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I Slowly Floated Upward

August 01, 2012 |  

(Minghui.org) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner originally from Chaoshan. Master has been protecting and caring for me since I started practicing Dafa in 1997, and has repeatedly saved me from dangerous situations. My understanding of Dafa also changed from a perceptual knowledge to a rational understanding. I know that this Fa is for cultivation, and it can truly change a person toward godhood.

1. I Slowly Floated Upward

A friend gave my husband and I Dafa books in 1997. Without any hesitation, we joined others in the morning to do the exercises, and in the evening we studied the Fa. Fellow practitioners were diligent and firm in their beliefs, and the illnesses of many practitioners disappeared. Everyone was full of energy and had a peaceful demeanor. Compared to people who practice other types of qigong, the difference was like night and day. Every time we went to the practice site, we were filled with happiness.

I was once lying on a bed and I experienced what Master mentioned in Zhuan Falun,

“In fact, let me tell you that a person can levitate once the great heavenly circuit is opened—it is just that simple.” (Zhuan Falun, Lecture Eight, “Heavenly Circuit”)

I slowly floated up into the air. I didn’t know how, but then I came down slowly. No words can describe this feeling and realm. I completely believed that this Fa was real. I was determined to devote myself to cultivation no matter how hard it was, and not to complain or have any regrets.

2. Getting Younger and Younger

As we continued with our cultivation, Master gradually cleansed our bodies. For a while, every time my husband washed his face, the water in the basin was muddy. The skin on his face peeled off layer by layer. I was not worried at all because I knew his body was being cleansed. We believed in Master. Then the skin stopped peeling off and it became smooth. His complexion became rosy, and the dark spots on his face disappeared. Similar things occurred several times. Each time, my husband’s face became more radiant. Everyone who knew him was surprised that he looked younger and younger. We always told them proudly that this happened because we practice Falun Gong.

My husband was once going through severe karma elimination, and he couldn’t eat anything for a week. His stool contained mostly blood, and his urine had a strong smell. He couldn’t get out of bed. We repeatedly read Master’s Fa.

“For us cultivators, other than the karma Master has eliminated, we still have to pay a portion ourselves. You will thus feel physically uncomfortable, as if you were suffering from sickness. Cultivation practice is to cleanse you from your life’s origin. The human body is like the annual rings of a tree, whereby each ring contains sickness-karma. So your body must be cleansed from the very center. Were karma to be pushed out all at once, however, you wouldn’t be able to take it, as it would endanger your life. Only a piece or two can be pushed out every once in a while, allowing you to overcome it and pay for your karma through suffering. But this is only that little bit left for you yourself to endure after I have eliminated karma for you.” ("Sickness Karma" from Essentials for Further Advancement)

Although my husband was not able to eat or get out of bed, we were not afraid because we knew he was not sick, and his body was being cleansed. Just then our son, who was graduating from college, called and asked us to attend his graduation ceremony. He wanted to take pictures with us in his cap and gown. He didn’t know that his father had been bedridden for a week. I didn’t have the heart to say no on the phone, so I answered him vaguely. After I put down the phone, I didn’t know what to do. Looking at Master’s picture, I suddenly had a thought. I should ask Master for a one day break, so we could attend our son’s graduation. I discussed it with my husband. If it was not an illness but cleansing of his body, then it should get better and better. We kneeled before Master’s picture, lit incense, and asked Master to give us a break for one day. My husband then got up from bed as if nothing had happened. We got into a car and went to our son’s graduation. When we arrived at his college, my husband talked and laughed as usual, and we took pictures with our son. No one would have guessed that a person who had not eaten or drank anything for a week had the energy to entertain for a whole day. The strange thing was that when we got back home, his symptoms resumed and lasted for another week. Then he slowly improved, and was able to go to the practice site and study the Fa as before. If an everyday person excretes blood for no reason for two weeks, who knows how much money he/she would have to spend on medication. Previously, during every change of season, my husband’s back hurt so much that he couldn’t get out bed. Ever since his symptoms disappeared, it never happened again.

3. Turning Calamities into Blessings

My husband and I have been studying the Fa and doing the exercises every day, rain or shine. We improve our xinxing in the face of self-interests. We take the Fa as our teacher. Although we are busy every day, we both feel very fulfilled and not tired. One time we rode with someone on a motorcycle to work. As we were passing a junction of three roads, a car rushed toward us. The driver of the motorcycle couldn’t stop in time and the motorcycle crashed into the car. The windshield of the car was smashed and there was a big hole in one door. My leg was caught under one of the wheels.

Many onlookers gathered around. Some said to call the ambulance, and others said my leg was gone. I was not afraid at all and thought to myself, “I practice Dafa, I will be fine.” I slowly dragged my leg out from under the wheel and stood up. My husband and the motorcycle driver both stood up as well. The glass bottle with coffee, which my husband had in his hand, was not even broken. The driver of the car was very frightened and said he wanted to take me to a hospital. I told him that I was fine and there was no need to go to a hospital. As more and more people gathered around, I was a little embarrassed. We paid the motorcycle driver, and walked to our workplace. I noticed that I was very dirty, and took a shower. Thereafter, I realized that a small piece of skin was scratched off from my waist. When I recalled the incident, I realized if it had not been for Master's protection, I would have needed to go to a hospital.

Another time, my husband and I took a car to take care of some business. As we were driving, the brakes stopped working. The driver was also a practitioner and he slowly drove the car to a repair shop. The mechanic said we were very lucky, because the steel plate of the front wheel had broken and the brakes did not work. It was a miracle that the car didn’t flip over.

4. Validating the Fa

The Chinese Communist regime began spreading lies to defame Dafa on July 20, 1999. At first, we didn’t know what to do. Later, we heard that practitioners from other areas went to Beijing to clarify the facts. After some discussion, we decided that we also had to go to Beijing in order to seek justice and clear Master’s name, even though I had never been to Beijing. So several practitioners and I started our trip and eventually we arrived in Beijing. We were fortunate to find a motel in which to stay that night. We didn’t know that officers had been keeping track of out of town tourists. The next day, we took the banner we had made and went to the Tiananmen Square to validate the Fa.

Once we arrived at Tiananmen Square, I saw many practitioners from different areas. I was deeply moved. All of us had come there without thinking about ourselves. We had traveled thousands of miles so we could tell the truth about Falun Dafa. Our group picked a prominent position and took out our banner to display. At that moment, I felt as though my body was enormously large, the sky was clear, and my body was pure. I had no human notions and was as tall as heaven and incomparably noble.

Fellow practitioners and I shouted together, “Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa! Clear the name of our Master!” etc. In no time, police vehicles rushed over to us. They grabbed our banner and hit a fellow practitioner several times. We were put in police cars and locked up in jail. At that time, the jail cells were organized by provinces. Every cell was filled with practitioners. There was also a young woman with a child only a few years old. We were not afraid and recited Lunyu, Hong Yin, and other Dafa articles. We exchanged our understandings, and after more than ten days of detention, we were sent home.

After we returned home, we studied the Fa and realized that being arrested is not the purpose. Clarifying the truth is the responsibility of every Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple. Therefore, we must be rational, and clarify the truth wisely. My husband and I study the Fa, do the exercises, and send forth righteous thoughts every day. We have never stopped passing out informational materials, clarifying the truth face to face, and advising people to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. We also call people and tell them the truth about Falun Gong. With the help of Master, we have come along smoothly.

Many tribulations occurred during the past 16 years of my cultivation. I encountered many experiences, which I cannot describe in words. I am grateful for Master’s salvation. I can only believe in Master and the Fa, rectify myself, do the three things well, and complete my historical mission of saving sentient beings.