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Having a Cultivation Environment at Home

May 28, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. I would like to share my cultivation experience.

When I began Dafa practice in 1996, my husband did not. Like other ordinary people, he was strongly opposed to Dafa. He refused several times to let me in after I had done my morning group exercises outside. I had to stay in another practitioner's home until he left for work at 8:00 a.m. I knew that was testing my boundaries. I always looked inward and found problems in my end. I remained calm and treated him nicely, even if he was mean. I acted according to Dafa and treated him with compassion, and things slowly got better.

The persecution that began in 1999 completely destroyed my cultivation environment. My husband started giving me a hard time. He hid my Dafa books every day and did not allow me to practice. He did not do any chores, had a bad temper, and even went on an occasional hunger strike. I remained calm and did things according to Dafa. I consistently made him a hot meal, whether or not he ate it. I would eat the leftovers. It had happened so many times, but I stayed calm and tolerated what he did.

Even though I treated him well, he did not stop hiding my Dafa books, which kept me from studying the Fa. I would have to spend much time each day locating the books. I studied when I found the books and replaced them in a safe place, but he would still find them. When I could not find a Dafa book, I looked everywhere, including the garbage can. It was very difficult to deal with my husband, but I was firm in Dafa cultivation.

I told my husband to stop hiding the books, that it would not do him any good, but he would not listen. He persisted. He refused to talk to me for a long time. Even when I approached him to initiate a conversation he ignored me. He kept ignoring me even when my family ran into great difficulty. I cried so many times and underwent a difficult time. Later on officials seized me twice. He did not show any compassion, became an alcoholic, had a bad temper, and got angry without reason. I could see that all the desks and chairs at home were crying. His face was as ugly as a cloudy day each day.

I could not fall asleep one night because I heard noises. I discovered that my husband was taking down a picture of Master. I asked him why he would do that, but he did not respond and took it down.

I cried loudly, clasped Master’s picture to my chest, and told him that no one could make me give up Dafa practice. He could not, and neither could those 610 Office agents or the guards who had persecuted me at the detention center. That night, I held Master’s picture in my hands to avoid further damage. My husband started tearing the picture after I fell asleep. I woke up again and cried loudly. I took Master’s picture back from him and stayed awake for the rest of the night to protect it.

In 2004 my husband had a serious illness, was sent to hospital for emergency treatment, and was diagnosed with a stroke, which left his left side paralyzed, including his mouth. Staying at his hospital bedside, I explained the goodness of Falun Gong and the evil persecution. My two, eight-year-old grandsons, who both practiced Dafa, visited him in the hospital. They whispered into their grandfather's ear, "Grandpa, you should remember that 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.' Your illness will be gone soon.” He was truly touched by his grandkids. There was big smile on his face.

My husband was hospitalized three times between 2004 and 2007. After a detailed medical exam, the doctor suggested open heart surgery. I continued telling my husband the facts, reminded him not to believe the lies, and told him to remember that Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, to have a wonderful future. I also suggested he practice Falun Gong with me. He agreed by saying “I don't want to have surgery. Let’s go home tomorrow, and I'll give it a try.”

With Dafa's power and truths, my husband finally understood Dafa. His health gets better each day, he helps with household chores and is now a completely new person.

We created a family-based Dafa materials production center with help from other practitioners. Since I was busy with household chores, such as picking up kids from school and taking care of a grandchild less that a year old, my husband did lots of the work for the material center. He helped print and cut materials and make the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party booklets for distribution. He took the initiative when I was not at home. He also fixed the printer and became a great assistant.

My husband also wrote a solemn statement and withdrew from the "Young Pioneers." Last fall he went to a hospital for an exam. The doctor told him that everything was normal. He knew that Dafa had saved him, and he finally became a Dafa practitioner.

Everything happens under Master’s protection. As long as we do well, we will change the environment. I now have an upright, good practice environment. In the future, in this limited and valuable time, I have to vigorously improve my xinxing and do well the three things.

Please correct me if there is anything improper.