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Improving Xinxing by Participating in a Group Rescue Project

April 19, 2012 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) Two local practitioners were arrested and held in a local detention center and had been there for a long time. In order to rescue them, the coordinator set up a rescue team and hoped every practitioner would participate in this effort. However, I wondered whether or not I should participate. Although I obtained Fa more than a decade ago, my cultivation state was not always good. I had been harassed by fake sickness phenomena for many years. Although I have been always working on the three things, practicing and reading the Fa, cultivating inward, and denying the fake illness symptoms, I did not truly break through this tribulation. Cultivators in the Fa study group also helped by sending righteous thoughts for me but achieved little success. After staying in such a state for a long time, I felt hopeless and negative. At this time, thought karma also took this opportunity to interfere with me, which I was embarrassed to mention in front of other practitioners. So I was not participating in any large scale activities. With the attachment of fear, I hesitated to join in this rescue mission as well.

In fact, I had always been covering my fear attachment, and even had disagreements about this, with the coordinator. So I avoided the coordinator and seldom participated in local group activities. I think Master worried about me, because I had the desire to improve but could not move forward, so he arranged an opportunity for me to meet the coordinator.

The day before the rescue, I accidentally encountered the coordinator at another practitioner's house. He was busy with the arrangements for the next day's activity. Upon seeing me, he did not chat with me and just let me get to work. Since I was driving my own car, I naturally took on the work of contacting practitioners.

I thank Master for arranging this opportunity for me. In this process, I got acquainted with many practitioners. Their righteous thoughts, righteous deeds, and selflessness touched me all the time. In particular, my attachment of fear gradually diminished. Many attachments that were not perceivable before came out during this process. Once the attachment came out, I exposed it and fellow practitioners helped me.

However, I still backed out of many activities. The other day, the coordinator asked whether I could pick up practitioners coming in from other cities at 3:30 a.m. at the train station. I declined without hesitation, saying, “I cannot even get up at 3:30 to do exercises.” This revealed my attachment of seeking comfort, avoiding suffering, and not helping with the group. When I returned home, I felt more and more troubled. How could I refuse to help others at such an important time? Over the years I have been studying Master’s Fa and should know that Master requires us to cooperate. The coordinators contribute so much in activities for Dafa. There were budget limitations, and many practitioners did not understand the coordinators' work. Why did practitioners ride trains from other places and give up sleeping? What kind of person only wants to gain from Dafa but does not want to contribute? Why did I study the Fa every day? Was it just for standing up to validate Fa? Here was an opportunity, and I should not let it pass me by. After thinking for half the night, I made my decision to go and seize the opportunity that Master had presented me with. So the next morning, I went to see the coordinator at 3:30 a.m. The coordinator was worried, wondering if anyone would be able to assist with picking up the practitioners. When he saw me he said, “Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!”

On the road to the station, I was very excited. The coordinator talked to me about cooperation: “The fact that you came is a good example of cooperation. If practitioners from other places can take the train here, in the rain, how can we local practitioners not step up to help? On the other hand, it is good that you have the wish to participate and improve, but you need to remember to make the effort to get out and help. If you back out of a small test such as this, how can you improve your cultivation? Remember, at the crucial moment, it’s real cultivation to follow the Fa. You went out yesterday, and you felt an improvement in yourself. Today you are out, you again feel you are improving. If you always stay at home and do not go out and participate with other practitioners in projects, you feel you are safe, but how can you improve? If you do not go out, you will miss many opportunities like today.” I nodded and felt I indeed improved a lot.

We organized many cars to rescue the practitioners from the detention center. At 9 a.m. practitioners outside (including an 80-year-old woman) sent righteous thoughts until 3 p.m. It was cold and raining, but the practitioners were not affected. By noon the cars outside of the detention center were all practitioners’ cars. None of us had any lunch. A young practitioner brought snacks and delivered them to every car. He asked the coordinator if “that car” (my car) was also one of “ours.” I felt so moved when I heard the word “ours.” I felt the hearts of practitioners working together. Fellow practitioners have a special bond with each other. I almost cried. I gained so much that day. Although I could not see how much evil in other dimensions was eliminated, the cooperation of practitioners was sure to stun the evil. The practitioners inside said the effect was very good. Everyone—from the director to the ordinary police officers in the detention center—were very sympathetic to the Dafa disciples and did what they could at that time. Although the practitioners detained were not released then, we did what we could.

Throughout the rescue process, I felt very moved; I felt I had finally released the attachment of fear. Without fear, I spoke to Master in my heart, “Master, here I am. Your disciple who had fallen behind finally came through." At that moment, I felt I was gigantic and had the power to eliminate all evil. Previously, I seldom sent righteous thoughts for fellow practitioners. I always just sent righteous thoughts to help myself pass tribulations. I needed to do more than desire the release of attachments. I suffered tribulations enforced by the evil. In fact, Master already gave us all the power, and just looks to see whether we use it, how we use it, and for whom we use it (others or just ourselves).

I should have let go of my ego long ago. The evil is really nothing. Master just used it to improve us practitioners. Fellow practitioners, never miss any opportunity Master offers to us! Master is concerned about us!

When sending righteous thoughts at 6 a.m., I again was moved to tears for Master's great mercy. I begged Master to strengthen my righteous thoughts so that I could write down my experience. My hope is that this article can inspire other practitioners who are in a similar state of mind. I realized that the coordinator was right about many practitioners who stayed at home to study the Fa and send righteous thoughts but did not go out to participate in group activities. They had the attachment of fear as well as lacking the concept of working together as one. These practitioners usually improve more slowly, without experiencing the conflicts among practitioners. They are like the flowers inside that do not experience the wind and rain, cold and frost, so they are slow to improve. Master said:

“Study the Fa and gain the Fa,
Focus on how you study and cultivate,
Let each and every thing
be measured against the Fa.
Only then, with that,
is it actually cultivation.” (“Solid Cultivation” in Hong Yin)

I think there is no shortcut in cultivation. Only by solidly doing the three things can you improve naturally. If there is anything inappropriate in this article, please point it out. Thank you!