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Additional Persecution News from China – May 3, 2011 (16 Reports)

May 16, 2011 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 16 cities or counties in eight provinces. In this report, five practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 14 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Kunming, Yunnan Province] Ms. Li Junping Arrested
  2. [Feicheng, Shandong Province] Ms. Meng Fanying and Ms. Yu Qingzhi Arrested
  3. [Harbin, Heilongjiang Province] Police Officers from the Ninth Division of Hulan Prison Detained Mr. Zhang Ce in a Small Cell on April 25, 2011
  4. [Qingzhou, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhao Ziming Arrested
  5. [Suizhong County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wen Zhiming Detained
  6. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Ms. Jin Shuqin Arrested
  7. [Changchun, Jilin Province] Ms. Yu Feng Arrested
  8. [Gaizhou, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Fenghua Arrested by Two Domestic Security Agents
  9. [Wuhan, Hubei Province] Elderly Ms. Song Taken to Forced Labor Camp
  10. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhao Xue on the Verge of Death Due to Persecution at the Liaoning Women's Prison
  11. [Jilin, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Guiqin Arrested
  12. [Cixi County, Anhui Province] Ms. Chen Xiuying Arrested
  13. [Dehui, Jilin Province] Mr. Zhang Qiuke and Ms. Zhang Yufen Arrested
  14. [Zunhua, Hebei Province] Ms. Gao Pinlian Arrested
  15. [Jiutai, Jilin Province] Mr. Shi Guoliang Critically Ill in Prison
  16. [Shandong Province] Mr. Li Xiaodong and Ms. Wei Shuying Arrested

1. [Kunming, Yunnan Province] Ms. Li Junping Arrested

Qiu Xueyan, from the Xishan District Domestic Security Team of Kunming, and five people from the Kunming Intermediate's Court, forcibly pried open the door to Ms. Li Junping's home on April 27, 2011. They took Ms. Li to the Kunming Intermediate Court, where a secret session was held.

2. [Feicheng, Shandong Province] Ms. Meng Fanying and Ms. Yu Qingzhi Arrested

On the afternoon of April 30, 2011, Ms. Meng Fanying and Ms. Yu Qingzhi, from Beigaoyu Village, Shiheng Town, Feicheng, were reported to police while talking to people about Falun Gong in a village near Hutun Town. They were taken away by police. They are currently being detained at the Yiyang Detention Center.

3. [Harbin, Heilongjiang Province] Police Officers from the Ninth Division of Hulan Prison Detained Mr. Zhang Ce in a Small Cell on April 25, 2011

4. [Qingzhou, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhao Ziming Arrested

On April 13, 2011, Mr. Zhao Ziming from Hangshan Village, Tanfang Town, Qingzhou was reported to police while talking to people about Falun Gong in a farmer's market in Tanfang Town. Officers from the Tanfang Police Station took them away and ransacked his home. Mr. Zhao Ziming is being detained in the Qingzhou Detention Center.

Tanfang Police Station: 86-536-3841019
Qingzhou Politics and Law Committee: 86-536-3221310
Qingzhou 610 Office: 86-536-3822610
Qingzhou Domestic Security Team: 86-536-3853835
Zuo Hengfa, chief of the Qingzhou Domestic Security Team: 86-536-3229829, 86-18678070020

5. [Suizhong County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wen Zhiming Detained

On April 27, 2011, officers from the Suizhong Domestic Security Team took Mr. Wen Zhiming to the Suizhong Detention Center and detained him for 15 days.

Chen Zengping, party secretary of the Suizhong Politics and Law Committee: 86-429-6138955, 86-429-6121239, 86-13904292708
Li Huailin, director of the 610 Office: 86-429-6131710, 86-13842936888
Ren Tianxin, deputy director of the 610 Office: 86-429-6131710, 86-13842920889

6. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Ms. Jin Shuqin Arrested

Ms. Jin Shuqin was taken to the Nansun Township Police Station on the morning of April 28, 2011, by Wang Yingang and other police officers because she talked to other people about Falun Gong. Ms. Jin was later transferred to the Weifang Detention Center. The police ransacked her home and confiscated Dafa books, an MP3 player, and Falun Dafa materials. Ms. Jin was released at 8:00 p.m.

7. [Changchun, Jilin Province] Ms. Yu Feng Arrested

On April 1, 2011, officers from the Xingfu Police Station in Nanguan District, Changchun arrested Ms. Yu Feng because she was carrying an MP3 player. The Nanguan Forced Labor Administration Bureau sent her to a forced labor camp for a one-year term.

Ms. Yu Feng is about 60 years old. During the detention, her stomach illness relapsed, and she could not eat for almost a month. She was very weak. The police took her to the Jilin Women's Forced Labor Camp on April 28, 2011.

Xingfu Police Station: 86-431-85384813

8. [Gaizhou, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Fenghua Arrested by Two Domestic Security Agents

Mo Deqiang, chief of the Domestic Security Team: 86-417-7669127, 86-417-6559528, 86-13941733033
Liu Mingzhe, instructor: 86-417-7669127, 86-417-7810234, 86-13904075777

9. [Wuhan, Hubei Province] Elderly Ms. Song Taken to Forced Labor Camp

Elderly Ms. Song from Qingshan Worker Village was arrested by officers from the Chanqian Police Station on April 27, 2011, while she was talking to people about Falun Gong. Ms. Song was taken to the Erzhigou Women's Forced Labor Camp.

10. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhao Xue on the Verge of Death Due to Persecution at the Liaoning Women's Prison

On the morning of November 15, 2010, officers from the Dalian 610 Office and the Houjiagou Police Station waited at Liujiaqiao and arrested Ms. Zhao Xue. Ms. Zhao was detained at the Yaojia Detention Center for five months. The court sentenced her to five years in prison without informing her family. Ms. Zhao Xue is being detained in the Liaoning Women's Prison. Ms. Zhao's blood pressure is now up to 270 and she is incontinent. She uses a wheelchair and is unable to take care of herself. The prison authorities still have not released her.

11. [Jilin, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Guiqin Arrested

Approximately ten officers from the Jilin 610 Office, Domestic Security Team, and Police Department rushed into the home of Ms. Liu Guiqin on the evening of April 27, 2011. They confiscated her computer, printer, etc. Ms. Liu Guiqin, 66, was sent to the Jilin Detention Center.

12. [Cixi County, Anhui Province] Ms. Chen Xiuying Arrested

Ms. Chen Xiuying was arrested in Suzhou some time between April 10 and 15, 2011. She is currently being detained in a detention center.

13. [Dehui, Jilin Province] Mr. Zhang Qiuke and Ms. Zhang Yufen Arrested

On the morning of April 27, 2011, officers from the Changchun Domestic Security Team and the Dehui Police Department arrested Mr. Zhang Qiuke and ransacked his home. At the same time, Mr. Zhang's father and Ms. Zhang Yufen, who was visiting Mr. Zhang Qiuke, were also taken away. Mr. Zhang Qiuke's father has been released. Mr. Zhang Qiuke and Ms. Zhang Yunfen are being detained in the Dehui Detention Center.

14. [Zunhua, Hebei Province] Ms. Gao Pinlian Arrested

Ms. Gao Pinlian is about 50 years old and lives in Donglizhuangzi Village, Tuanpiaozhuang Township, Zunhua. On April 29, 2011, she was taken away by police.

Zunhua Domestic Security Team: 86-315-6614261 ext.36336
Wang Kunyuan, Chief of the Zunhua Domestic Security Team: 86-13832985801, 86-13933425908
the 610 Office: 86-315-6659879
Zunhua Detention Center: 86-315-6682001

15. [Jiutai, Jilin Province] Mr. Shi Guoliang Critically Ill in Prison

Mr. Shi Guoliang, 37, lives in Jijia Village, Jiutai. In May 2007, he was arrested by officers from the Nanguan District Police Station in Changchun. The Nanguan Court later sentenced her to nine years in prison. In 2008, she was taken to the Shilingzi Prison in Siping, Jilin Province.

In July 2010, Mr. Shi Guoliang's mother went to visit him and saw her son's hand shaking even when he held a telephone receiver. As a result of persecution, Mr. Shi Guoliang has fluid in his chest and suffered from pleurisy. In April 2011, the prison issued a notification to Mr. Shi's family of his release on bail for medical treatment. However, the local police have not processed the request. He is still being detained in the prison.

Zhang Hai, chief of the Jijia Township Police Station in Jiutai: 86-431-82588310

16. [Shandong Province] Mr. Li Xiaodong and Ms. Wei Shuying Arrested

On April 17, 2011, Mr. Li Xiaodong from Shengli Oil Field was reported to police while distributing Falun Gong materials in Dongcheng District and then arrested. Ms. Wei Shuying was taken away from her workplace on April 27, 2011. They are currently being detained in the Niuzhuang Detention Center of the Binnan Police Department, and family members are not allowed to visit them.