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Chenzhou 610 Office Illegally Detains Falun Gong Practitioner

May 25, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Hunan Province, China

Name: Li Guanghui (李广惠)
Gender: Female
Age: About 48
Address: Chenzhou City, Hunan Province
Occupation: Worker
Date of Most Recent Arrest: May 5, 2011
Most recent place of detention:
Brainwashing Center in Beihu Party School (北湖区党校“洗脑班”)
City: Chenzhou
Persecution Suffered:
Detention, fired from workplace, extortion, home ransacking, beatings, brainwashing, forced labor.

(Clearwisdom.net) The Chenzhou 610 Office maintained a closed “brainwashing center” in the Beihu Party School of Chenzhou, which targets Falun Gong practitioners. The open date was May 5. It was said three Falun Gong practitioners had been detained there.

Two personnel of the Chenzhou 7429 Factory knocked on the door of Ms. Li Guanghui's home at 8:00 a.m. on May 5, 2011, and said that the Chenzhou 610 Office had issued a notification that she must go to a brainwashing center to “study” for two months. Ms. Li did not open the door and firmly refused to attend the so-called “study.” She said she had done nothing wrong and that practicing Falun Gong was not wrong. The two persons forcibly broke down the door and took away Ms. Li. She was sent to the brainwashing center in the Beihui Party School, without extra clothes or personal hygiene necessities.

Ms. Li Guanghui is about 48 years old and worked in the Chenzhou 7429 Factory. In 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained in the detention center for one month after being escorted from Beijing. During the detention, she was fired by the factory where she worked. She has been trying to restore her working rights. Factory leaders at each level up have refused her requests because she refused to give up her belief in Falun Dafa. This has caused great financial difficulties for her. During the past 11 years, the factory actively cooperated with the Chenzhou government, the politics and Law Committee, and the Chenzhou 610 Office to persecute Ms. Li Guanghui. Ms. Li has been fined, detained, beaten, tortured, and her home ransacked. Because she did not meet the requirements of the Chenzhou 610 Office, to write a statement saying she would not practice Falun Gong, she was sent to the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp.