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Daughter Living Outside China Urges Chinese Court to Stop the Illegal Trial of her Mother

August 11, 2011 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The Shenbeixinqu Court in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province is scheduled to hold a trial of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Min. The police are currently monitoring Ms. Wang around the clock.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have persecuted Ms. Wang many times. She was at one time illegally imprisoned and persecuted in Dabei Women's Prison in Liaoning Province.

When Ms. Wang's daughter, who lives outside China, found out that her mother would face another illegal trial, she publicly urged the personnel from the police station, the Procuratorate, and the court not to be deceived by the CCP's lies. She asked them to stop the trial and release her mother. The following is an open letter from Ms. Wang's daughter:

I am the daughter of Wang Min, a former physical education teacher from the Shenbeixingqu No. 1 Elementary School in Shenyang City. I read an article on the Clearwisdom website saying that my mother is scheduled to be sentenced by the Shenbeixinqu Court. I heard that the local court will hold a trial for her from July 13-28, and that she is being monitored around the clock.

I am the my mother's only daughter, and facing the situation where she has been framed and imprisoned by the police, I must expose the crimes committed by the local 610 Office, the police station, the Procuratorate and the court.

In 2000, my mother was put on trial by the Shenbeixinqu Court. During the trial, I was in the courtroom and saw that my mother had to defend herself because she did not have a lawyer. My mother was only allowed to say, “Falun Dafa is good, my health has improved from practicing Falun Gong, and I am innocent.” Within a few minutes, the court sentenced her to five years in prison.

At that time, the police who were involved in my mother's persecution were our family's friends. However, they put my mother in prison and persecuted her for more than five years. The local police usually call each other brother, but at that time, they didn't care for anyone but themselves. It is a shame that these so-called friends can betray their friends' family members for their own selfish interests.

At that time, I was very young and they deceived me by saying that my mother had committed a crime. Our family was forcibly broken up in this way. After traveling abroad, I learned that people of many other countries believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and they are free to practice Falun Gong. I now realize that I was deceived by the Chinese government. The Chinese people have been deceived by the CCP. In China, many people are willing to betray their friends or even their own family members. The Chinese people's morality has been tremendously corrupted and their lives are very helpless. In such a social environment, I feel truly ashamed of the Chinese legal system and the judges who have sentenced good people to prison.