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Our Whole Family Has Benefited from Falun Dafa

May 21, 2011 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) My mother, father, husband, and I are all Falun Gong practitioners. In the past 14 years of cultivation, many wonders have occurred in my family.

First, let’s talk about my mother, who used to be in bad health. The “Great Leap Forward” started when she was ten. She went to the mountains to work in a mine, and developed rheumatoid arthritis. Later, she suffered from heart disease and hepatitis. During my childhood, my mother often stayed in the hospital. I have been awfully careful around her since I was young, worrying that I might upset her and she would not be able to take it. Especially during the winters, she often needed to stay in bed and rest. In 1997, she was lucky enough to learn Falun Dafa in the hospital. After that, her health improved dramatically. Her facial complexion became very good, and she was full of vitality. Neighbors and friends were all surprised.

Once, my mother fell when she was walking down a flight of stairs. Her ankle immediately became swollen, but she endured the pain and came home. A friend came to visit her and found she had a bone fracture. One could tell by touching it. My mother thought of herself as a practitioner and took it as part of her cultivation. She did not treat it as an ordinary person would and persisted in doing the exercises and studying Dafa. A few days later, she did not feel the pain anymore and the fracture disappeared. Her friend became a practitioner after witnessing what happened.

When the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party was at its worst, my mother deliberated seriously to see if anything was wrong with Dafa, but she could not think of anything. Having witnessed the changes in my mother, family members and friends told her, “You should continue to do what you find to be good.” Even so, when the pressure was at its worst, she was unable to withstand it and was forced to renounce Falun Gong. The next day, a spider bit her on the neck, and the area became swollen, painful, and itchy. The neighbors told her, “Why don’t you pray to your Teacher?” My mother felt that she did not do well with the test and was indebted to Teacher. She was too embarrassed to pray to Teacher. Later, when she truly could not stand the pain from the bite, she knelt in front of Teacher’s picture and prayed for help. Suddenly, she felt a cool breeze over the swollen area, and the feeling of pain and itching was alleviated. The next day, the bite completely healed. She told the neighbors that it was all because of Teacher’s help.

Now let’s talk about my father. In the winter of 2006, my mother left my father at home alone while she came to my home to help take care of my child. One morning, he slipped and fell in the hallway when he went out for work. Someone had had a water leak in his unit and the water had spilled outside and frozen. He started to blame his neighbor, but immediately remembered that he was a practitioner. He knew that he would be all right. He got up and went to work on his bike. The next morning, he found that he was unable to move. He thought, “I need to get up to do the exercises. A cultivator won’t have any problem.” He got out of bed and did the exercises, and then went to work. A week later, he was completely healed.

The most wonderful thing happened to my daughter. When I was four months pregnant, the doctor found that my amniotic fluid was only 1/3 the normal amount, which was dangerous to the baby. He suggested that I see a specialist. The specialist warned us of the possibility of losing our child, and ordered me to be hospitalized. He said the chance of saving the child was not that good. I was greatly saddened by this news. Both my husband and I were not in a very good cultivation state and we did not know what to think or do. After studying Dafa, I calmed down and made up my mind, “I will let Teacher decide everything.” In the subsequent examination, my amniotic fluid remained less than half the normal amount. Except for being slightly smaller, my baby developed normally and the doctor was surprised. When I had a cesarean section to deliver my baby at full expectancy, she was completely healthy. I could not describe my gratefulness to Teacher. My daughter is now six years old, and she has always been very healthy. When she was in kindergarten, my husband rode a bicycle to take her to school every day. Regardless of wind and rain, she never missed a day of school, while her classmates were often sick. The teachers were quite surprised. But I knew it was Teacher taking care of her. Even when she coughed, she would only do it at home and was fine when she was at school. One time she had a high fever at night and her whole body was hot. Her face and ears were all red and her skin appeared thin due to swelling of the body. I believed that a practitioner’s child would not have a problem. In the morning, her temperature and condition returned to normal, and she went to school happily.

Another thing occurred with a relative of mine. He is a high ranking official in the organization in charge of forced labor camps. His whole family learned that Falun Gong is good from the improvement of my mother’s health. I wrote a letter to him when I went to Beijing to validate Dafa after the government began the persecution in July 1999. I told him what I saw in Beijing and that practitioners are good people. I asked him not to persecute practitioners, and hoped that he could protect them as much as he could within his power. When he received the letter, he solemnly promised my mother that he would do it. Later, when my mother was illegally held, he tried his best to help us. In 2007, a doctor found that he had late-stage lung cancer. His wife visited my mother and asked her to pray to Teacher for help. That night, my mother dreamed about a bunch of worm-like creatures, and she picked them up and threw them away.

The relative recovered very well after his surgery and has had no relapse thus far. If my mother had told them to recite, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” the result would have been even better. On New Year’s Day this year, they urged my mother to keep cultivating diligently.