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Ms. Feng Guojun from Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province Imprisoned for Nine Years

May 12, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Heilongjiang Province

Name: Feng Guojun (冯国君)
Gender: Female
Age: 52
Address: Donghai Coal Mine No. 8 Neighborhood Committee, Chengzihe District, Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province
Occupation: Unemployed
Date of Most Recent Arrest: August 17, 2002
Most Recent Place of Detention: Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison (黑龙江省女子监狱)

City: Jixi
Province: Heilongjiang
Persecution Suffered: Illegal sentencing, imprisonment, home ransacking, interrogation, torture, detention, forced-feeding, brainwashing, sleep deprivation, forced labor

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Feng Guojun from Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province was illegally arrested on August 17, 2002 by 610 Office agents and Chengzihe District Police Department personnel, and sentenced to eleven years of imprisonment. She has been imprisoned at Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison since then.

Ms. Feng was distributing truth-clarification materials at night on July 19, 2001. Donghai Coal Mine Police Station officers from the Chengzihe District arrested her. Police station head Bao Xiuli and officer Song Wenge pulled her hair and slammed her head against a wall, resulting in her losing a lot of hair. They also beat her, and the front of Ms. Feng’s legs were badly bruised. She was slapped in the face more than 20 times and her mouth was bleeding. That same night she escaped from the police station at around 2:00 a.m.

Ms. Feng rented living quarters in the Chengzihe District on August 17, 2002 and shared the room with fellow practitioners Li Zhenying and Sun Shuying. That afternoon around 5:00 p.m. when Li Zhenying and Ms. Feng returned to the apartment, several police officers were waiting at their home and arrested both of them. Sun Shuying was arrested later in the day and tortured. She was handcuffed and shackled, and was forced to sit on a tiger bench. The police confiscated Ms. Feng’s personal belongings such as two copiers, one paper cutter, paper supplies, a three-wheeled vehicle for transporting materials, two cell phones, three phone cards, and some other items, worth 30,000 yuan in total. She was sent to the Jixi Detention Center on August 18, 2002.

Ms. Feng went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution on May 1, 2003. On May 4, prison doctor Wang, inmate Gao Ying, and detention center guards force-fed her a large amount of milk powder and salt.

Chengzihe District Court officials sentenced Feng Guojun to eleven years of imprisonment around December 2003. On March 10, 2004 she was sent to Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison to be “reformed.”

Ms. Feng was forced to sit on a tiny stool and remain motionless from March 10 to 16, 2004. Her legs became swollen as a result of this torture. She was forbidden to leave her cell. Two monitors watched her, even when she went to the restroom.

Ms. Feng was pressured to be “reformed” in the 9th Ward of the prison on March 12, 2007. Every morning she had to get up at 5:30 a.m. After washing up, she had to sit in the middle of the floor, staring at the camera lense in the front, without moving. Then, five to six people including guard Hu Shu, “helper” Ding Hui, and Jia Jie started to barrage her with brainwashing material until after midnight or even as late as 4:00 a.m. Her legs were swollen and her asthma returned. She was transferred to the 13th Ward on October 11, 2007.

Ms. Feng was isolated for brainwashing again on August 28, 2008. Collaborators Xu Yanghua, Wang Jingdong, and guard Chen Xianying forced her to watch videotapes slandering Falun Gong and its founder. Due to the long-term torture and brainwashing, Ms. Feng lost her will little by little. Desperate to be released, she compromised with them against her will.

Feng Guojun was then required to perform forced labor again. Since team leader Xu Yanglai came to the 13th Ward in December 2009, the perpetrators have extended inmate working hours and added to their workload. Ms. Feng has been working so hard that she cannot straighten her back. The head of the ward often forced the detainees to continue to work, even after they returned to the ward. They have to work until very late sometimes.