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A Person with Fatal Liver Disease Encounters Dafa

May 14, 2012 |  

(Mingui.org) Mr. Zhang, about 30, lives in Tahe, Heilongjiang Province, China. Neither Zhang nor his wife had regular jobs. They survived by doing odd jobs and collecting fruit in the mountains. Although their lives were hard, they really enjoyed the time they were together.

Unfortunately, two years ago Zhang was diagnosed with liver ascites, a condition related to advanced liver disease, which made things difficult. His hospitalization used up all of their savings and when their money ran out, he had to leave the hospital and stay at home. However, the more medication he took, the worse he got. Zhang could not work, but he was supposed to eat well. His wife had to take care of him. When his illness became more serious, he had to borrow money to go back to the hospital. After he used up all the money he had borrowed, he had to return home.

For an entire year he stayed in the hospital by borrowing a huge amount of money, and then the doctors told him that he was dying and had only two months left to live. His wife and child cried every day. She was really worried about her husband dying, and their child was still in elementary school. Plus, she had to pay off all the debts. She was only in her 30s; how could she face that? In confusion and despair, she decided to divorce him.

After his wife left, Mr. Zhang knew that he could only live for a few more days. Every day, he suffered a lot and struggled to cook for his child. He was suffering both mentally and physically.

Zhang then happened to hear about Falun Gong. He was told that Dafa could save people. A Falun Gong practitioner asked him to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. The practitioner also told him to believe and recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Zhang said to himself, “I am dying and do not have money to stay in the hospital. I will just go ahead and do what this Falun Gong practitioner has told me to do.” Whenever he had time, he recited, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Gradually, he was able to eat and did not feel as bad as he usually did.

Seemingly by chance, Zhang met the practitioner again and learned more about the beauty of Dafa. He decided to actually learn Falun Gong. He learned the five exercises from this practitioner, and he also got the Dafa books and the videotapes of Master Li's lectures.

Mr. Zhang's body and mind both changed significantly. Before, his hair was always sticky, but then it became smooth and healthy. His face used to look dark, but now his face looks better and he feels energetic.

Shortly after he started to read Dafa books, Mr. Zhang found a good job with a monthly salary of six thousand dollars. When his wife noticed that Zhang had become healthy and had a good job, she asked him to remarry her so that she could come back and take care of their child. Zhang's family really appreciates Master and Dafa.