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My Experience: Sabotage Led to a Big Disaster

September 23, 2011 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Master mentioned the following in his new article "What is a Dafa Disciple,"

"Currently there are still some students who fall terribly short in terms of cooperating together. And not just short—it even goes so far as to sabotage one another."

"...it would be odd if the old forces didn't persecute you."

"'You don't want to straighten him out and yet he's affecting us and affecting others, so we'd better straighten him out fast!'"

Master's words reminded me of a terrible disaster that occurred in 2006 as explained below.

In 2006 I joined a group project that supplied Dafa materials in southern China. Due to all sorts of attachments, I did not get along with the key coordinator who was in charge of the project. When we saw each other, we greeted each other with cold faces. The leader later proposed that I leave the group during a meeting after studying the Fa. I was very angry and argued with him. Later we started to get along thanks to a better understanding of the Fa. I therefore did not leave the group. When we did not get along, we had tough times, and even our printer would print things with incorrect colors. When our relationship later began to improve, the materials that were printed using the same printer had much-improved quality. After the meeting, I chatted with one lady practitioner about my previous thoughts when I wasn't getting along with the coordinator. I explained very shamefully, "My revenge attachment was very strong. If that leader had driven me out of the group at that time, I would have found some way to report our group to the local police." She was very surprised and said, "That would be terrible!"

Sometime later we were followed, so we immediately left the location of the print shop. Even though we lost the printed materials and equipment, we thought everyone was safe, but it didn't go that way. We heard later that the leader had been arrested. Since we had all witnessed his excellent work, we felt sad that he had been arrested. Two month later, on one particular occasion that seemed like a coincidence, I was taken away by the authorities. I was jailed for more than a year and I was forcibly "transformed."

According to my experience, I thought that the old forces didn't care if a practitioner had cultivated well or not. Once they identified your biggest shortcomings, even though it was long ago, they still didn't let you go. Who can you blame? Isn't it your shortcoming that brought the evil to your door? A bad thought emerged in my mind and that resulted in such severe persecution. If I had carried out that thought and gone to the police station to report the group, then I would have been destroyed.

The path laid out in front of us is very narrow. We should cultivate solidly in accordance with Dafa. We have no other choice.