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Taking Action with an Unaffected Mind

April 30, 2012 |   By a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) After Wang Lijun sought asylum at the U.S. Embassy in Chengdu City on February 6, 2012, the fighting within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) became more and more intense. The incident has created a sizable disturbance for practitioners in China. The evil party has persecuted Falun Gong for about 13 years now, and as the time when the truth will become known to the world nears, and the evil party's collapse approaches, it is reasonable for everyday people to become excited. But practitioners should remain undisturbed and unaffected. The Minghui website has published many articles regarding this point. I would like to share my views about how practitioners should act.

Teacher said in Zhuan Falun,

“If nobody made a move under changes in the celestial phenomena, it wouldn’t bring about that state of affairs in the ordinary world, and it wouldn’t be called a change in the celestial phenomena.”

The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, published in November 2004, brought about the beginning of large numbers of citizens quitting the CCP, and thereby dissolving the CCP. Without a doubt, this meets the needs of Teacher’s Fa rectification. Nonetheless, practitioners still need to do their part. They need to distribute the Nine Commentaries, urge people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, and help to end the persecution. After the Nine Commentaries was published, Teacher subsequently published a few articles, including “We Are Not ‘Getting Political,’” and “Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World.” However, many practitioners felt that we were getting involved in politics, became bewildered, and stayed in a state of inaction. Other practitioners took action, but without a clear understanding or realization of the situation. After a long period of time, some practitioners have gradually become clear on the matter, but they have already wasted much time that could have been used to distribute the Nine Commentaries and urge people to quit the CCP. This caused a great loss in saving sentient beings.

In July 2011, overseas media reported news of Jiang Zemin’s death. The Minghui website subsequently published the article “A Time for Firecrackers and Celebration.” This coincided with a change in celestial phenomena. Minghui told us what to do – celebrate with firecrackers, use the opportunity to tell people the facts about the persecution, expose the atrocities of Jiang Zemin, and save sentient beings. If all practitioners in China could have followed heaven's will and acted in accordance with these changes in the celestial phenomena, Jiang Zemin might not have been able to survive. The situation could have turned toward a direction favorable for sentient beings. Because practitioners failed to understand the importance of the situation, they didn't take adequate action. Even when they started to wake up and take action after a couple of weeks, a portion of practitioners still didn't participate. They used the excuse of being unmoved to hide their attachment of fear. This has generated major losses and had a negative impact. It is a tough lesson. The lost opportunity may not reappear.

The internal fighting of the CCP started with the Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai incident in February, and is still continuing. The progress of Teacher’s Fa-rectification at this stage is a result of changes in the celestial phenomena, under the conditions where large amounts of evil have been annihilated. Practitioners in China should take advantage of the current favorable situations and use the Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun incident as a starting point in exposing the atrocities they have committed, which include persecuting and harvesting organs from living practitioners. The behind-the-scenes perpetrators, Zhou Yongkang and Jiang Zemin, will both be held accountable as well. I hope that all practitioners in China can quickly take action to help propel the change in celestial phenomena, end the persecution, and save more sentient beings.

Please point out my deficiencies.