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A Cultivator's Forbearance Has Its Standards

May 31, 2012 |   By a practitioner from Mainland China

(Minghui.org) A practitioner and I recently talked about the wicked behavior of the local police, and in particular about a guard in a local detention center beating a Falun Gong practitioner. This practitioner's understanding made me realize something that I was not aware of before.

The practitioner said that the guard was not normal, and believed that their actions were directly related to their character and personality. I too believed this to be the case. But we did not look at it from the Fa, knowing that this guard was being controlled by the old forces from other dimensions.

When cultivators in the past were insulted or treated unfairly by everyday people, they were to handle it with compassion and forbearance. If the person who commits a sin against a cultivator isn’t punished by heaven for their misconduct, then there wouldn't be a standard of compassion in the universe and no standard to differentiate good from bad.

Dafa practitioners today cultivate the Great Law of the cosmos, and Master does not acknowledge the arrangements of the old forces. So, nor should we. The interference and persecution from the guards amount to committing sins. We must first look inward to correct ourselves, and then expose these wicked actions to stop them from happening again and to save them.

We need to understand the reasons for the guards' actions, as they are under the control of the old forces. If we look at the guards' actions as being related to their own personal characters, this would amount to acknowledging the old forces' persecution and their role behind the scenes.

After I was released from prison, this incorrect understanding blocked me for a long time. I did not expose the persecution immediately after I was released, and actually helped the old forces to continue their persecution.

Guards that knowingly take part in the persecution have committed grave sins. If they cannot realize that what they are doing is wrong and stop assisting in the persecution, they will not have a future. As practitioners, we should compassionately clarify the facts to them. If they realize their mistakes and quit the CCP, they may have a chance to be saved.

When practitioners expose the evil, they should not only focus on the wicked people's behavior, but also on the old forces' elements behind them.

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