreled over money. I was furious, and told his family that if they didn't give me 50,000 yuan, I would leave my husband. At that time, I felt that our relationship might come to an end. Later they gave me another 20,000 yuan. I could tell that both my mother-in-law and my husband were not happy about it. I also felt uneasy. As such, a gap developed between me and my husband.

I later started practicing Falun Gong. Teacher taught me to think about others in all circumstances. I evaluated everything with standard of the Fa and no longer became angry, because I could truly see things from my mother-in-law's perspective. She was elderly and her husband had died not too long prior. Her third son truly needed financial help for his house. I realized that we should all help him.

I returned the 20,000 yuan to my mother-in-law and apologized to her. I told her that I wasn't thinking about her in the past. She was moved to tears and told me that I was truly a kind person. I said, "I can do it only because I practice Falun Gong." She said, "Falun Gong must be righteous because you have changed." In the past, she was influenced by the propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and was hostile toward Falun Gong.

I have since gotten along very well with her. She often praises me and says that I treat her better than her own son. This is the power of Dafa.

Where Can I Find A Kind Person Like Her?

[Dezhou, Shandong Province] This April, my husband told me about an experience of his. He had gone to a funeral, and at the dinner table some people started talking about Falun Gong. One gentleman said to everyone loudly, "If anyone says that Falun Gong is not good, I will disagree!" He then shared his story. He bought a new car recently and hit an elderly person in a car accident. Her face was injured and he was very frightened.

However, this elderly lady got up from the ground and said, "I am alright. Don't be afraid. You can go now. But you need to say 'Falun Dafa is good' three times." He said, "This is so simple." He then said, "Falun Dafa is good" loudly three times. Then she really let him leave. This happened because this elderly person practiced Falun Gong. If he had hit another person, he would have been in deep trouble.

First, he would have to take her to hospital for an examination, which would cost at least several thousand yuan. If she insisted on staying in the hospital, then he would have to pay all the expenses. In addition, he would have gained a bad reputation. However, this elderly person didn't even ask for one penny, because she practices Falun Gong. Where can you find such a nice person in society today?