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President of Chinese District Court in Jiamusi City Obstructed Barrister's Viewing of Legal Documents on Several Occasions

September 16, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Heilongjiang Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) A Chinese District Court in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, attempted to illegally sentence Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Luan Xiuyuan and Ms. Dai Lixia. It is alleged that Song Tao, the president of the Xiangyang District Court of Jiamusi City, has been hindering Ms. Dai's defense lawyer from viewing relevant legal documents.

On June 10, 2011, officers from the National Security Team of the Public Security Bureau of Jixian County went to the canteen of a middle school in Jixian County and arrested practitioners Ms. Jiao Lingyun, Ms. Luan Xiuyuan, and Ms. Dai Lixia.

Ms. Jiao Lingyun was later persecuted to death by the police. It is believed that the police and personnel from the local district were conspiring to illegally convict Ms. Luan and Ms. Dai. Two officers from the National Security Team, Zhang Hongyu and Wang Yujun, had trumped up unfounded “criminal” charges against Ms. Luan and Ms. Dai, and handed the matter to Xiangyang District Court of Jiamusi City.

Ms. Dai Lixia's family employed an attorney to defend her. However, as of August 29, the barrister's requests to view relevant legal documents and apply for relevant court proceedings have been repeatedly denied.

The first time Ms. Dai's barrister went to see the court president, Mr. Song Tao, he refused to see him, saying he was busy, and asked the barrister to return the next day. The barrister returned the next morning, but Song again refused to see him with the excuse that he would need to visit a detention center, and he asked the barrister to return in the afternoon. That afternoon, Song again refused to assist Ms. Dai's barrister by saying that a clerk had not yet been assigned to the case.

Song has also refused to reveal the court time or assist in other relevant matters when requested by Dai's family, saying, “You shall know after the trial has started.”

Xiangyang District Court, Jiamusi City: +86-454-6065626 (Office)