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I Was Fortunate to Step Into Dafa Cultivation

August 09, 2011 |   By Fahui, a practitioner from Huanggang City, Hubei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I obtained the Fa in the second half of 1998. At that time, I was in my forties and had many diseases, including heart disease, anemia, cerebrovascular disease, rheumatoid joint pain, and incontinence. My coworker received the precious book Zhuan Falun from a practitioner, but she didn't have time to read it, so she gave it to me. I read it in four days.

The following day, I went to join the group exercise practice, and immediately my entire body felt relaxed. For a week thereafter, I felt a warm current flowing through my entire body. Although the weather was cold, I felt very warm and comfortable. Compassionate Master saved me and gave me a whole new life.

Studying the Fa is Fundamental--Cultivating the Heart is the Key

Whenever I had free time, I studied the Fa, did the exercises, or went out to spread the Fa. When I had conflicts in my work or personal life, sometimes I forgot to adjust myself or restrain my behavior according to the Fa. I became anxious over my cultivation state. Wishing to immerse myself in the Fa, I tried to memorize it. I would write a paragraph of the Fa by hand and recite what I had written on my way to work. Sometimes I had to recite a sentence ten or twenty times. By late 2004, I had recited Zhuan Falun twice. Later, I recited it three times in four years. In this limited time, I was filled with the Fa and guided by the Fa. Only when you consider yourself a cultivator and measure yourself with the standards of the Fa, can your thoughts be righteous and divine.

Master said,

“To tell you the truth, the entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of constantly giving up human attachments.” (Zhuan Falun)

It is not easy to give up attachments. In the beginning, my human thoughts were often stronger than my divine thoughts. When our factory was being restructured, the supervisors' and workers' salaries were calculated according to their years of employment. I couldn't suppress my attachments to fame and self-interest, and I questioned the policy team, explaining why I deserved more money. In the end, they gave supervisors a 5,000 yuan bonus, and my attachments to fame and self-interest were satisfied. Two weeks later, I hit a tricycle and had to pay for the damages. Two years later, a coworker borrowed 12,000 yuan from me for his business but only returned 7,000 yuan. I realized that anything a cultivator comes across is not by coincidence. If it belongs to you, you won't lose it; if it's not yours, you cannot keep it.

Only when you consider yourself as a cultivator and measure yourself with the standard of the Fa, can your thoughts be righteous and divine.

Master said,

“For a cultivator, looking within is a magical tool.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference”)

In the process of looking within, my human notions were changed from blaming others to looking within, from looking at others to examining myself, from looking at others' shortcomings to looking at their strengths. My human attachments, such as competitive mentality, the mentality of showing off, and jealousy, have weakened in the process of cultivating inward.

In the past, I often fought with my husband. After I began cultivating according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, I could control my temper and no longer quarreled with him. If anything didn't meet his expectation, he would explode, and he fought with me every two or three days. I realized that he was helping me eliminate karma. To become better people, we should start by being kind to the people around us. After I began maintaining a humble attitude towards my family, there was no more fighting, but instead more tolerance and peace. By constantly looking within, one's capacity expands.

Taking the Role of Coordination--Our Mission is Saving People

Many practitioners in our area were illegally arrested or sentenced after the persecution began on July 20, 1999. Therefore, fellow practitioners didn't contact each other or talk with each other.

Master said,

“Throughout the entire course of my lectures on the Fa and cultivation practice, I have been responsible to society and practitioners. The results we have received have been good, and their impact upon the entire society has also been quite good.” (Zhuan Falun)

In order to save sentient beings, Master suffered numerous hardships. What was my responsibility, as a Dafa disciple? I wanted to get in touch with those fellow practitioners who studied the Fa only at home, and form a Fa-study group, so that we could form one body and help Master rectify the Fa. With this wish, I was able to get in touch with fellow practitioners. At the beginning, I only reached one or two, but later I asked fellow practitioners to contact more. As a result, many practitioners stepped forward, and in two years, we formed six Fa-study groups. Fellow practitioners were very happy. This is a platform for us to share and improve as one body, and this form of studying the Fa is what Master requires.

We didn't have a materials production site at that time. Whenever we heard that Master had published a new article and where it was available, we went there by bus to get it. After we obtained one or two copies, we needed to find a photo-copy shop to make copies. I once went to all the copy shops I knew in town, but they all refused to make copies for me. They said they would be fined 5000 yuan if they were found to be making copies of Falun Gong materials. It seemed that Master was guiding me when I needed help. I tried other shops nearby. Two were closed, but the third shop was open. I walked in and said I needed to copy something. The girl took a look and copied it. We were very busy, picking up materials, copying, and distributing. Later, many fellow practitioners offered to help look for photo-copy shops, and we distributed the materials throughout nearby villages.

Later we talked about establishing our own materials production site. A practitioner from another place moved here for work, and soon helped us bring in the equipment and a technically skilled practitioner. Thus, our production site was built, and there are now several sites.

Master told us,

“If you don't take action to save sentient beings, you will not have fulfilled your responsibility as a Dafa disciple and your cultivation will amount to nothing...” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference”)

As long as it is what Master says, we do it. My husband and I mainly distributed truth-clarification materials. We have gone to shopping malls, residential communities, and rural villages. In addition, visiting relatives and friends are good opportunities for us to give truth-clarification materials to more people. We once finished distributing in the area where we live and wanted to reach nearby areas, but we became lost and didn't know which direction was east or west. My husband said, “Master will guide us,” and he kept walking. We came upon a printing factory, and no guard was at the gate. We went in and distributed materials to the four dormitory buildings there. After we finished and went downstairs, two guards were coming upstairs with their lunch boxes. We walked out through the gate, and the guards paid no attention to us.

Clarifying the truth face to face may seem difficult, but only because of our human notion of fear and other attachments. We need to break through these attachments. My experience is that it is hard to do the first time, and persistence is important. As long as you truly have the wish to save people, Master will give you the wisdom and you'll know what to say. Most local fellow practitioners formed small groups and go out to clarify the truth. We met many people who were waiting to be saved, waiting to have the truth clarified to them. The process of doing Dafa projects is also a process of cultivating your heart, constantly eliminating human notions, and strengthening your righteous thoughts.

Only by truly cultivating and being diligent, can we go home with Master.