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“Falun Dafa is Good” Banner Guides New Practitioner

July 28, 2012 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I learned about Falun Dafa in 2002. Prior to that time, whenever I saw a banner with the words, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” I wondered what Falun Dafa really was and how I could learn more. Perhaps, that was the moment my Buddha-nature came forth.

One evening, I was riding my bike on the street when I heard an old couple chant, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I was stunned. I jumped off my bike immediately and asked them if they were Falun Dafa practitioners. Very pleasantly, the answer was affirmative. The elderly lady was a veteran practitioner and she told me some of the truths about Falun Dafa. I then followed her to her home where she gave me printed materials and information. She saw my eagerness and so asked me if I wanted to learn the practice. I immediately replied, “Yes, I want to learn.” She then gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun and after seeing my great excitement upon getting the book, she also gave me three more of Teacher Li's books: Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S Fa Conference, Teaching the Fa at the Eastern U.S Fa Conference, and Essentials for Further Advancement.

As soon as I arrive home, I wasted no time in beginning to read the books and once I got started, I couldn't put them down. As the days passed, however, I started to feel heavy because I knew that these borrowed books would have to be returned. Once they were returned, what would I do then? In thinking of this I was choked by tears. Teacher Li seemed to have heard my thoughts and gave me the books through the hands of fellow practitioners. Finally, I got my treasure.

In the following days, I kept studying the Fa. About two months later, at the suggestion of another practitioner, I joined a Fa study group. Through group study and sharing, I realized that to be a true Dafa practitioner with such a great mission, I should not only focus on personal consummation, but also help save sentient beings by telling them the truth. Seeing my speedy improvement, fellow practitioners started to trust me. They included me when distributing materials in the Fa study group.

Although I was a new practitioner, I was very diligent. I deeply believed in Teacher Li's exhortation of saving more people, so I distributed all the brochures provided by fellow practitioners, but still felt that this was not enough. I knew I had found the Fa very late, so I couldn't waste any time in helping to save sentient beings. After finishing my day at work, I often studied the Fa until very late and sometimes all night. It wasn't that I studied even though I was sleepy. I was actually not sleepy at all. I put all my time into studying the Fa, and read all of Teacher Li's books given to me by other practitioners. I read all the books repeatedly and the more I read, the more clarity I gained.

The materials I received from the Fa study group were not enough for me. One day I thought that it would be wonderful if I made materials myself. Then after having this one thought, a practitioner asked me if I could make some materials at home, and of course I answered yes. So, the practitioner moved the equipment to my home that very day and he accompanied and guided me to make truth clarification materials. I was all on my own from that day on and I've made a lot of materials since having the equipment. Without any delay in learning the Fa and doing the exercises, I could still read two chapters of Zhuan Falun and Teacher Li's many other writings every day. I felt that I was doing well in cultivation practice, until on one occasion in the Fa study group, I fell asleep. The practitioner who gave me the equipment to make materials told me that I was in a poor cultivation state and asked me if I had made materials the previous night. He also said that falling asleep in daytime Fa study meant that I should stop making the materials right away. So, he came to my home that night and told me that taking my condition into account he needed to take the equipment away. Initially, I wasn't willing to return the equipment to him. He insisted that I should study the Fa more at home instead of doing things for clarifying the truth. That night, I wiped away my tears and thought that I should listen to this practitioner's advice and study the Fa more. I read all the Dafa books again, little by little, and became clearer about things.

As I unceasingly studied the Fa, my xinxing level improved in all aspects. Teacher Li arranged for me to learn the Fa and further improve myself in a local coordinator's Fa study group. I learned how to look inward, and harmonize and cooperate as a whole with other practitioners. During this period of time I undertook the sacred mission of burning Shen Yun CDs. The discs I burned were almost all in good condition and played a significant role in local truth clarification. I also undertook a Dafa project in the coordination group.

Now, I have hope as I travel my cultivation path. I sincerely wish to put aside ego and form one body with other practitioners. I want to fully cooperate with the entire body of cultivators, follow Teacher Li's principles and cultivate to the end. Once again, I give my profound gratitude to the benevolent and great Master!