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Persist in Fa Study and Break Through Tribulations

June 14, 2011 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Shanghai

(Clearwisdom.net) I was fortunate to obtain Dafa in 1998. Ever since then my perception of life has completely changed. I took the path of cultivation.

In July 1999 the evil brazenly persecuted Dafa. For a temporary period of time, I was lost. I could not figure out what had happened. However, I firmly believed that Falun Dafa was a righteous Fa. I had steadfast faith in Master, and I did not give up studying the Fa and doing the exercises. Later when I read Master’s new articles, I understood that Dafa practitioners have the great mission of saving sentient beings. I studied the Fa every day. I recited poems from Hong Yin on the way to work. I taught my son who was just starting to talk to say, “Falun Dafa is good.” I made use of all kinds of opportunities to clarify the truth.

Arrested and Persecuted

One morning when I was on my way to take my son to kindergarten, I was grabbed by two plainclothes officers the moment I stepped out of the building. At the police station, they took turns interrogating me. They used both soft and hard tactics on me, but they could not make me say anything. At the detention center, the warden continually had discussions with me. I clarified the truth to them, telling them, “I obtained Dafa and changed from being selfish to being considerate of others. I work in the fashion industry and have had the liberty to accept commissions freely. However, I turned down these commissions from suppliers. Any clothing I took from the company I bought with my own money and did not sneak anything home. I always follow the standards of Dafa to be a good person.” I told them that Dafa brings numerous benefits to society.

In that situation I was faced with two choices: If I wrote a guarantee statement to give up my practice, I would be released, be reunited with my family, and could go back to work and get my high salary. The other option was to persist in my cultivation and not give in to them. I thought about it for a long time. In the end I made my choice: I must leave in an aboveboard manner! In the prison cell, I clarified the truth to everyone. Even a mute put up his thumb to agree that Falun Dafa is good. I was overjoyed that sentient beings could be saved!

In the courtroom, if I expressed remorse, I would be given a lighter sentence. However, I still persisted in my steadfast faith in Dafa. In the courtroom I said, “Please treat Falun Dafa with kindness; history will prove that Falun Dafa is good.” I could feel that Master and the divine beings in the other dimensions were all strengthening me. I did not feel any fear. Although I was sentenced to three years of imprisonment, I did not regret the path I had taken.

During the three years of imprisonment, I experienced cruel torture. I was locked up in a solitary cell four times, each time for as long as two-and-a-half months. I was not allowed to bathe, and my use of the toilet was restricted. They deprived me of sleep. They made me stand or sit for extended periods of time. They made me watch videos that defamed Dafa. I was made to copy the prison rules. They also made me wash the toilet. The prisoners verbally abused me. The prison used all kinds of ways to pressure me to “transform.” I was a scholar and had never experienced this kind of continual persecution and torture. I could not withstand it. Against my conscience, I wrote a letter to admit my “mistake.” I was very regretful. Later I took back this letter from the prison and tore it up. I felt very lighthearted after that.

Overcoming a Family Tribulation

After I returned home, I read the new articles that Master wrote during the three years of my imprisonment. I knew that it was my attachment to fear and that the evil forces took advantage of my loopholes. Whenever I had free time, I studied the Fa. I wanted to quickly make up for the three years when I had fallen behind. I wanted to catch up to the pace of Fa-rectification.

One day I suddenly realized that my husband was having an affair. They had been together for four years, and I was not aware of it. At that time I felt as though the sky had fallen. My life was in chaos. My job was not stable, and the elderly and young at home needed my support. This enormous tribulation weighed heavily on me, and I could not breathe. During that time, I was distracted at work. I could not concentrate on my Fa study. My eyes were reading the Fa, but my heart would be thinking about my husband having an affair. I controlled my emotions and forced myself to concentrate on Fa study. I know that this was a test for me. During Fa study, I gradually stabilized my emotions. The random chaotic thoughts also slowly left me. Through Fa study and looking inward for my shortcomings, I realized that I still had very strong attachments to sentimentality. I still had attachments to jealousy and competition. I wanted to cultivate and get rid of all these attachments.

Through a period of time where I persisted in studying the Fa, I gradually let go of my attachment to sentimentality. Dafa fundamentally changed my situation. Regardless of how big the tribulation is, as long as I have steadfast faith in Master and Dafa, there would be no tribulation that I could not overcome. I had peace in my heart. I felt lighthearted. I was a changed person. I continually improved in Dafa cultivation.

Last year, my husband was diagnosed with late stage diabetes. He had to be hospitalized immediately. I visited him after work every day. I cared for him and brought him his favorite food. I told him about the principle of “Good begets good; evil begets evil.”

I asked him to recite with respect, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He gradually accepted this and recited it with me. After he was discharged from the hospital, there was a big change in him. He no longer kept in contact with his mistress.

Clarify the Truth Well

Master said:

“Also, with those people that you run into by chance, who you run into in daily life, and the people you run into at work, you should all clarify the truth to them. Even when in your daily life you pass by people so quickly that you don't have a chance to talk to them, you should still leave them with your compassion and kindness. Don't lose those who should be saved, especially those with predestined connections.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference”)

As a Dafa practitioner, it is our responsibility to validate Dafa and save sentient beings. I would make use of all opportunities to clarify the truth to people with a pre-destined relationship. I seized any time to save sentient beings. When I met someone who was asking for directions, someone buying groceries, a cashier I met when I was buying things, a cleaner, the parents of my son’s classmates, teachers, colleagues, cab drivers, etc., I would kindly tell them the facts about Falun Gong.

Some of them did not agree to renounce their membership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or its affiliated organizations. I was not affected emotionally. I would send righteous thoughts and reply to them, “Whether or not you agree to renounce your CCP membership, you must definitely remember that 'Falun Dafa is good.'” Whenever I gave out the Shen Yun performing arts VCD and truth clarifying materials, I would hand them over with both hands. I would say gently to these people with a predestined relationship, “These items are very precious. Please take care of them and treasure them!” At that point, they would always use both hands to take the items and thank me. At that moment, I would be especially happy because one more sentient being had been saved, and all the sentient beings in other dimensions had also been saved at the same time.

I am a particle of Dafa. I came to validate the Fa and save sentient beings in this lifetime. As long as you have steadfast faith in Master and the Fa, there will be no tribulations that you cannot overcome. I must walk the cultivation path well; then I will not disappoint our compassionate and great Master!