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We Should Not Pick and Choose to Whom We Offer Salvation

May 19, 2011 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) Yesterday, a fellow practitioner and I talked about clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa. The practitioner mentioned that there exists a phenomenon where we pick certain people over others when we clarify the facts. For example, we feel that talking to elementary students is easier than to middle school students, so we specifically choose elementary students as the targets of our truth-clarification. We feel that talking to people from the countryside is easier than to those from cities, so we are more willing to go to the countryside to clarify the truth. We feel that clarifying the facts to ordinary workers is easier than to government leaders or officials, so we try to find those who do not appear to be government leaders or officials to clarify the facts. We feel that clarifying the facts to soldiers is easier than the military officers, so we try to evade the officers in our truth-clarification effort. We feel that clarifying the truth to those from the police departments, Procuratorate, or judicial branches in China is not easy and is unsafe to talk to them, so we do not choose them as the targets of our truth-clarification. In this way, these groups of individuals are left out. That is, they have not heard and do not have the opportunity to hear the truth about Falun Dafa. They have instead become an obstacle to our truth-clarification effort.

As a matter of fact, this phenomenon has also existed in my truth-clarification efforts over the past several years. I often chose some individuals over others and arbitrarily divided people into different categories. I talked to those whom I deemed easier to save. I would leave out those whom I thought were difficult to save. I remembered that there was an elderly government official. I went to his home to clarify the facts to him at least ten times. I talked to him, gave him truth-clarification materials, and wrote letters to him. I had used every means I could think of. However, he just did not want to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I did not search deeply within myself, and instead felt dejected. I thought that this individual was beyond salvation, so I no longer went to see him. I also know some people in the police departments, Procuratorate, and judicial branches. However, whenever I thought about the bad things they have done, and the persecution which they had me subjected to, I no longer wanted to clarify the facts to them. I thought that even though I did not do this, other practitioners would eventually talk to them. So I placed my hopes on other practitioners.

I would feel remorse whenever I read Master’s words,“Saving people is just that, saving people, and to pick and choose would not be merciful.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference”)

I also knew that I had not cultivated compassion, and I was blocked by my attachment of selfishness. Sometimes I wanted to break through it, but I hesitated when I was about to take action, thinking that I would be better off to study the Fa and send righteous thoughts at home, and that I would wait until my righteous thoughts became strong enough.

Master said,

“Some people have not stepped forward and don't take this task seriously, and they don't think that saving sentient beings is all that important. In reality, your responsibilities as Dafa disciples all lie right there. If you don't take action to save sentient beings, you will not have fulfilled your responsibility as a Dafa disciple and your cultivation will amount to nothing, for your becoming a Dafa disciple was not for the sake of your own Consummation. This means that you shoulder a monumental mission.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference”)

We are Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples. How could we disregard our mission and responsibility as cultivators, and possibly put our cultivation in jeopardy? Master is anxiously watching us when seeing our failure to offer all sentient beings salvation and our failing to live up to the requirements!

Fellow practitioners, the Fa-rectification will not last long. There is not a second chance for Dafa practitioners to offer sentient beings salvation. Let us give up all of our human notions and attachments as quickly as possible, follow Master’s teachings and make the most of each opportunity to “Save your sentient beings, fulfill your great prehistoric vows, and make good on the pledges you made!” (Master’s article “Greetings,” February 6, 2008)