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Family Suffers from Repeated CCP Persecution, Father Dies

June 16, 2011 |   By Xie Yunhua in Japan (a native of Jidong County, Heilongjiang Province, China)

(Clearwisdom.net) On May 21, 2011, as part of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) brutal policy of persecuting Falun Gong, officer He Liang from Qianjin Police Station in Jidong County, Heilongjiang Province, forced my already petrified father on a path of no return. My father was not a Falun Gong practitioner, but he had suffered quite a bit during these years that the CCP persecuted Falun Gong practitioners.

My father had been impacted by the CCP's political movements when he was young. As a result of this, he had a cautious, cowardly character. During the 12 years of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong, my father tried his best to protect our family, but he did not dare to go against the persecution policy of the CCP. This mental anguish resulted in the deterioration of his health as he lived in fear.

As my brother Xie Yunhuan, who had been illegally imprisoned for ten years, stepped into our home on March 12, 2011, he was followed by the police, who harassed our family. In the following month, the police called my father, and pressured him to have my brother report to the police every ten days, otherwise it would be bad for my brother. After a month of adjustments both physical and mental, my brother went to work in a different place. Thus, my father was finally able to live a few relatively normal days without fear.

Ten days ago the police unexpectedly called my father several times to the police station. I can't imagine what cruel methods they used to make my father suffer. On May 21, my father, Xie Shiying, an old man under immense pressure since the CCP started its brutal persecution of Falun Gong, a versatile and helpful man who was unjustly suffering, after years of struggle, thought that hanging himself seemed the only way to seek relief.

My father lived a poor life with his grandmother when he was young. He got married in the 1950s and raised four sons and one daughter. My mother had all kinds of diseases, including nephritis, arthritis, tuberculosis, and heart disease. She was once on the verge of dying. My father went everywhere to visit doctors and check out medicines in order to save my mother's life. In 1996, my mother started practicing Falun Dafa. In just over a month, years of chronic diseases disappeared. The compassionate heart she cultivated in Dafa changed her strong character, and she became gentle and kind. Our family relations also improved. Witnessing my mother's extraordinary physical and metal changes, my father was amazed by the magic of Dafa.

In July 1999, the CCP started to suppress Falun Gong. My mother, who was in her 60s, had just returned from Japan after visiting my brother when she was arrested six times, fined, and sentenced to forced labor because she was a volunteer at a practice site. My brother, who was studying in Japan, came back to China to appeal and was sentenced to ten years in prison by a CCP court. He was tortured and had scars all over his body. My sister, sister-in-law, and another brother also went to Beijing to appeal and were also detained many times.

Every few days, the police came to my home to harass and intimidate us. To escape from this endless harassment, my father, who was nearly 60 years old, went to work in Huangdao Development Zone in Shandong Province from 2001 to 2007. Those were very difficult times when my mother was displaced from her home to escape persecution. My father busied himself with work to distract himself from his worries about his family, but he was not able to escape harassment from the local police, who used the excuse of searching for my mother to go to his workplace thousands of miles away to harass him. They also deducted their expenses for these trips to Shandong from my mother's pension.

While my mother lived away from home for six years and my brother Xie Yunhuan was detained for ten years, my sick father spent 12 years in panic and anxiety. It is very difficult to imagine how much pressure an honest elderly person can endure both physically and mentally!

I remember one time on New Year's Eve when my mother and sister were displaced from home, my sister-in-law was detained, and my younger brother was suffering in prison, only my older brother, my nephew, and my father were at home. How sad my father was to see other families celebrate together while his home was deserted.

My father had experienced the catastrophe of ten years of the “Cultural Revolution.” He was fully aware of the intimidating and threatening methods used by the CCP, so he refrained from mentioning to us the details of police harassment. He had feared causing unnecessary trouble to his children who were being suppressed. He was a very kind person who kept everything inside and endured quietly, even under these circumstances.

In the summer of 2001, while visiting my brother who had been detained for six months, I saw my father, whom I had not seen for a long time in Shandong Province. I didn't know that would be the last time I would ever see him. Over the past decade I have been petitioning overseas for my relatives who are being persecuted in China. Since I am on the CCP blacklist, I have not been able to go back to visit my parents and relatives who are being persecuted. This time I was not able to attend my father's funeral.

I am writing this article to pay homage to my father's wrongful death. I also want to shout out for thousands of Falun Gong practitioner families who have suffered similar experiences. Disintegrate the CCP and end the persecution!

Parties involved in the persecution:
Qianjin Police Station in Jidong County, Heilongjiang Province:
Lu Xiaolin, police head: 86-467-5582569, 86-13945831777, 86-467-5588777
Gao Ming, political head: 86-13634877999, 86-467-8802333
Yue Shu, deputy head: 86-13846051088, 86-467-5591122
Tang Guoqiang, deputy head: 86-13504684789, 86-467-2366155
Yi Yandong, deputy head: 86-13114678777
He Liang, police officer: 86-13945824583

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