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Police Officers Who Have Awakened to the Truth

February 04, 2012 |   By Li Zhen


A Police Officer’s Righteous Acts

My son Le Le was studying at a university in Beijing in 2003. When he took one of his final examinations that year, he found four questions that slandered Falun Gong. Le Le knew that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, and knew that the statements in those questions were false and far from the truth. So he didn’t answer the questions.

However, the university officials seized upon the matter. They searched Le Le’s dormitory and his personal belongings. Although they didn’t find any Falun Gong materials, they contacted us and threatened to expel Le Le and send him back home. They threatened to send him to the police department. Later the university officials reported this to our local police station and police department, and told them to arrest my son.

I am a Falun Gong practitioner and even though it's not against the law to practice, the police have put me on their blacklist. Therefore my husband was very concerned about Le Le’s situation. He deeply understood that the communist regime is capable of any evil because his father was persecuted to death during the Cultural Revolution. In order to protect Le Le, my husband found the police officer who was in charge of our area. He clarified the facts to him and asked him for help.

The police officer immediately very clearly stated that he would try his best to help us. He was busy going back and forth between the police station and the police department, networking through various offices. In the end, Le Le was spared being persecuted. When we met the police officer afterwards, he told us, “My aunty practices Falun Gong as well. I know Falun Gong is good.” He also told us, “I have gotten rid of all the materials that slandered Falun Gong from your file.”

I was very moved by his righteous actions. He protected a practitioner during the period of time when the communist regime most ferociously persecuted Dafa. I know his righteous acts will bring him blessings in the future.

I refuse to persecute practitioners!”

A policeman who knew my husband came to my home to borrow something one day. I saw that he had difficulty walking, so I asked him “What’s wrong with your legs?” He said with a sigh, “I had a traffic accident more than three months ago. In order to avoid crashing into a car, I fell down with my motorcycle, and had trouble walking afterwards. Afterwards in the hospital, I was told my legs were fractured.”

I kindly reminded him to pay more attention to safety. While chatting with him, I realized that he may have participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. I said solicitously, “I have heard that many police officers who didn’t know the truth were met with misfortune after blindly following the authorities’ orders.”

He replied with a sigh, “After lying in bed and thinking it over for three months, I have understood the truth about Falun Gong.” He continued, “Several days ago, I went to a morning market and found a female practitioner distributing Falun Gong materials. I immediately walked away [rather than arrest her]. I refuse to persecute practitioners!” I further clarified the facts about Falun Gong to him and persuaded him to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. He agreed and nodded happily.

Police Who Are Clear about the Truth

I went to a reunion party with my middle school classmates in the spring of 2009, and found six classmates whom I hadn’t helped quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. So I talked with them separately at a side table and told them the facts about Falun Gong. Each of them expressed their intention to quit the CCP after hearing the truth.

A male classmate told me that he worked at a police department. I said, “As a police officer, you must be very aware of the persecution of Falun Gong, aren’t you?” He laughed and replied, “I knew about Falun Gong long ago. But I want to let you know that I've never participated in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. When people who haven’t understood the truth about Falun Gong reported practitioners to us, my director always told us, ‘Turn your siren on and just drive around out there and make three rounds. Then come back right away!’”

Upon hearing this, I really felt happy for the police who were clear about the truth.