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A Good Way to Help Practitioners in Financial Difficulty

March 31, 2012 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) In recent years, some practitioners in financial difficulty borrowed money from other practitioners for their businesses. The amounts ranged from thousands of yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan. Even so, their businesses eventually failed. Some have not repaid the loan to this day and this has caused non-practitioner family members to complain. I think it is because the cultivation path of those who borrowed was not righteous and they were taken advantage of by the evil.

First, those practitioners having financial difficulties should be realistic. If someone has no ability to successfully run a business but still borrows money for it, are they really attached to greed? Predestination between practitioners is predestination in cultivation. We should share experiences and improve together. If someone takes advantage of the predestination to borrow money for personal gain, aren't they taking advantage of Dafa? Practitioners' money is also a Dafa resource! Those practitioners who borrowed money were using resources meant for Dafa, so the evil used this loophole to make the businesses fail.

Second, those who lent money to fellow practitioners should also consider their position from the Fa. Cultivation directly tests the human mind. How do we do what is truly best for other practitioners? If you see another practitioner's strong desire to be rich, do you help him not to hurt his feelings and so he can live a better life? Have you really helped him? Perhaps you could advise him to deal with his financial troubles with righteous thoughts and face the difficulties by himself. I recalled a story about Milarepa. The wife of Milarepa's teacher could not bear to see Milarepa suffering and helped him. This interfered with the cultivation path arranged by Milarepa's teacher. When Milarepa's karma at the ninth level was not completely eliminated, he suffered a great tribulation at a key moment.

Many practitioners are also attached to human emotion when helping practitioners who are homeless. They actually nurture the homeless practitioner's attachment to greed by offering money, food, and a place to stay. As a result, some practitioners who did not have to be homeless got used to eating and staying in practitioners' homes for long periods. They relied on practitioners' help for many years and so could not walk their Fa-rectification path righteously. If such a practitioner fails in cultivation because the evil has taken advantage of this, haven't practitioners actually brought him more trouble?

Money is best utilized for saving people. It is a Dafa resource. We should be careful when using it for an individual practitioner's personal gain, even as a loan. We should not only consider whether we can let go of money and property, but also consider if this would encourage other practitioners' attachment to greed. What is the best way to be truly good to other practitioners?

The above is my personal understanding. If there is any inappropriate words, please point them out.