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My Whole Family Has Benefited from Dafa

May 14, 2012 |   By a practitioner from Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) My mother became a Dafa practitioner in1998. Prior to that time, she suffered very poor health and took medicine daily. One day, she was out of medicine and went to my sister-in-law for more. She saw a copy of Zhuan Falun on the bed, picked it up, and began reading. When she opened the book, she noticed that the characters were all blue. She then asked my sister-in-law about the color, however, others all saw the printing as the usual black. My sister-in-law then said happily, “Your enlightenment quality is really good, Master has taken care of you; you should start to practice.” That is how my mother started her practice of Falun Gong.

After that, my mother stopped using cigarettes and alcohol, and all her illnesses disappeared. She was in very good health. Despite the severe persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), she did not give up Truthfulness- Compassion-Forbearance.

Early in the morning on January 30, 2012, I prepared breakfast as usual and went to my mother's room to ask her if she was ready to eat. Nobody answered, even when I knocked on the door repeatedly. I realized that something must be wrong. I used a screwdriver to open the door and saw my mother on her bed. There was no pillow under her head and her tongue was hanging out of her mouth. She was only half covered with blankets and she was making a frightening grunting sound. This was the same behavior my father exhibited when he suffered hemorrhaging in the brain. My first thought was to cry out, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Falun Dafa is good!” I repeated these words three times and asked Master to help my mother. Then I went back to my room to get my husband. He said “There is no problem, Mother is a practitioner.” We then started to send forth righteous thoughts and recited, “Falun Dafa is good!” When I changed my mother's underclothes, I found that her legs below her calves had already become cold, and her legs were very stiff. My husband opened her eyelids, and found her pupils dilated. I knew that these signs of death were not the truth, and I would not agree with the Old Forces' arrangements. I cried out, “Falun Dafa is good” near my mother as I sent forth righteous thoughts. Two hours later, her tongue stopped protruding and she stopped making grunting sounds.

Later that morning, three fellow practitioners came to visit. I told my mother, “Mom, get up. Fellow practitioners have come to help you. Please open your eyes and look at them!” At noon, the global time for sending forth righteous thoughts, I helped my mother sit up and we sent forth righteous thoughts together. I saw her open her eyes. I thanked Master with tears in my eyes. Our fellow practitioners were happy, too. Master had given my mother a second life.

The following story is about my 16-year-old daughter. She suffered from epilepsy and had seizures several times a year. I took her to see doctors many times, but still her problem did not improve, instead, it worsened. In the summer of 2008, my husband asked our daughter, “Do you want to take medicine, or do you want to practice Dafa?” She said immediately, “I want to practice!” After her thought emerged, Master started to cleanse her body, and she appeared to suffer from her old diseases. But she only suffered briefly, and soon after, she got well completely. After this experience, my whole family started practicing Falun Dafa. We appreciate great Master again!

My brother suffered from an aortic aneurysm on September 19, 2011. It was very serious and he was in great pain. Many people die from aortic aneurysms, but he was able to be sent to a city hospital for emergency surgery. The surgery went well, and he had no complications. I know that it is because he supported Dafa and often recited, “Falun Dafa is good.”

After he started practicing Falun Gong, my husband also stopped using cigarettes and alcohol and stopped gambling. His chronic toothache subsided and he no longer has high blood pressure or hemorrhoids. My mother-in-law also studies Dafa, and is very healthy. She will be 88 years old this year. My whole family has benefited greatly from Dafa.

I will assist Master in the Fa-rectification, do the three things well, and go home with Master.