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Elderly Woman in Anhui Province: Master Saved My Life

April 23, 2012 |  

(Minghui.org) I was illiterate and troubled by many illnesses. My younger son and his wife practiced Falun Dafa. My daughter-in-law told me that it would be beneficial to my health to recite sincerely, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. Falun Dafa is good." Hence, on a daily basis, I would recite these phrases. One week later, my eyes, which had been irritated by eyelashes poking into them, got better. My heart problem, asthma, and chronic gastritis began to heal as well. I was very thankful to Master. Although I don't practice Falun Dafa, I benefited because my son and his wife are practitioners.

In 2009, I was 77 years old. At the end of November, the weather became colder, so I wrapped myself in a blanket and climbed up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, I lost my footing and fell backwards from the second floor to the ground floor. My head hit a brick and I was knocked out. After I regained consciousness, I saw a pool of blood on the floor. I touched the right side of my head and realized that there was a big hole the size of a coin. Blood was still oozing from this wound, and there was blood all over my hair and clothes. At that point, I heard a voice, "Go and wash yourself with cold water." I got up and went to the kitchen to get a basin of cold water. The water in the basin became blood red after I washed myself. After the third change of water, I said in my heart, "Master, I cannot continue bleeding." A miracle happened. The bleeding gradually stopped. My daughter-in-law came back from work and was shocked to see me covered in blood. She quickly phoned my daughter, who called the doctor to come to the house. The doctor said that I should have an injection and get my wound stitched up and be placed on a drip. The villagers, fearing for my life, also came to urge me to be hospitalized. I have steadfast faith in Dafa and in Master and told the villagers around me, "I have the protection of Master! I will recover in a week's time." My daughter had no choice but to cover my wound with some tissue paper.

The next day, the daughter-in-law who practices Falun Dafa rushed to see me and asked if I would be willing to practice the exercises with her. She also encouraged me to listen to an audiotape of Master's lectures. Miraculously, the hole in my head got smaller and smaller and I recovered in a week's time. Within a month, I was able to go out to buy vegetables. Many people who I knew about my injury were shocked, "This aged lady did not die; she must be protected by divine beings! Falun Gong is really miraculous!" Through this incident, the surrounding villagers changed their mind about Falun Gong. Later whenever I met anyone, I would tell him or her about my personal experience of benefiting from Falun Dafa. I would give them an amulet (1) and a Shen Yun DVD, as well as materials that clarify the truth about Falun Gong.

In 2010, I was 78. I visited my younger son who worked in another area. One day while I was walking with my daughter-in-law, a motorist hit me. The impact of the collision threw me six meters and the back of my head hit the ground. My daughter-in-law ran towards me and held me in her arms. She said, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Falun Dafa is good! Thank Master for protecting you! You will be fine!" I slowly got up. There was a deep wound about an inch long on the left side of my head and it was bleeding.

The motorist was so shocked that he looked pale. The bystanders were blaming the motorist. My daughter-in-law then approached the motorist, "Please don't be afraid. We will not use this to ask you for money. We are Falun Dafa practitioners. Master requires each of us to be an exemplary person, one who is better than the average person. He wants us to tell people the facts about the staged self-immolation incident at Tiananmen, as well as the fact that renouncing your Party membership will guarantee your safety." The motorist came to understand the facts about Falun Gong. He put both palms together and said, "Thank you! Where do you live and what is your telephone number? I will take this lady to the hospital for treatment and pay for her treatment." I told him that it was not necessary and that he should thank Master instead! I advised him to tell his friends and family about this accident and that Falun Dafa is good because this was also a good deed that brings people virtue and rewards! I also gave him an amulet. The motorist walked away happily. My wound closed up within four days.

I am now 86. Because of practicing Falun Gong, my son was illegally arrested and locked up in a detention center. When I attempted to visit him, the guards turned me away. I was very sad and cried daily. My face became swollen and my eyesight deteriorated. My hair also became more gray. I then had an accident in which I fell backward onto a flowerpot, while standing on the balcony. I could not get up and shouted for my daughter-in-law to pull me up. I was uninjured! Master once again saved my life.

Now I send forth righteous thoughts with my daughter-in-law to eliminate the evil beings that are persecuting Dafa practitioners. I also send forth righteous thoughts so that Jiang Zemin and his accomplices will be brought to justice. I will kneel down to welcome Master back to China and hope that all the practitioners who were imprisoned are released.

Note: (1) Amulets – In China, practitioners sometimes clarify the truth by giving people something small to wear or cherish, bearing a few words reminding them of the goodness of Dafa.