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Respected Master Provides Practitioners With Fa Implements to Save Sentient Beings

November 06, 2012 |   By a practitioner from Hunan Province

(Minghui.org) I have been complying with Master’s instructions to send forth righteous thoughts for the past ten years. Recently, however, I discovered problems in my understanding of this matter. Despite our efforts to send forth righteous thoughts, we are often unable to see the results directly. Hence our supernormal abilities are frequently not utilized well, resulting in the slower elimination of evil forces and our being lax in sending forth righteous thoughts.

I have difficulty managing my time because of work commitments. Sending forth righteous thoughts at the four pre-arranged times has been difficult to do. Though I knew how important it was to do this well, I was unable to achieve any breakthrough due to the low expectations I had set for myself, and my lack of diligence. When I reflected on my experience in sending forth righteous thoughts however, I realized this mindset needed to be corrected as soon as possible. To save more sentient beings and overcome the difficulty of clearing the evil forces, I have written about my experiences over these past few years in the hope that we can learn from each other and do the three things better.

I obtained the Fa in 1998. Falun Dafa’s deep and profound teachings touched me greatly, and I immediately started cultivation. Within half a year of cultivation, I observed great improvement in my health. The illnesses I had previously suffered from mysteriously vanished, and the originally sickly pallor of my face became rosy. While practicing the meditation exercises, I occasionally glimpsed the indescribable splendor of other dimensions and heard their otherworldly melodies. Even the photos I took often had images of Falun in them. With Master’s protection and encouragement, I cultivated steadfastly through all odds. I now firmly believe that everything Master taught us in Zhuan Falun is true.

During the initial stages of sending forth righteous thoughts, I occasionally thought that I could feel the supernormal powers Master had given us at work. I also utilized this power in my daily cultivation. For example, I have run a small truth clarification materials production site for over ten years, successfully surviving through tough times. To date, the site is thriving under Master’s protection. I ask the righteous gods and those who protect the Fa to assist me by covering my site with a shield, destroying those with evil intentions, and preventing the evil from discovering this place. By sending forth the righteous thought that “No one can restrict my access to the Internet,” I have enjoyed unimpeded access. One year during my attempt to clear the evil party's slogans from a public area, I sent forth a righteous thought to clear the crowds of people sitting in the area. As soon as I stepped out of my front door it immediately started drizzling, and the crowd quickly dispersed. I then proceeded to successfully clear the area of slogans.

Not all my problems were resolved so smoothly, and sometimes I found myself at a loss. Once while sending forth righteous thoughts, I saw a dark mass slowly retreating to a distance, and another time I observed rows of dark minions and rotten demons toppling over. During one complicated encounter, a very dense black mass surrounded me, and it took half an hour of sending forth righteous thoughts to clear it completely. Another time while trying to destroy the evil party’s dark den, I noticed a giant round object floating in midair and tried to shoot it down. As soon as that round mass was cut open, snakes, centipedes, and all manner of bugs were released. I used bombs to destroy and dissolve them into primordial matter, before thoroughly eliminating them altogether.

Not long after we were instructed to send forth righteous thoughts, everyone chipped in to assist an elderly practitioner who had been hospitalized for quite some time. We assisted by interacting and sending forth righteous thoughts with her. One day while sending forth righteous thoughts, I saw her standing beside the entrance of a wide dark hole that appeared infinitely deep. Helpless and unsure of what to do, I stopped, and this practitioner passed away soon after.

At other times, I found myself appealing to Master for help. There was an elderly practitioner who suffered from cancer symptoms and found this tribulation difficult to overcome. We were sending forth righteous thoughts just before he passed away and I saw him being led off by a pair of black clothed figures. His arms were held back and a dense black substance behind him obscured half the sky. At that time I was desperate to save this practitioner, yet afraid to use my supernormal powers for fear of hurting him. In that moment of urgency I shouted, “Master, quickly help me!” The black clothed figures immediately released the practitioner and the dark matter that had obscured the sky dispersed. Revered Master had saved this practitioner and destroyed the evil. I returned to this practitioner’s home and saw him standing next to his body. I told him, “Quickly, put on your clothes (referring to his body).” He smiled and said, “These clothes are too worn out.” I replied, “You have yet to complete the task of saving sentient beings that Master has arranged for you…” He gave me a solemn yet regretful look before disappearing.

At times I think, “It is not good to keep bothering Master. For the things that I can resolve on my own, I will do my best to solve them myself.” This has sometimes resulted in situations where I lack the power to eliminate the evil. One day while deep in meditation, I noticed a light blue bowl drifting over to me from a distance. I was hesitant to accept it and after my meditation I keep wondering, “Is it for me? Can I accept it?” I didn't want to take this item if it belonged to another, and moreover things are complicated in the other dimension. I sent forth a thought, “If this was left by Master for me, then I will take it. If it was not from Master, then I don't want it.” After a period of time, I further observed a short sword on my left and a long whip right in front of me while I was sending forth righteous thoughts. I immediately responded, “I will take these items if Master has given them to me. Thank you, Master. If these were not from Master, I will not accept them.” Later I kept wondering, “Why would Master give me these items?”

One day I was assisting a fellow practitioner afflicted with severe sickness karma by sending forth righteous thoughts with a few other practitioners, when I saw a ten-foot-tall centipede-like monster. Surrounding it were a multitude of evil beings. I immediately thought of the bowl, which appeared and grew in size before me. It sucked the evil spirits into itself before dissolving them into primordial matter. I later discovered that some black qi had escaped to my fellow practitioners' bodies. Afraid of hurting my fellow practitioners, I was uncertain of what to do. At this point, the half hour session ended. After reaching home, I described what I had seen to my husband, who asked, “Why didn’t you call out to Master?” Only then did I understand what I should have done during those frantic moments.

Once while clearing away the evil factors in our area, I started off by clarifying the truth to all those beings at levels I had access to. I told them, “Master Li Hongzhi is here to save the universe. Those beings and their followers who follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance will enjoy a wonderful future. Those who insist on following the laws of the old universe and interfering with Fa rectification will be destroyed.” It slipped my mind to also include those evil gods and rotten demons. That night, a nightmare jolted me awake. Large pieces of green stone were falling from the sky. I shouted loudly, “Bowl!” The bowl appeared and grew to an immense size before me, while the rain of stones immediately vanished. I proceeded to wield the long whip across all dimensions to clear the evil gods, rotten demons, and evil factors.

Master said,

“So if the evil has reached the point of being no longer savable, how to handle it isn’t a question of one’s personal cultivation--it is guarding the Fa of the cosmos. When necessary one can use different abilities of different levels to eliminate it.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2001 Canada Fa Conference”)

I know the old forces and evil spirits want to destroy the sentient beings in our area, and Master has saved them, while enlightening us on the use of these supernormal powers to eliminate evil and save people.

I have come to a recent understanding. Master has presented to each practitioner different supernormal items, yet these Fa implements should have been presented to every Dafa practitioner. I decided to communicate this understanding to fellow practitioners, but before I could touch my pen, a rotten demon who was watching me decided to act. I felt an object burrowing into my right waist and immediately took up my sword to hack it into pieces before clearing it out. My waist hurt so badly that I was unable to stand or get out of bed. I searched within myself, certain that a gap on my part had let the evil take advantage of my loopholes, which could only be resolved through additional Fa study, elimination of attachments, and cultivation. The next morning I still wasn't able to turn over or get out of bed, yet my husband asked me to water the flowers. I thought, “Here I am in this situation, yet you still ask me to water the flowers. What an unreasonable person.” My thoughts then shifted to another angle, “Isn’t this a test for me?” I immediately replied that I could do it, and I was then able to stand up. My waist hurt much less, but recovery was slow, as though part of the demon remained in my body wreaking havoc. I used a ball Fa implement, given by Master to another practitioner, to wrap up the piece before dissolving and destroying it, and in ten days I was fully recovered.

My initial understanding was that some practitioners had obtained Fa implements from Master. At the same time, Fa implements were also given to all practitioners. I now understand that these countless supernormal abilities originally belonged to mankind and also come together with our practice. Master distributed these Fa implements early on to every Dafa practitioner, except that many practitioners, like myself, didn't know and could not recall how to use them. Master presented some practitioners with Fa implements in order to show us how these implements are to be used. So, in actual fact, we have tools to counter every situation. In “20th Anniversary Fa Teaching,” Master said,

“I’ll tell you, for years I have been continually saying that Dafa disciples’ abilities are tremendous, yet many people don’t believe this since those abilities were not allowed to be seen. Under the effect of righteous thoughts, everything around you, as well as you yourself, will undergo changes. Yet you have never thought to give it a try.”

I would suggest that all practitioners try to use more of their supernormal and supernatural powers, regardless of their ability to see or not, as well as use a greater variety of Fa implements. Sending forth righteous thoughts is truly a massive battle between good and evil! Especially fellow practitioners who fall asleep or unconsciously allow their palms to tilt while sending forth righteous thoughts, this encourages the evil forces to act more violently. Please be more vigilant!