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Toronto: Convincing Chinese People to Quit the Communist Party at the Mid-Autumn Festival (Photos)

October 04, 2012 |  

(Minghui.org) September 30, 2012 was the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. Falun Gong practitioners from Toronto held an event at the Pacific Mall to clarify the truth and convince Chinese people to quit the Chinese Communist Party. The Divine Land Marching Band and a waist drum team, both consisting of Falun Gong practitioners, performed at the event. More than 40 people quit the party at the two-hour event.


Clarifying the truth of Falun Gong


The Divine Land Marching Band and the waist drum team perform

Seventy-seven year-old Mr. Liu was amazed by the bands. He said, “You bring hope to China. I respect Falun Gong practitioners. They fight for freedom. It is difficult, but they persist. I thought that Falun Gong was an ordinary qigong, but now I have new understanding of it.”

Mr. Liu migrated to Toronto from Shanghai last year. He didn't understand the persecution of Falun Gong when it first started. Ten years ago, he visited his children in Toronto, and got a DVD about the staged self-immolation from a practitioner when he passed by the Pacific Mall. He watched the DVD, then realized that all he had learned in China about Falun Gong was communist party propaganda.

Mr. Liu knows the evil nature of the communist party very well. He often tells his friends the truth about Falun Gong. He said, “More and more Chinese people now recognize the evil nature of the communist party. The communist party has ruined the traditional moral values in China. I thought that there were only few bad people in the party, and that the party as a whole was still good. But now I realize that I was wrong. It is necessary to eliminate the whole party. China will have hope only if the communist party is gone.”

Mr. Song, who came to Toronto from Shenyang three months ago, quit the party at the event. He said that China needs a fundamental change, and that it requires an end to the communist party. “Many Chinese people curse the party. All of my friends hate it. It has ruined the entire country. My father always want to quit,” he said. Mr. Song watched the Falun Gong truth-clarifying DVD when he was in China, and knows the facts about the persecution. He was angry when one of his co-workers was arrested because he practiced Falun Gong.

Mr. Song feels lucky that he is in a free country, because he is now out of the communist party's governance. “The party hasn't done much good for its people. China is like a black society now,” he said.