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Dallas, Texas: Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Public Introduction (Photos)

May 13, 2012 |   By Zeng Hong in Dallas

(Minghui.org) Practitioners in Dallas, Texas gathered in Russell Creek Park in Plano on May 6, 2012 to celebrate the upcoming the 13th World Falun Dafa Day and the 20th anniversary of Falun Dafa's introduction to the public. Mayor of Plano Phil Dyer and several mayors of nearby cities sent proclamations and proclaimed May 13 as World Falun Dafa Day in their cities.


Practitioners in Dallas do the exercises together in Russell Creek Park


Falun Dafa came to Dallas in 1996. Over the past 16 years, the number of practitioners has constantly increased. Practitioners have held many free exercise teaching classes in different cities. There have been group practices on weekends in three cities, and people have been informed about Falun Dafa through a variety of means. In recent years, local practitioners have actively participated in community activities, and practitioners could be seen in many festival parades.

Russell Creek Park is located in Plano, which has a large Asian population. Its beautiful scenery and venues available for sports make it a gathering place for nearby residents to do morning exercises on weekends. Practitioners' peaceful exercises attracted many people to stop in front of the photo displays to view them. A young Indian lady who was jogging in the park came over to find out what Falun Gong is. She said, “The music sounds so unusual, it makes my heart surprisingly calm. It's so powerful. I very much want to learn it.” She took a flyer and repeatedly thanked the practitioner.

An elderly Chinese couple watched the practitioners doing the exercises for a long time. When a practitioner walked up to them, they asked, “Is it Falun Gong?” It turned out that they just came from China not long ago. They dared not to believe, and were even a bit pleasantly surprise to see Falun Gong here, since Falun Gong has been suppressed in China for many years.

The husband said, “Some people in my workplace were persecuted for practicing Falun Gong. The Chinese Communist Party has launched many persecution campaigns which we have experienced. It is very cruel.” The wife said, “[Falun Gong] is protected here. Those who practice Falun Gong are all good people!” The husband said, “We have learned a lot what we couldn't know in China after we came here. You should keep it up!”


Practitioners in Dallas celebrate World Falun Dafa Day in Russell Creek Park

Mayor of Plano Phil Dyer expressed his congratulations to Falun Gong practitioners through his secretary. He also presented a proclamation, proclaiming May 13 as “World Falun Dafa Day” in Plano. He praised Falun Dafa for practicing its universal principles that encourage Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.