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“The Lord of Buddhas Will Descend Upon Earth to Save People”

June 09, 2011 |   By a practitioner from Shanxi Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am 58 years old and started Falun Dafa cultivation in 1996. My husband and daughter are also practitioners. I would like to report to Master and fellow practitioners some of my cultivation experiences.

1. Starting the Practice

My grandmother used to cultivate the way of the Tao. When I was little, she said to me, “The Lord of Buddhas will descend upon Earth to save people. When the door is opened a little bit, you need to get into it right away.” These words were deeply imprinted in my memory. The day before she passed away, my grandmother smiled and said to me, “I am going. Tomorrow someone will come to take me.” The next day she left the human world.

I never attended school. In the winter of 1996, I learned of Falun Dafa at a practitioner's home. She brought me four tapes of Master's lectures in Jinan. Upon returning home, my husband and I eagerly listened to the lectures. We thought that they were wonderful. I recalled my grandmother's words and realized that the Lord of Buddhas was here and that this was the Fa that I had been looking for. I then began cultivating in Dafa resolutely. I was illiterate and could only listen to the lecture tapes, and to practitioners reading the Fa. One day, I respectfully brought home Master's book “Lecture in Sydney.” I put the book in front of Master's portrait and implored Master to unlock my wisdom. I then opened the book and read twenty-four pages nonstop. I told my husband excitedly that I could read.

We started a practice site in my home. We live in a large complex, and every day we played Master's lectures. In the morning, we played the exercise music and did the exercises. Practitioners living around us often came to our practice site.

2. Letting Go of Attachments to Fame and Personal Gain, and Guarding my Xinxing

I encountered a big test several days after I started the practice. We had bought several cows to produce milk. One day a neighbor, an elderly lady, saw my cow. She was so scared that she sat on the ground. I lifted her up and she asked me to take her to the hospital for a checkup. I thought to myself, “My cow didn't hurt you. Why do you want to go to the hospital?” Afterward, I thought, “I am a Dafa practitioner. I should act to uphold the image of a Dafa disciple.” I took her to the hospital, and the doctor said she was alright. The old lady usually suffered from many illnesses, so it was strange that everything was normal during her examination. Thus, she had no choice but to return home.

At home, I said to my husband, “We are practitioners and should act according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” We therefore went to visit the old lady with gifts and 200 yuan. She told us she could not cook and asked me to prepare her meals. Thus, I went to her place and cooked her meals for an entire month. I stopped helping her after that because we lived quite far away and I was very busy with housework. Her son came to see me and asked if we could take her for an examination to another hospital. I told him what had happened and said that I wouldn't have treated her this way if I did not cultivate in Dafa. Through this incident, her son also became a practitioner.

After I started cultivation, I ran into even bigger xinxing tests, one after another. First, my donkey was stolen. The next spring, someone dug through the walls into my complex and stole two cows. One cow was worth over 10,000 yuan at the time. I woke up one morning and saw someone stealing the vegetables I grew in the garden. I went out and gave him four large cabbages. Thus, I withstood the xinxing tests on these occasions.

3. Eliminating the Attachment to Life and Death Amidst a Tribulation

Just before the Chinese New Year in 2009, I suddenly felt ill, and subsequently discovered that there was blood in my urine. My daughter phoned me, and because I sounded very weak when I spoke to her, she took me to stay with her. I quickly looked within to find my attachments and found that I was attached to human affection.

As it was during the Chinese New Year holiday, I didn't contact other practitioners for help. Only my daughter helped me to send forth righteous thoughts for two to three hours. At that time, I had lost a lot of the sensation in my body. On the third morning, I thought that I could not continue like this and that I must get up and do the exercises. I had no strength and could not do the movements properly, but persisted in finishing the exercises. When I got up to do the exercises the next morning, I felt completely different. My body was light, and while doing the “Falun standing stance” exercise, I saw an image of Master dressed in a suit walking back and forth in front of me, smiling. I realized that as long as I firmly believe in Master and the Fa, Master was always by my side.

4. Helping Fellow Practitioners

I moved to a place further away from the city that was very secluded. I had a spare room, and I bought computers, printers and other equipment to set up a materials production site at home, to produce truth-clarifying materials and DVDs. My husband and I, along with two practitioners who often stayed with us, learned the basic skills needed to operate the computer, print materials, and burn truth-clarifying DVDs. We supplied these materials to practitioners around us, who distributed them to people and clarified the truth. Within a few years, many practitioners who had left their homes and gone from place to place to avoid further persecution came to my place to study the Fa, do the exercises, and produce truth-clarifying materials. They had a safe place to stay and practice cultivation. We organized local experience sharing conferences in my home on many occasions. We also helped many practitioners who came from other areas, as well as those who had been persecuted, overcome their tribulations and return to the path of saving sentient beings.

There was a 52 year-old practitioner who was diagnosed with terminal uterine cancer in 2007 and had gone through chemotherapy for two months in a hospital. The treatments did not work. She had learned Dafa before and her two daughters persuaded her to take up the practice again. Thus, she came to my place after her discharge from the hospital. She studied the Fa and did the exercises every day, and 40 days later she felt better and returned home. However, she ran into severe conflicts at home and then slacked off in cultivation again. She stopped studying the Fa and doing the exercises. The next spring, she had a rupture in her small intestines and her life was in danger again. She went for an operation in the hospital and came straight to my house after being discharged. Her face was pale and she had a tube inserted in her body. I hesitated to take her in, but then thought that I shouldn't be afraid, as Master looks after everything. Since she came here to cultivate, then it must be alright. Two months later, she recovered from her illness.

The materials production site in my home is operating steadily. Although my husband and I don't have a stable income, as cultivators we don't lack anything. Recently, my daughter suddenly gave us a newly renovated apartment to live in. We turned the apartment into another materials production site and use it to save more people.

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