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Sudden Bouts of Happiness on Times Square (Photos)

May 18, 2012 |   By Minghui correspondent De Xiang

(Minghui.org) New York's Times Square witnessed a remarkable event on May 12, 2012. Seven thousand Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world gathered in New York City and held a series of activities to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Falun Dafa's public introduction and Master li Hongzhi's birthday. On Times Square, hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and presented music and dance performances.

A woman sitting on some steps concentrated intently on the Falun Gong exercise demonstration. A Falun Gong practitioner gave her a copy of some introductory materials and talked to her about the practice and about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. The woman showed great interest in Falun Gong and was very happy to learn about the practice. Then, very excited, she showed the practitioner the book in her hand and asked the practitioner, “Do you know what I was reading?” It was a book called Sudden Bouts of Happiness. Many Falun Gong practitioners feel that they have received sudden blessings when they obtained Falun Dafa. It was no surprise for this woman on Times Square to feel this way, too.


A passerby copies the Falun Gong exercise movements.

George, a Times Square security guard, continued to watch the exercise demonstration after his shift ended. He had heard about the persecution of Falun Gong in China a few years ago, but it was his first time to see the exercises. He told a practitioner that he thought it was gorgeous and asked for more information. After he talked to a German practitioner, George became very excited and said, “I see. I need it so much! I would like learn it right away.”


Lauren Maria Palucer and Haura Di Fabio from Italy are enthusiastic about learning Falun Gong.

Lauren Maria Palucer and Haura Di Fabio from Italy were excited to learn about Falun Gong and really wanted to practice it. They were happy to find out that there were places in Italy where they could learn it.

After the exercise demonstration, several Falun Gong practitioners went to a nearby store. A part-time sales representative started asking them about Falun Gong. He said that he felt a lot of stress in his life and was distressed because there were so many bad people in society. He said, “But I can't change myself just because they are bad. If I put hatred in my heart, it will destroy me like poison. I don't want to be bad because of them. I want to be good.” He said that his doctor had suggested that he try Yoga or Qigong. The practitioners suggested that he go to a group exercise site to learn Falun Gong, and also told him that it was always free. The man was surprised and asked why it was taught for free. A Falun Gong practitioner said, “You can't afford it; none of us can afford it; because Falun Gong is priceless. Your heart is the only thing that matters.” The sales representative was very moved. “I like it!” he said very sincerely. A sudden bout of happiness had come to him.