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Validating Dafa with Words and Actions

October 06, 2012 |   By a Dafa Practitioner from Hunan Province, China

(Minghui.org) As Dafa practitioners, we should use our “divine pen” to write about our cultivation experiences, so as to validate the wonderfulness of Dafa and report to our great Master, who is saving sentient beings with great compassion. I am a Dafa practitioner who obtained the Fa in 1996. I would like to share several incidents that elevated my xinxing and moral standard.

The first incident was in 1997. Our workplace was evaluating professional posts, with second-level middle school teachers having the opportunity to be promoted to the first level. There were three levels, and I was on the second level. I had a student win the second prize in the China English Competition for High School Students, and one of my English essays won the first prize in the city-wide essay evaluation. I also had taught for 25 years. Because of these exemplary qualifications, my colleagues said that I would be promoted for sure. The moral standard of society today has dropped dramatically and everything is now directed toward making money. Many people bribed the supervisors in the school, so my director also wanted me to bribe the supervisors. I said: “I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, and I understand the principle of loss and gain. As cultivators, we should follow the standards of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. We should not pursue personal interests, so I won’t go along with the current to pursue my personal interests.”

When the evaluation result was announced, I was not on the list to be promoted. However, people who had been listed behind me were all promoted, as they had bribed the supervisors.

My supervisor praised me at the meeting, saying that my spirit moved the teachers, and it was because I practiced Falun Dafa. Afterward, my colleagues asked me how I could not argue and compete for promotion. I said: “As Dafa practitioners, we should use the Fa principles as our standard. When we encounter something, we need to think of others first. We have compassion in our hearts and do not want to make it difficult for the supervisors.” Through this incident, my behavior proved to my colleagues that Falun Dafa practitioners are good people. This laid a good foundation for them to understand the truth and be saved in the future. Later, after the persecution began, when I clarified the truth to them, they really trusted what I told them and chose a beautiful future for themselves.

The second incident was in 1998. I taught English to two classes at the Junior Middle School. They were competing in the English oral competition nationwide. I arranged for more than 20 top students from my two classes to come to my home for extra study. During the holidays, I helped them to strengthen their English pronunciation. I did not charge the students a single penny. Later, one of these student was awarded the No. 1 Prize in the Nationwide Middle School Students English Oral Competition. Out of over 1,000 students who participated in the competition, and who were among the most excellent students nationwide, there were only three students who got the No. 1 Prize. This achievement was well-known in the school and my supervisor praised me in the meetings. Through my actions, people came to know that Falun Dafa is good, that this cultivation practice teaches people to be good, and that Dafa practitioners do not compete for fame or profit.

The third incident happened one morning when I came home after practicing the exercises. There was an elderly lady yelling downstairs, saying that the upstairs neighbors had poured feces at the door of her daughter’s apartment, which was located on the first floor. As I lived on the third floor, I said something like: “It is unlikely that the upstairs people did it.” She started to curse me profusely. My neighbor could not tolerate the verbal abuse and went downstairs to speak to the lady. She said: “The cleaning and the bathroom on the third floor were taken care of by her [referring to me]. She practices Falun Dafa and does only good things. How is it possible that she could pour feces in front of the first floor apartment?” The people around me also supported me. I did not argue with the old lady. In the evening, I cleaned up the feces from her daughter’s front door.

The fourth incident happened just several days before I wrote this article. A classmate was holding a birthday banquet. Someone suggested that we go to the place where we could have our feet washed. In total, 14 classmates spent over 14,000 yuan at the place to have their feet washed. The money for this came from the National Land Bureau, where one of my classmates was the director. I was the only person from the group who did not use the public funds for my personal benefit; instead, I stayed outside and clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to the staff. On the way back, one classmate yelled loudly on the street: “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

In facing the inhuman persecution by the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP), we Falun Dafa practitioners continue to hold on to our belief and clarify the facts to the world’s people in order to save them with compassion. No matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, we have to be righteous, exhibiting the true features of being a Dafa disciple and laying a good foundation for clarifying the facts. Out of over 40 classmates of mine, only 3 haven’t yet quit the CCP and its related organizations. One of my classmates said: “Ever since you have been with us, from every single word and action of yours, we believe that you are a good person. You are a role model for us as a classmate.” I replied: “It is Falun Dafa that has saved me. If I didn't practice Falun Dafa, I would be drifting with the current. It is Falun Dafa that makes me understand the importance of being a good human being and enables me to understand the meaning of life.”

Ever since the start of the persecution in July 1999, although the CCP has defamed Falun Dafa and made up lies to deceive people, we Dafa practitioners have continued to follow the standard of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, cultivate our xinxing and show compassion. At the workplace, we must always work diligently, with no complaints, and we must take our personal profits and interests lightly. Then, the world’s people will see the beauty of Dafa through our actions.

Currently, I have a student who has been recruited to the army. He has quit the CCP and its related organizations. He told me: “In this world, if everyone were to practice Falun Dafa, it would be the best. The world would be at peace and we wouldn’t have corruption, bribery, gambling or drugs. And we may not even need police.”

Several days ago, I was clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to a person. After learning the facts, he said: “The CCP is the real evil cult. They do not believe in Gods; that is why they commit all kinds of evil sins. No wonder the heaven wants to eliminate the CCP. I solemnly declare to quit the CCP and its related evil organizations. I understand that Falun Dafa is a good practice that teaches people to be compassionate.”