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Writing Articles Is Not Difficult When Writing from Your Heart

April 13, 2012 |   By a Practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) The Minghui website's "May 13" article deadline will arrive soon. It was reported that many practitioners had not taken advantage of this opportunity, thinking that because they didn't have good educations they would not know how to write. Actually this came from their human notions and interference. Master has validated the Fa for 20 years and the evil has persecuted practitioners for nearly 13 years. Every true practitioner who has walked to this point has a deep understanding of the Fa. They all have their own stories and their understandings of the beauty of Dafa. Their experiences would fill a thick book.

Actually there are not enough practitioners here who can write heart-felt articles, but at least they are capable of writing. Some articles did not achieve the effect of clarifying truth and exposing the evil. Our local materials are not diversified and lack content, so they don't touch people's hearts. Only a few practitioners collect materials and write articles. The persecution was not fully enough exposed to achieve positive results.

I don't have much education, let alone the ability to write good articles. I have read many practitioners' articles so I learned a bit. In 2007, some miracles happened in my cultivation, so I thought about writing about them to validate the Fa. But my attachment to my lack of ability delayed my writing for a few years. I later read a practitioner's article and enlightened. That practitioner had made great efforts and spent a lot of time writing an article. After sending it to the Minghui website, it was published and made into an audio program. I was excited for a few days after reading about this experience. My ability to write was opened by Master. So I started writing, and during the past year, a few articles were published on the Minghui website. This was a cultivation and improvement process and I gradually eliminated my attachments to fame and self-interest, the attachment of showing off, zealotry, and the attachment of pursuing publication. Now, ninety percent of my articles are published. Some have even been categorized as recommended articles. Going from not knowing how to write, to writing many high-quality articles, was a miracle. All the inspiration and wisdom came from the Fa. When the starting point is on the Fa, anything can be achieved.

There are many good articles on the Minghui website, especially news reports, commentaries, and articles that expose the persecution. The persecution should be exposed regardless of whether you write or not. It is not really difficult when you truly want to write. It is also OK to ask other practitioners to transcribe and write for you. Here is a simple method for fellow practitioners' reference.

The articles are to expose the persecution, validate Dafa, and let people know the beauty of Dafa in order to save them. So we should consider how everyday people view them so as to appeal to them and lead them to finish reading the article. Since what we write is for everyday people to read and to open their hearts, we should focus on one topic instead of trying to cover everything. The tone should be like when clarifying truth, and the language should be plain and smooth. The only difference is that we are recording what we say. If some practitioners have difficulty doing that, they can record first then transcribe. It is not that time consuming, and polishing would then make it a good article. If you still feel it's too hard to do, you can just write the article in a time line and send it to the editors. They will be able to polish it.

In some places, experience sharing conferences are occasionally held. Sometimes, many practitioners write articles, but sometimes there were no written articles, and instead the practitioners simply talked about their experiences. The experience sharing covers many topics and they are very good at validating the Fa. It was a shame that no practitioners collected them. If this was done as I described, recording first then transcribing and polishing, many of the sharings could be used. Two years ago, a practitioner told me that an experience sharing conference was held in her hometown, and many practitioners participated. The practitioner said that many sharings were miraculous and could help people break through atheism. But this practitioner was not able to remember the details clearly so I was not able to collect enough information. This made a big impression on me.

One day, while an elderly practitioner was riding his motorcycle to an experience sharing conference, he had an accident with an everyday person. When he stepped on his brakes, he was thrown from his bike to the ground. When bystanders saw it, they were all scared, but the practitioner was not hurt at all. This was a miracle. The practitioner had a high xinxing standard and did not cause trouble for the other person. But this was not reported. This incident could be included in the local truth-clarification materials, and it could be very interesting to everyday people. There have been so many miracles that have happened to practitioners without being reported.

If there are practitioners paying attention to this matter and collecting materials on different topics, these articles can be published on Minghui and in local materials. This could have the effect of saving sentient beings. These good experiences should not be ignored but should be used to validate the Fa.

Master taught us in Zhuan Falun,

“As a truly-determined practitioner, one is able to endure everything and give up or care less for any attachment in the face of various self-interests. As long as one can do this, it will not be difficult. Those people find it difficult because they cannot let go of these things. Cultivation practice itself is not difficult, and neither is upgrading one’s level itself difficult. It is because they cannot give up the human mind that they call it difficult.”

Practitioners who are afraid of writing articles can overcome this hurdle and improve themselves. There are many such examples on Minghui. It is not difficult if done from your heart.