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Eliminating the Evil with Righteous Thoughts

May 02, 2011 |   By practitioner Lianmei from Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Last summer, I was illegally arrested and taken to the local brainwashing center again. I believe this happened due to my attachments and loopholes. I was not afraid this time. Previously, I was unable to clarify the truth to the guards in the center, however this time I had come to save them. I adjusted my attitude accordingly and decided to eliminate the persecution using compassion and righteous thoughts, while validating the Fa. The only thought I had in my mind was that no matter how evil someone might be, as long as they crossed my path, I would be able to eliminate their thoughts about persecuting me. They have no right to persecute me, and in fact they should respect me.

Everything turned out as I expected. At first they had a harsh attitude toward me. When I smiled at them, their fierce expressions disappeared. I then clarified the truth to them. I never cooperated with the guards. When they ordered me to sit on a small stool or bench, I refused. They tried to deprive me of sleep, but I slept when I wanted to.

There was one female guard who kept looking at me with a fierce look in her eyes. She was very hostile towards me and forced me to sit on a small stool. That night, I sent forth righteous thoughts towards her and her collaborators for a long time. I also added a thought to make those who were participating in brainwashing sit on the small stool themselves.

The next day, I saw that she and the others who wanted to persecute me were all sitting on the small stools. The fierce look in her eyes had disappeared, and the expression on her face had softened. She then asked me not to smile at anyone. That's when I realized that my smile had eliminated all of the evil elements around her. So I smiled at everyone around me with even more confidence and compassion. Sometimes she became impatient and upset with me, but she could do nothing to me. Whenever she saw me, she appeared to be very uncomfortable and could not bear being around me.

Sometimes different groups of police officers were brought to the brainwashing center. When they first saw me, they were furious with me and mumbled to themselves that they would beat me to death. I was not moved by this at all and sent forth the thoughts: “Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is good,” “Falun Dafa is good,” or I pictured them in my mind and wrote the word “mie” (eliminate) on them.

They soon changed their attitude towards me. They greeted me in a friendly manner and let me clarify the truth to them. After I told each of them the facts, Master arranged for them to release me unconditionally.

In the past 11 years of cultivation, my firm belief in Dafa has never wavered. I constantly remind myself to be diligent. I get up early every day and go to bed late. I have never stopped studying the Fa or doing the exercises. I have transcribed Zhuan Falun three times, as well as other lectures. I also wrote out Zhuan Falun for anyone who wanted to learn the practice, as there were no copies available in the center.

The more diligent I have become, the more miracles occurred in my life. For instance, when I wasn't aware of the time and it was time to send forth righteous thoughts, my hand rose by itself. Once I dreamed of doing the meditation and when I woke up, my legs were in the lotus position.

One Sunday, after I bought some peanuts my right arm suddenly became very painful. My first thought was to use my left arm instead, but then I thought, “As a practitioner, the principles at higher levels are opposite of those in the ordinary world.” I then realized that this was a good chance to eliminate some karma. At that moment, the pain in my right arm disappeared.

My mother is eighty-four years old. She had cataracts a few years ago and could hardly see. She tried all kinds of expensive medicine but they were useless. I clarified the truth to her and asked her to recite, “Falun Dafa is good!” Shortly thereafter, she was able to see again and had regained her health. She now believes in Dafa and Master very much.

There have been many times in the past when the weather turned bad right after we received a batch of truth-clarifying materials. I always wanted to start distributing the materials as soon as possible. So we always distributed them at night, and while doing so we always sent forth righteous thoughts, and let people spread the facts amongst themselves.

“Dafa disciple” is a supreme title. Master has given us such a sacred responsibility and opportunity. I always feel that I have not done enough and wasted lots of time. Let us be diligent together, and do what we should do as Dafa disciples.