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Experiencing Miracles By Believing Falun Gong Is Good and Withdrawing from the CCP

April 28, 2012 |   By a practitioner in Shandong Province

(Minghui.org) I began to practice Falun Dafa in 1997, which helped me to understand my mission and responsibilities for coming to this world. I even helped seven of my friends and relatives to take up the practice.

Over time, I have experienced benefits from being a Falun Dafa practitioner. Therefore, I wish to share in this article what I have experienced since 1997.

Before I talk about my experiences, I want to ask people not to listen to the lies fabricated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Practitioners are good people that live by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

1. Protecting Falun Gong Made My Mother’s Back Pain Disappear

When my mother was more than 70 years old, she fell on a stone and injured her spine. She became bedridden and there was no treatment that improved her condition.

My younger niece came to visit her and said, "Grandma, don't allow Aunt [referring to me] practice Falun Gong. Have you seen the news on television? Practitioners committed suicide by self-immolating. It is very strange and scary."

Despite her lower back pain my mother said angrily, "The CCP has bought harm and misery to this country. What you see and hear on television is a lie. Do not listen to it! I have borrowed and read the Falun Dafa book from your aunt. What Master said in the book brings good thoughts to people."

Then mother condemned Mao and Jiang because they were responsible for killing countless innocent people during CCP movements. Finally she said, "I would have learned Falun Gong, but I'm unable to practice forbearance and can't stop fighting back when people challenge and confront me."

After mother defended Falun Gong, she moved a little and the pain was much less. After a while she also began to practice Falun Gong.

2. Uncle’s Ringworm That Had Tormented Him for Over 30 Years Miraculously Disappeared

In the Spring of 2007, my 79-year-old uncle came to visit us and worship his ancestors. He said that he had become homesick after his wife died and this visit with his relatives in his hometown might be the last time. He had lost his appetite. My mother worried about him and invited him stay with us.

Mother spoke to him about Falun Dafa and taught him the exercises. Within a month, my uncle was completely restored to health and he no longer was in a miserable mood. What was most miraculous was that the ringworm on his scalp that he had had for over 30 years was cured.

3. After Reading Informational Brochures, My Sister-in-law Was Cured of a Gynecologic Hemorrhage

On July 20, 1997, the CCP began its illegal persecution of Falun Gong. As a practitioner, I have benefited physically and mentally.

After the onset of the persecution, I was repeatedly arrested, detained, and imprisoned because I appealed for justice for Falun Gong. I was dismissed from my job and my family was angry with me.

After having been homeless for some time, I handed my sister-in-law a Falun Dafa brochure. After reading it she thought, "Is Falun Gong really so powerful? Will an illness be cured when a critically ill patient sincerely says 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance are good?' Master Li, if my gynecologic hemorrhaging stops, I will practice Falun Gong." A miracle happened and her gynecologic hemorrhaging stopped. She said, "My back and lower abdominal pains gradually became less and then stopped."

After witnessing this miracle, three of her family members began to practice Falun Gong. Because of practicing Falun Gong, despite some tribulations, her family life became harmonious.

4. After Quitting the CCP, My Father-in-law Didn't Need Surgery Anymore

For many years, my father-in-law was a secretary of the CCP village branch. He was brainwashed and poisoned by the CCP culture, and he followed CCP directives. I repeatedly advised him to resign from the CCP and its affiliates. He not only refused to resign, but said disrespectful words about Master and Falun Dafa.

My father-in-law experienced a sudden onset of acute prostatitis, a painful infection of the prostrate gland, couldn't urinate, and his stomach hurt. Because of this condition, he finally said, "I wish to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations." He no longer needed surgery and only took some medication.

Now he studies Falun Dafa diligently and helps people quit the CCP and its affiliates.

5. After Protecting Falun Dafa Books and Withdrawing from the CCP, a Malignant Tumor Becomes Benign

In 2001, when I became homeless, I hid some Falun Dafa books in the home of one of my co-workers. After returning home, I told her the facts about Falun Dafa and persuaded her to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliates. At last she agreed to withdraw. When I asked her why she finally did, she said, "I have to admit that I didn't resign from the CCP before because I feared being persecuted. Now I have cancer-what should I be afraid of? Resigning is OK for a dying lady."

I asked her to repeatedly say, 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are good.’ The following day she signed into a hospital for an operation. Laboratory tests indicated that the “malignant” tumor was now benign. The doctors couldn't believe that a miracle had happened and claimed that the original test was wrong.

The above are just a few of the things I have experienced because of the power of Falun Dafa. Anyone who can take up the practice will definitely benefit.

I hope that everyone understands the facts about Falun Dafa after they read this article. I'm asking everyone to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations so that they will have a good future.