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Every Member of My Family Experienced Miracles

July 20, 2012 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in January 1999 and soon encountered the bloody persecution initiated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This, however, did not affect my strong belief in Dafa. Over the years, miracles have happened to every single member of my family, which only reaffirms the magnificence of Master's great universal law.

It is just as Master said,

"When one person obtains the Fa, the whole family will benefit." ("Teaching the Fa and Answering Questions in Jinan" from Zhuan Falun Fajie - The Law of Zhuan Falun Explained)

1. My Wife's Tumor Disappeared

My family of four includes my mother, wife, son, and myself. My wife practiced Falun Dafa in the past, but stopped after the persecution was launched on July 20, 1999. However, she has been very supportive of my cultivation. She has not been poisoned by the CCP's lies, and even went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. As a result, she has also faced persecution.

This year, she did not feel well and went to the hospital several times for a thorough evaluation. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, which was a total shock to our family.

This family crisis occurred just when Taiwan was hosting the Shen Yun Performing Arts shows. I encouraged my wife and mother to go and see the performance. They experienced many difficulties, but finally overcame the obstacles, went to Taiwan, and experienced the purifying effects of the performance. My wife shed tears throughout the show and felt that she melted into extremely positive energy.

The beautiful performance purified her body, and she felt a sense of great comfort. She had another follow-up at the hospital after she came back, and the doctor told her that amazingly, the tumor was gone!

2. My Son’s Illness was Cured

My son is 13 years old and has been subjected to the persecution since he was little. He was once forced to leave home to avoid harassment from communist officials. Initially, he joined us for Fa study but did not practice the exercises. As a result of studying the Fa, he was not affected by the CCP propaganda and has been protected by Master. He is smart, sensible, with high morals, and has achieved excellent academic results.

When he was 9 years old, he had an accident when he was setting off fireworks. His vision became blurry, and he had to get eyeglasses. One day he came back from school and told me, "Dad, I lost my glasses." I said to him, “Maybe your eyes are back to normal now, so you don’t need glasses.” He then indeed discovered that he no longer had any problem seeing.

A few years ago, my son was diagnosed with pancreatitis. The doctor told us that this disease is difficult to treat and can eventually lead to pancreatic cancer. The symptoms of the disease include vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever. My son could not eat normal food, which made our whole family very anxious. After studying the Fa with us every day however, he was able to eat fried food without any discomfort or pain. His symptoms eventually completely subsided.

3. My Mother's Miracle

One morning in 2007, my mother was hit by a car while crossing the street. She passed out but heard someone saying, “She seems to be alive.” My mother then made a great effort to open her eyes. People immediately helped her up, and someone called an ambulance. In the hospital, a CT scan showed a crushed pelvis and two breaks in her spine.

My mother was in her sixties, and the doctor said it would be difficult for her to completely recover at that age. I told her, “Although you have not practiced Falun Dafa since the persecution began, you still have righteous thoughts. You didn't ask anyone for money as compensation for this accident.” I reminded her to recite, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” and she agreed.

The result was truly amazing. Within less than six months, my mother completely recovered. There were no longer any signs of trauma. The doctor was amazed. It was truly a miracle!

My mother has again started to practice Falun Dafa. She knows that Master has given her a second life.