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Solemn Declarations from Two Dafa Practitioners

May 01, 2011 |  


Solemn Declaration

Although I obtained Dafa prior to the persecution, I did not cultivate myself solidly. Because of my lack of studying the “Fa” diligently and a severe attachment to fear, I handed over to the police all Falun Gong related materials including Master's photo. I also signed a guarantee statement stating that I would not practice Falun Gong. I later learned through more “Fa” study that my compromise tarnished my cultivation and made me commit a huge sin. From reading the experiences of fellow practitioners reported on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, I realize the seriousness of a solemn declaration. I hereby solemnly declare: “All that I have done that is against Dafa is null and void. I firmly believe in Master and Dafa. I will steadfastly walk the cultivation path arranged by Master, fulfill my prehistoric mission and go back home with Master.”

By Ren Zeyu, April 16, 2011

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2011/4/19/125人声明从新开始修炼-239250.html

Solemn Declaration

I was illegally arrested and sent to a brainwashing center in April 2010. The guards in the center relentlessly pushed me to “transform”. They threatened to also arrest my children if I refused. I went on a hunger strike for 10 days to protest their cruelty, but was force-fed with food and medicines during this period. Under this extreme pressure, I unwillingly gave in to the evil and signed the printed three statements (because I do not know how to write). I was also forced to say bad things about Master and Dafa. I really let Master and Dafa down. I solemnly declare: “All I have done that was against Master and Dafa is null and void. To make up for the damage, I will follow Master's requirements to do the three things well, save more sentient beings and go back home with him.”

By Luo Wanying April 16, 2011

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2011/4/22/65人声明从新开始修炼-239408.html