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Extraordinary Experiences in My Life

July 28, 2012 |   By a practitioner from Fujian Province

(Minghui.org) I started to practice Falun Gong in 1998. Whenever I was not at work, I studied the Fa and did the exercises everyday. I used to take medicine to help improve my health, but now I am a healthy person who does not need to take medicine anymore. The change happened naturally, as Master helped to purify my body. Here are some experiences that took place during my cultivation.

My acne disappears

I used to suffer a lot from acne and put concentrated iodine on my face to help relieve the infection, but it did not help. As one scar disappeared, a new spate of acne would emerge. It was painful and looked ugly. I was quite frustrated, as it had been like this for many years. However, soon after I started practicing, it completely stopped. My husband found it miraculous! He constantly told people who came to our home about this. I told him that since he found it miraculous, he should also practice Falun Dafa. Thus, he started to cultivate just over a month after me.

After reading Zhuan Falun, we realized that Master purified our bodies. Since then my facial complexion has started to look much healthier, and my many illnesses that used to bother me also gradually disappeared.

Paying attention to the Fa's principles

My older sister asked me to collect some bandages for her the next time I went to work, as she had run out. I work in the medical office at my workplace and used to often take things home, such as bandages, iodine, cotton balls and medicine. Sometimes I would share them with my sister, since her financial situation was not good. At the time I did not think that anything was wrong about doing this. However, now that I am a practitioner, I told her that I cannot take anything from work any more that does not belong to me, and suggested that I buy some for her from a drug store. My sister then reminded me that if I bought some through work, I could get a discount. I told her that now I practice Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, I cannot write prescriptions for medicine that I do not need. My sister was impressed that practitioners would pay such attention to the Fa's principles, and said that she would buy her own bandages.

Showing Tolerance towards others

My husband used to be in the management team at our workplace, and he once participated in the investigation of an incident that occurred in another department. He honestly reported the reality of the situation to his supervisors, and as a result, the supervisor of that department was removed and transferred to our department, becoming my supervisor. This person constantly humiliated me and put me down in front of others. No one dared to befriend me because of his attitude towards me. Even if I shared a joke with my colleagues, others would distort my words and report them to him. Then that would become another excuse for him to punish me. Once, in front of everyone at a large staff meeting, he said to me, “If you are incompetent, you can quit. Why do you stay here? The door is wide open for you. I would buy some fireworks to celebrate if you left!” I resented him in my heart and often called him a “jerk” behind his back. But all I could do was go home to cry and complain to my husband.

This person was later arrested on charges of corruption and was sent to prison. When I thought about all the horrible things he did, and how he treated me for over 7 years, I was quite happy to hear this news.

When I next saw this person, after he came out of prison, I became sympathetic towards him. I was already a practitioner by then, and understood how people ignorantly create karma from their many lifetimes, and have to suffer to pay back their karma through retribution. I invited him to our office and asked him how he was doing. I also introduced the book Zhuan Falun to him and told him about the physical and mental changes I experienced after I started practicing Falun Gong. He emotionally thanked me for my kindness towards him and agreed that my behavior had improved since he last saw me. I knew that it was Dafa expanding my tolerance towards others.

When I later heard that this person's son was getting married, I arrived at the ceremony to find this person quickly walking down the stairs to greet me. He patted me on the shoulder and warmly greeted me. Since then, when he visits our office, he always stops by my desk and chats with me for a while. I do not hate him anymore, and feel amiable when seeing him.

My father-in-law said I was very considerate

My child was still in elementary school when I started to practice, and the students there always have a lot of homework. My husband and I both work, I also do the house work and spend a lot of time assisting my child with homework. At the same time, I needed to take care of my parents and in-laws, plus fit in enough time for Fa study and exercises. I also wanted to join Dafa activities. Time was very limited, and I was running everywhere trying to do things.

At the time my father-in-law had problems with his limbs and always stayed at home alone. I had to spend time with him and see if he needed any help. People who visited my in-laws' home told me that my father-in-law always praised me and said that I was very kind to him. When I was persecuted in the labor camp, my child told me that when he read my letter to his grandpa, he cried.

Local police officer 'just doing his job'

At the start of the persecution of Falun Gong, I went to Beijing to appeal. When I was arrested and detained by the police, the local authorities in my city were worried that I would go to Beijing again to appeal, so they placed me under house arrest. I was monitored constantly and was not allowed to leave my apartment. A local police officer became a frequent visitor to my home.

The officer once asked me, “How come all your neighbors say you are a good person?” I told him that once he gets to know me, he will know why. Our building was not run by a property management company, so no one was responsible for cleaning the building. Every week I cleaned up all the stairs and hallways from the top floor down. Sometimes our family of three used our spare time to wash the whole hallway and stairs. Nowadays people in cities do not like to socialize with each other, and they do not even greet each other when they meet in the hallway. As practitioners, we should always be kind and sincere. I always smiled at others and greeted them. So I had a very good relationship with our neighbors. I then told the officer: “There are many copies of Zhuan Falun at your workplace. You should read it. You are harassing me, but I let you stay in my home to keep cool, have some tea and watch TV. Only good people behave like this.” The officer replied with embarrassment: “Let's not discuss this any more. This is just my job.”

When I returned home one time after being held in detention, my neighbor, an elderly lady, was very happy to see me. She said that she had prayed for my safe return.