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Cultivating Myself While Helping Fellow Practitioner Solve Family Problems

October 28, 2012 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in mainland China

(Minghui.org) Recently, our local coordinator asked me to go with him to study the Fa and for experience sharing at a fellow practitioner's home. The husband and wife both practice Falun Dafa, but are not diligent and have been having discord and quarrels for quite some time. Through studying the Fa and experience exchange for a few days, those two became a cordial pair, were capable of looking within and improving according to the Fa. I would like to share with all of you my comprehension through this period of studying the Fa and exchanging experiences.

I noticed that this couple was not considerate of each other, nor did they act accordingly. Instead, they picked at each other and quarreled over some trifles or even household chores.

Seeing how fellow practitioners misbehaved, I turned around and looked at myself and noticed that I did not act as a good Dafa practitioner at home either. Therefore, my son cultivated sometimes and other times he did not, and that worried me a lot. For a long time, I'd been blaming and scolding him because he was not in the Fa, because he did not study the Fa and practice the exercises, and because he did nothing but eat and play, whereas I have to study the Fa, practice the exercises and take care of the children. In addition, I have to do various household chores, cook meals and still need to clarify the facts about Dafa. I had been so busy that my cultivation state was not very good.

Seeing this couple of fellow practitioners having problems, I asked myself wasn't my family environment giving me an opportunity to improve myself? If we don't do well when we clarify the facts in human society, will people listen to us? We all know that we need to be more patient and peaceful when we talk to people, who seem to be unhappy about the things we tell them. We need to talk to them in a way that pays attention to their attachments without arousing their evil nature. If we don't have compassion, can we save that particular person? If we arouse the bad nature of that person, is it possible that we could ruin that person?

Since I have strictly required myself to treat people well, then how can I treat my own family members differently? I always wanted my husband to be a certain way and my children to do what I want them to. Am I really cultivating myself?

Teacher said,

“These problems have already become very serious. It would be good if they could manage to search within themselves for the things that they have been able to find in others.” (A Dialog with Time, Essentials for further Advancement )

I did not look within and thought that I had done everything according to Teacher's Fa. I realized that I did not treat my folks with compassion and that I did not consider others when doing something.

Teacher said,

“From now on, whatever you do, you should consider others first, so as to attain the righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism. So from now on, whatever you do or whatever you say, you must consider others—or even future generations—along with Dafa’s eternal stability.” (Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature, Essentials for Further Advancement)

When I had frictions with my family members, I was not always tolerant. Teacher said,

“To endure completely without anger or grievance is the forbearance of a cultivator.” (What is Forbearance (Ren)?, Essentials For Further Advancement)

When I had conflicts with my family, I always handled things with concepts and grievances, which caused poor results.

Teacher said,

“The only path that lies before you, the disciples of Dafa, is one of real cultivation. There is no other path.” (What is a Dafa Disciple, Fa Teaching Given at the 2011 New York Fa Conference, August 29, 2011)

I improved through this matter. From now on, I must do as Teacher requires and continue to be a diligent Dafa practitioner right up to final consummation.