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My Husband's Liver Tumor Disappeared After Practicing Falun Dafa

May 10, 2012 |   By a practitioner in Xingtai City, Hebei Province

(Minghui.org) For several years I suffered from such illnesses as heart disease, stomach cramps, sciatica, pharyngitis, and others. In 1996, I started to practice Falun Dafa and all of my existing diseases were cured without even taking any medicine.

On July 22, 2004, my husband had a yearly physical examination at his work unit and a liver tumor was found. Thinking that he may have been misdiagnosed, he went to a city hospital for a re-examination. However, the diagnosis was unchanged. We felt as if we were hit by a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Our home was in turmoil. My husband is the only child in the family. My parents-in-law said they would try to find the best medical treatment for their son, even sell their house to pay for the medical expenses. They wished to send their son to the best hospital in Beijing. My husband witnessed the miracle of Falun Dafa in my life when my existing diseases disappeared after beginning to practice. To cure his tumor, he decided to practice Falun Dafa with me.

We studied Dafa and did the exercises together every day. About six months later, one night, I was sleeping when my husband suddenly woke me up. He was sure his liver tumor was now gone. I said, go to sleep, do not always think of your tumor. He insisted that his tumor had really gone. He said that, in a dream, he saw Master Li remove his tumor out through his back. My husband let me touch his back and I felt six or seven lumps about the size of an egg. Tears poured down my face. Master is so compassionate, he has not only removed the tumor, but has allowed us to see this take place. Later the lumps on his back also disappeared. Re-examination at the hospital found that the liver tumor was really gone. Our relatives, friends, colleagues, and co-workers, all have witnessed the wonderful results of living the principles of Falun Dafa.