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High School Teacher in Harbin City Illegally Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

November 20, 2012 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Heilongjiang Province

Name: (陈荣) Chen Rong
Gender: Male
Occupation: High school teacher
Date of Most Recent Arrest: May 3, 2012
Most Recent Place of Detention: Hulan Detention Center (呼兰看守所)
Detention City:
Detention Province:
Persecution Suffered:
Illegal sentencing, physical restraint, illegal detention in a mental hospital, home ransacked, Illegal detention

(Minghui.org) In May of 2012, English teachers Mr. and Mrs. Chen Rong of Hulan High School in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, were arrested, and Mr. Chen was illegally sentenced to three years in prison.

Hulan High School is a model high school in Heilongjiang Province and Mr. Chen is an excellent English teacher. On May 3, 2012, he and his wife were telling people about the persecution of Falun Gong when uninformed people reported them to the police. Officers from Guangming Police Station followed Mr. and Mrs. Chen Rong and arrested them. They then went to the Chen's home and took their computer, recorder, DVDs, and other private property. Officers with the Domestic Security Division of the Hulan Police Department then used threats and promises to make Mr. Chen give up his practice of Falun Gong. They also told him to sign a guarantee statement, stating that he would never practice again.

They let Mr Chen's wife, Zhang Shuxia, go home on May 18, 2012. Mr. Chen was still in the Hulan Detention Center.

An illegal hearing was the set for July 9, 2012, in Hulan District Court, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. Chen defended himself at the hearing, saying that he had benefited from practicing Falun Gong physically and mentally and that by following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance he had a high moral standard and was willing to help others unselfishly. He asked the court to release him because he had not committed any crime. However, the court, which was controlled by the 610 Office, sentenced him to three years in prison.

Chen Zhaolin, captain of the Domestic Security Division, Hulan Police Department: +86-13945126069 (Cell), +86-451-88558505
Political instructor Liu Chengren

Tian Yongzhi, Zhang Chunyu

Meng Qingfu, director, 610 Office: +86-451-57320778 (Office)

Li Xinzhu: +86-13504510521 (Cell)

Songbei Procuratorate: +86-451-88080095 +86-451-88107258
Songbei Procuratorate, Xiao Xianzhong: +86-451-88080093
Songbei Procuratorate, Xu Qiuyan:+86-451-88080102

Guangming Police Station
Du Chi, director: +86-15045055577 (Cell)