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Doing the Three Things Well and Striving Forward Diligently on the Divine Path

June 14, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Master said,

“Dafa’s saving of people is not something an ordinary person can carry out. It has to be a cultivator. So, you must study the Fa, cultivate, and become a cultivator. It doesn’t count when an ordinary person does it, and he doesn’t gain that mighty virtue. Then if you, as a cultivator, fail to carry out this task and just study the Fa, have you not considered the purpose of studying the Fa? It is for your own success as well as to save sentient beings. By studying the Fa you gain the Fa yourself, but do you only want to gain—to gain the benefits of Dafa? In other words, if, while Dafa disciples are being persecuted and Dafa is being maligned, you won’t stand up and say a few words of support, are you worthy of gaining the Fa?” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2010 New York Fa Conference”)

I am 70 years old and began practicing Dafa in May 1998. I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to become a Fa rectification-period Dafa disciple. I would like to share my thoughts here. Please point out anything inappropriate.

Assimilating to the Fa When Studying the Fa

Our cultivation environment was destroyed after the persecution began on July 20, 1999, and I was upset. Dafa cured me of many illnesses, and I was determined to keep practicing, no matter what. I got up at 5:00 a.m. to do the exercises and study the Fa. I felt Master was right next to me, watching me as I studied the Fa. My heart was light, and I was relaxed and happy. I made sure my posture was not too casual when studying the Fa, and I always read through the book as Master has told us.

There are many articles by practitioners, sharing their experiences about reciting the Fa, and I wanted to recite the Fa too, but I ran into huge interference when I tried to do it. I could no longer progress after I finished reciting page seven. I knew the old forces were trying to sabotage my effort, and I persisted. The same thing happened again when I reached page 14. I would utter the wrong word, even when my eyes were fixed on that very word. And the same thing happened again at page 27. During this time many thoughts also came up, and that was a red flag. I stopped and looked inward. What gap did I have that let the old forces ceaselessly interfere with me? I then realized that I was imitating others who were reciting the Fa, but I didn't think deeper about why I was doing it. The goal was to gain a deeper understanding of the Fa, and assimilate to the Fa, which guides me to save people.

As I cleared this up and renewed my sense of mission, I started to recite the Fa for the fourth time, which was also the first time I truly recited the Fa. I was able to finish reciting Zhuan Falun over a span of 115 days, from December 25, 2005 through April 20, 2006. Even though the old forces still reared their heads from time to time, I was able to disintegrate them by sending righteous thoughts. I was happy.

I immediately started reciting the book for the second time, which took 80 days; then the third time, the fourth time and the fifth time. I then switched from reciting to reading Zhuan Falun, and then memorized Hong Yin and some lectures. I read Zhuan Falun 20 times, and each time I had major questions answered. I started reading three chapters of Zhuan Falun per day on August 10, 2008, and I had read the book 99 times by June 8, 2009. I deeply felt that as long as we followed Master’s requirements and kept Dafa in our hearts we would raise our xinxing. Master has repeatedly emphasized the importance of studying the Fa more, studying it well and with a calm mind.

Speaking with People about Falun Gong

Dispelling the lies about Falun Gong is one of the three things Master asks us to do. At first I mostly handed out informational materials. At that time secret agents kept a close watch on every copy shop on the street, so I made several thousand flyers at home and distributed them.

I also wrote truth-clarification messages on stickers, but I didn’t have the right type of pen. I went to the supermarket but did not find one. My husband wanted to have a few drinks and asked our son-in-law to get it. When he brought back the alcohol, there were four pens of the exact type that I wanted in the box! It turned out the pens were gifts from the vendor used for promotions, and in the past they gave cigarette lighters and other things. I realized that Master was helping me. As I made more materials I distributed them. I compiled them into packages, so the person who received one could gain a thorough understanding of Falun Gong. I later handed out many copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and Shen Yun DVDs, and spoke with people face to face and asked them to quit the Party. I sent righteous thoughts on my way there each time. Master always protects disciples who have righteous thoughts and help people to be saved.

I once went to a park and saw an official sitting on a bench. I walked over and addressed him. He said he had gone to Hong Kong a few days earlier and was disgusted to see a Dafa practitioners’ parade. I said, “Falun Dafa is a Buddha School practice, and they are good people. The constitution says we have freedom of belief.” He was exasperated, “You are Falun Gong, too!” Then he started swearing. I didn't want him to make more karma for himself, so I walked away.

A man who appeared to be in his forties caught up with me. I explained how the Communist Party brutalizes good people such as the Falun Gong practitioners, even harvesting and selling their organs for profit. He nodded and quickly agreed to quit the Youth League.

I went to the square across from a lake and saw a college student studying. As I was speaking to her, I realized someone had followed me. After she agreed to quit the Youth League I walked toward that person and said hi. He said, “I’ve been observing you for a while. I was there when that guy was cussing.” I said, “The Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong is shocking.” He was surprised when I told him about the rock in Guizhou carrying the words “The Chinese Communist Party is eliminated.” He agreed to quit the Youth League.

As I tend to be quick-tempered, if I speak with people like that they might become scared. I was determined to study the Fa more and change myself according to the Fa.

Perhaps Master saw my determination and arranged for a practitioner to work with me, so I could correct myself. This practitioner is calm and collected, and I learned a lot from her. Over the past few years we cooperated with each other, and I saw big changes in myself. We speak with people and don't focus on the number of people we help quit the Party, but try our best to help them understand everything. Master wants us to do things solidly and righteously.

One day at a market we paused in front of the eggplant stand. A woman wearing sunglasses came up. The other practitioner bought some eggplants and started speaking with this woman while I sent righteous thoughts. The woman had to leave to get some change because she only had one 100-yuan bill. When we went to another stand she suddenly came up to us and asked, “Did you take my glasses?” I said, “No.” She muttered, “That’s impossible.” She reached into my bag with the eggplants inside and then looked into my purse, and she even went through my pants’ pockets. In the end she said, “Where are they?” She then left looking exasperated. Two women standing next to us saw everything, and the younger one said, “Why did you let her go through your stuff? She is violating your human rights!” I said, “Well, I didn’t do anything wrong, so I have nothing to hide.”

That woman quickly returned and said to me hastily, “Wasn’t there an older woman with white hair?” I pulled over the other practitioner, and she immediately searched her and did not find the glasses. During this time the practitioner smiled and said, “Think it over. Where did you put them?” She calmed down and thought for a moment, then went to the eggplant stand. An older woman standing next to us said, “You are good people. If it was someone else, there would be a fight now.”

We walked further down the marketplace. Then we heard someone shouting, “Don’t go!” We turned around and saw the same woman. She was sweating and apologized repeatedly, and was wearing her glasses. I said, “It’s all good.” She explained that the sunlight was too strong, so she had put the glasses down and forgot them. The other practitioner seized this opportunity to speak with her, and she quit the Party using a pseudonym.

Send Righteous Thoughts, and Dafa’s Power is Boundless

I once handed out materials on the street, and put some in a bike basket. A street cleaner went over and looked, and started screaming. I had no fear and I kept walking down the street as I said “freeze” in my mind, so he could not commit a crime by calling the police. When I looked back he was mumbling something but he couldn't move.

The other practitioner and I spoke with a migrant worker for a long time, but he still refused to quit the Party. The other practitioner was very calm. We left him, sending righteous thoughts. He suddenly ran up to us and asked us to repeat what we had just told him. He was then happy to quit the Youth League.

I deeply feel that sending righteous thoughts is a key factor. I do it daily and when the need arises. I send righteous thoughts while the other practitioner speaks. When there are conflicts among practitioners or conflicts within my family, I send righteous thoughts and look inward, even more so when symptoms of illness appear. For example, my molars fell out one after another. At first, I thought an old person would naturally lose his teeth, but then I realized I should send righteous thoughts regarding my teeth. Master is in charge of Dafa disciples and would never render me unable to eat, so this must be the old forces’ interference, and I must eradicate it. As I sent righteous thoughts with greater intensity, I also communicated with my teeth. The remaining teeth then no longer hurt. Though they are still a bit loose and I have to eat slowly, it is no longer a big impediment.

As the situation of Fa rectification changes for the better, Dafa practitioners have formed a unified body, thus our responsibility in sending righteous thoughts is increasing, which is a wonderful thing. The three things are interconnected. We will take them seriously and do an even better job.