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Thank You Master for Granting Me a New and Healthy Body

May 31, 2011 |   By Mei, a Falun Dafa disciple from Hubei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa twelve years ago, when I had a variety of illnesses. Amazing things have happened to me one after another. Within a short time, my mind and body experienced great changes.

Before I started cultivation practice, I was severely ill. I had stomach problems, and problems with my kidneys, heart, head, nose, throat, teeth, back, and neck. I was wracked with illness. No medicine could heal me. I had lost hope in life when I obtained this great Fa. I had a firm thought, “I want to practice Dafa, and I will practice Dafa until the end.” Because of this, Dafa manifested its power.

After Forty-Five Minutes of the Sitting Meditation, All My Illnesses Disappeared

Once I decided to practice Falun Dafa, I went to a practitioner's house that night to watch Master's Fa lectures on video. Master started to purify my body before I learned the exercises. When I returned home, I needed to use the restroom and I could tell bad things were being eliminated from my body. I felt very good afterwards.

When I first did the sitting meditation for ten minutes, I felt countless Falun rotating in my body. Twenty minutes later, it felt like there was a stream of fresh spring water flowing in my head where I had health problems for forty years. I felt so refreshed and comfortable. I had never before had such feelings. At forty-five minutes, the exercise music stopped. After I put down my legs, I called out loud very happily, “My illnesses are gone. All of them are gone!” Since then I have been healthy and have never again taken any medicine.

Improving My Xinxing and Passing the Test

When I was brushing my teeth on October 9, 2007 in the morning (lunar calendar), I looked in the mirror to find that my mouth was crooked. The next day, I began to develop stroke symptoms. My mouth became even more crooked, and my face became distorted and rigid. I had a toothache and pain in my mouth, was drooling, and it was hard for me to eat. I also couldn't keep my balance. After lunch I napped. In a dream, I saw that I had killed a person in my previous life and incurred a lot of karma. That was the reason why I was having such a large tribulation.

Faced with such a serious situation, I thought that it was fine if I lost my life because I hadn't cultivated myself well. But on the other hand, I couldn't let my death cause a negative impact on Dafa, or cause any losses in saving sentient beings. I knew that I should give up everything and let Master decide for me. I didn't want fellow practitioners to send righteous thoughts for me. I wanted to improve myself based on the Fa.

I tried to start reading Zhuan Falun, but I couldn't see anything. I had tears in my eyes and I said in my heart, “Master, I want to study the Fa.” Immediately after having this thought, I was able to see again. My gratitude and excitement were beyond words. As I studied the Fa continuously every day, higher and higher principles kept manifesting before me.

Master said,

“Whether you can practice cultivation all depends upon whether you can endure, sacrifice, and suffer. If you can commit your mind, no difficulties can stop you. I would say that there is not a problem.” (Zhuan Falun)

The Fa opened my heart like a golden key. I understood that practitioners should measure everything we encounter with supernormal principles and shouldn't conduct ourselves based on everyday people's principles. One month later, my face became normal. When my relatives came to visit me during the Chinese New Year, they asked me if I had taken any medicine or injections. I told them no. My health was the best indicator of Dafa's incredible power and goodness. My relatives understood the truth and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Some of my relatives had advanced degrees in modern medicine. Having observed what had happened to me, they changed their attitude toward Dafa, and their entire family quit the CCP.

My health is now even better than it was in my twenties. My face has a rosy complexion, and my skin is finer than that of many young people. I no longer need glasses when I read.

Protected by Dafa from Danger

Recalling the past twelve years, I recovered from a variety of illnesses and Master protected me. During my truth-clarification I had many amazing experiences with regard to my physical body. I would like to share several stories here with practitioners.

One day in the summer of 2004, as I was riding a bicycle across the street, cars approached from both directions. To avoid the car on my right, I slowed down in the middle of the road, but then I was hit by the car coming from my left. My bike was knocked over, but I was still standing and didn't get hurt at all. I took this opportunity to clarify the truth to the driver and explained to him the beauty of Dafa.

Another time, during the summer of 2004, I accidentally poured a bowl of boiling oil onto my bare foot. The foot of an everyday person might have become seriously scalded, but I only thought, “I'm fine.” Indeed, my foot was fine. It wasn't scalded, nor did I feel any pain.

On December 24, 2004, I fell off a ladder when I was painting a door. My husband rushed over and asked, “Are you all right?” I told him, “I'm fine.” When I slowly stood up, I felt the vertebrae in my spine settling all at once. I slowly squatted again to clean up the floor and continued working. After I finished all the housework, I rode my bike and went out as usual.

Many relatives came to my sister's home during the 2007 Tomb Sweeping Festival. All her children were busy preparing food for the big family gathering. I heard her third daughter call her older sister for help with the pressure cooker. I thought that as a Dafa disciple, I should be considerate of other people, so I said, “Let me do it.” I carefully carried the pressure cooker to the sink and tried to open it. The first time it didn't open, so I tried a second time, using all my strength to turn the handle. “Bang!” The soup in the pressure cooker ejected onto my face. But my face developed no blisters, and I didn't feel any pain. Dozens of people witnessed the wonder of Dafa through this incident.

One night in 2003, I went out to post truth-clarification messages. As I was about to start, I noticed two people standing a dozen meters away, walking toward me with a German shepherd. I stood in the same place and remained still. When the huge dog was about five meters from me, it suddenly came at me. The dog put its front paw onto my shoulder. It was so close to me that the hair on its head touched my face. At that very moment I wasn't afraid. I stood still and looked into the dog's eyes, and thought, “I am a divine being.” The dog quickly stepped back and ran away.

When I clarified the truth during the summer of 2010, another huge dog emerged from a waste station. It also jumped at me from five meters away. I remained calm and had no fear. I pointed my umbrella at it and recited the Fa-rectification verses silently, “The Fa rectifies the cosmos, the evil is completely eliminated.” Then the dog immediately ran away.

The incredible experiences on my cultivation path are too many to count. I am deeply grateful for Master, who gave me a never-degenerating Vajra body. I will be more and more diligent in cultivation and save more sentient beings, to repay Master's compassionate salvation.