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Mr. Wang Shushen from Jinchang City, Gansu Province, Arrested Because of his Belief in Falun Gong

June 14, 2012 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Gansu Province, China

(Minghui.org) During more than ten years of persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Mr. Wang Shushen from Jinchang City, Gansu Province, not only lost his tutoring business, but also lost job opportunities. He was illegally detained and put into forced labor camps multiple times. The tutoring business he owned was forced to close and classes had to be suspended. On May 11, 2012, Mr. Wang Shushen and his wife Xie Xiaofang were arrested by police from the Jinchang City Domestic Security Division and taken to the Jinchang Detention Center. His family is not aware of his situation and are very worried.

Mr. Wang Shushen was an excellent student of Metallurgical Construction at Xian University. However, the CCP deprived him of his postgraduate qualifications and employment opportunities. In 2005, to help with his livelihood, Mr. Wang founded a tutoring business for primary and secondary students. The business was named Wise Tutoring Class. His fees were relatively low but the tutoring results were excellent. In the 2009 recruitment examination for employees' children of Jinchuan Company, the students from Mr. Wang’s tutoring classes scored the best. In 2010, over 62 people were recruited, and in 2011, over 80 people were recruited to work at the company.

In February, 2012, Mr. Wang commenced his tutoring classes again, however, the CCP authorities kept harassing him while he was teaching. Plainclothes police harassed him under the guise of students' parents. Somebody even asked if there is any relation between “Wise” and “Minghui”.

At around 11a.m. on May 11, 2012, police officers Li Xinhua, Li Xuhe, Jia Delan and Mr. Wei from the Jinchang City Domestic Security Division, together with community member Li Hong, tricked Mr. Wang's family into opening the door when they came to the premises. Uniformed and plainclothes police ransacked Mr. Wang’s home. When he returned home after teaching, he found over ten people in his home. Mr. Wang questioned the legality of entering a resident's home to search it without a warrant. Police then pushed Mr. Wang to the ground and handcuffed him.

At around 3 p.m., police arrested Mr. Wang and his wife, leaving their five-year-old son at home alone. They confiscated Mr. Wang's computer, printer, copy machine, and the Languages and Chemical tutoring materials saved on his computer. After ransacking his home, the police went to his tutoring class, trying to make up charges in order to justify his persecution.

After Mr. Wang and his wife Xie Xiaofang were arrested and taken to Guangzhou Road Police Station, the police forced Ms. Xie Xiaofang to go to Mr. Wang’s parent's home (because his parents had gone to their hometown in Shandong Province) and bring back Dafa books. Ms. Xie Xiaofang was allowed to return home at around 1a.m., however, Mr. Wang was detained in Jinchang Detention center for further persecution.

At present, the family has not heard anything about Mr. Wang’s whereabouts and therefore are very worried about him. His students from his tutoring classes are anxiously looking forward to Mr. Wang's return.

Lost the opportunity to undertake graduate study

Mr. Wang went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong when the CCP started persecuting the practice in July 1999. In 2000, Mr. Wang passed the graduate entrance examination at his college. During the intake interview, Mr. Wang was given a choice: he could only study in graduate school if he gave up practicing Falun Gong. He would not be allowed to do both. Mr. Wang stated that it is not wrong to practice Falun Gong nor to be a kind person. The interviewer in charge responded by saying, “You have to be responsible for your own decision.” Therefore, Mr. Wang lost the opportunity to attend graduate study.

Detention and forced labor

In October 2000, Mr. Wang, who was working in Xian City, was illegally arrested by the police of Jinchang Domestic Security Division and taken to Jinchang City. He was secretly detained in the basement of the Police Department. He was hung up with handcuffs and brutally tortured. About a month later, his family painstakingly learned about his situation and went to the police department to request his immediate release. The police were afraid that what they had done would be exposed to the public and, hence, they transferred Mr. Wang to Jinchang City Detention Center on November 13, 2000 for further persecution.

On January 9, 2001, the police committed 12 Falun Dafa practitioners to forced labor, including Mr. Wang. Police officer Meng Jiaxian arranged for the Dafa practitioners to be sent to the Pingantai Forced Labor Camp in Lanzhou City for further persecution.

In the forced labor camp, Mr. Wang was detained in Team 1. Police officer Wei Jinghua was assigned to Team 1 and used extremely despicable means to persecute Mr. Wang. He was handcuffed to a bunk bed with his arms pulled apart and was tortured for five to six days and forced to transform after prolonged sleep deprivation. Mr. Wang went on a hunger strike to protest his persecution and was then punished by being put into solitary confinement. When he was let out, his white shirt was bloodstained. Two years later, Mr. Wang was released from the forced labor camp.

Arrested again

Mr. Wang’s release was short lived as he was again arrested ten days later. The police, together with a director in the community, tricked his family into opening the door and arrested him again and took him to the Jinchang City Detention Center, this time for a period of over three months. During the detention, Mr. Wang’s mother went to the 610 Office in Jingchuan District to request her son's release. She said, “If you continue to detain my son, I will appeal at the door of the government.” As a result, Mr. Wang was finally released.

Personnel directly involved in the persecution
Guangzhou Road Police Station in Jinchang City, Gansu Province
Director: Li Yujun, +86-138-3056 8698 (Cell), +86-935-839 6403
Police: Wang Liang, +86-139-9357 8910 (Cell)

Please refer to the original Chinese text for more names and telephone numbers.