Additional Information About Arrests in Hebei Province on February 25

( In a March 19, 2012 report, “Practitioners Arrested in Several Cities of Hebei Province on February 25, 2012” (, the Clearwisdom website reported that Falun Dafa practitioners had been arrested in Hebei Province on February 25. Here is some additional information.

Tangshan City

On the morning of February 25, 2012, Mr. Zhang Guochen of the Jinggezhuang Mine in the Kaiping District was arrested. His home was ransacked that afternoon. Details are not available.

Early on the morning of February 25, 2012, the home of the mother of deceased practitioner Ms. Zhang Jingjun, located in the Yuanding Building, was ransacked. Details are not available.

On the morning of February 25, 2012, Mr. Yang Guoguang of Hanchen was arrested, and his home was ransacked. Ms. Xu Jie was also arrested.

On the morning of February 25, 2012, Ms. Xu Suqin' family of three were arrested. They live in the Nanchang Workers Neighborhood in the Lunan District. Their home was ransacked. Details are not available.

On February 25, 2012, Mr. Li Wendong was arrested by officers from the Suidong Police Station, and his home was ransacked. Police are most likely still watching his home.

Baoding City

After 6:00 a.m. on February 25, 2012, officers from the Wusi Road Police Station arrested Ms. Qi Shuying at home, and illegally seized her computer, printer, and other property. According to an unverified news report, others were also arrested.

Handan City

At around 5:00 a.m. on February 25, 2012, more than ten officers from the Nanbao Township Police Station jumped over a wall and broke into the home of Mr. Han. They searched it without showing any search warrant, just their badges. They confiscated two computers, Dafa books, and 72 boxes of discs. They left at around 8:00 a.m. When Mr. Han's family members went the police station that afternoon to ask where he was, officers claimed that he had been taken away by the Handan County Domestic Security Division and was being held in the Handan County Detention Center.

Mr. Qin Jianxue was arrested at home by officers from the Hanshan District Domestic Security Division and Criminal Division, and his home was ransacked. He is being detained in the Hanshan District Criminal Division. His family appealed for his release at the Handan Police Department for an entire day. The surname of the officer in charge of the case is Lu.

Mr. Zhang Huaijun from Guantao County runs a small household electronics shop in Dongxingzhuang, in Handan County. He was arrested at around 6:00 a.m. on February 25, 2012, by You Yong, the chief of the Handan County Domestic Security Division, and more than 29 other officers. They arrested a fruit vendor at the same time. Details are unknown.

Botou City

Botou City Police Department officers arrested Mr. Yao and his mother in Xiaozhaotun Village, Fuzhen Township on February 24, 2012. It is said that they are being held in the Botou Detention Center. Details are not available. The 610 Office in Botou City ordered police stations and village committees to harass practitioners.

Xian County

The Cangzhou Police Department ordered the Botou City Police Department and the Xian County Police Department to arrest practitioners in Xian County. Dachenzhuang Town practitioner Mr. Wu Jinluan, and the outstanding teacher of the Secondary Middle School of the county, Ms. Wu Jinling, were arrested at home on the morning of February 25, 2012. Officers seized their computers and personal belongings. Mr. Wu was released after the officers extorted 20,000 yuan from his family and forced him to sign a document. Ms. Wu was imprisoned in a women's detention center in Renqiu.

Personnel involved in the arrests:
You Yong, chief of Handan County Domestic Security Division: +86-13315080013 (Cell)
Zhu Junhua, deputy chief of Handan County Domestic Security Division: +86-13180536872 (Cell)
Lu Yinghai, chief of Hanshan District Domestic Security Division: +86-310-3125361 (Office), +86-13012119399 (Cell), +86-13315083138 (Cell)
Ren Gui, officer of Hanshan Criminal Division: +86-310-3125836 (Cell), +86-13315065100 (Cell)
Wang Hongwei, officer of Hanshan Criminal Division: +86-13315065169 (Cell)
Bu Zili, officer of Hanshan Criminal Division: +86-13315065619 (Cell)

Posting date: 3/22/2012
Category: Persecution Accounts
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