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Practicing Cultivation while Practicing Medicine

April 19, 2011 |   By a practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner who has been practicing medicine for many years.

Medical Skills

Before I practiced Falun Dafa, I was a doctor working in the in-patient department of a state-owned hospital in China. After I practiced Falun Dafa, I studied Teacher's article “Cultivation and Work” in Essentials for Further Advancement, as well as other lectures. I behaved myself according to the standard of a practitioner. I was considerate and friendly to the patients and explained their symptoms to them with great patience. Many patients said that I treated them like family. I never raised the issue of any private remuneration with my patients, a very common practice in China. My supervisors believed I was a good doctor and asked me to treat their friends and relatives.

At the early stage when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) defamed Falun Dafa, our department director asked me if Falun Dafa prohibited patients from taking medicine. I told him, “People can become healthy and improve their moral standards by practicing Falun Dafa. They will be free of illnesses naturally. Falun Dafa never forbids ill people from taking medicine.” I was enlightened to one point: I would reveal as lies what the CCP said if I could do well as a doctor. All the staff in the hospital knew that I still practiced Falun Dafa. Many patients also knew that I was a practitioner. I always told people the truth from a medical standpoint.

Several years ago, I started practicing medicine independently at the request of my relatives. They wanted me to open a private clinic that was affiliated with the hospital. Such a clinic needed an all-round doctor with skill in all areas of medicine. However, I had to start almost from scratch in many specific fields. I realized that I was very deficient in medical experience. I was determined to be guided by the principles of Dafa in practicing medicine and become a good doctor. I started thinking independently, diagnosed patients' illnesses by observing their physical characteristics, and offered them medical solutions. I tried to cure the patients in the fastest and safest way.

During that period of time I made it a point to study the Fa every day. When I had medical questions, I checked my medical books and figured out the answer. It usually took me about 10 minutes. When I came across a question, I often had a new understanding in the process of studying the Fa. Within a year, I had a clear idea about common illnesses and cured patients easily. I knew clearly that Dafa gave me the wisdom to accomplish this.

I discovered better solutionS while studying the Fa. I applied the solutions with my patients to great effect. The patients recovered soon after. A relative said, “Patients in your hands heal within only a couple of days, while it may take many days with other doctors.”

Virtues in Medical Practice

After I practiced Falun Dafa, I realized that I should treat patients with compassion. I paid close attention to my xinxing while treating patients, especially after I started my private clinic. I treated trouble with a good working attitude.

Once I treated a patient who was suffering from appendicitis. After two days of treatment, he said there was no obvious improvement. I suggested to him to get an examination in a better hospital, but he insisted using my medical solution. He pretended to look seriously ill in my office, but after he stepped out of my clinic, he stood upright immediately. My relative was very resentful at such a behavior.

The patients that took my medicine only told their relatives about the good results, but kept it confidential. Moreover, they bargained with me. When I came across these situations, I wanted to fight, had resentment, wanted to retaliate, and my ego surfaced. I sensed those issues immediately and got rid of them. Whatever trouble I came across, I treated my patients as usual and served them warmheartedly. My relatives often asked me why I didn't get angry when something of this nature happened.

One of my relatives witnessed my honesty. He told me that doctors in many hospitals and clinics extorted money from patients by writing out prescriptions that included more medicine and cost more, and they extended the treatment periods. He encouraged me to do the same. I smiled and said nothing. I usually made prescriptions for patients according to their needs and with less cost. I only hoped that the patients could recover as early as possible. I was never corrupt or went along with the declining moral standards.

As I became proficient in my medical skills, the mentalities of showing off and complacency and attachments to fame and personal gains constantly surfaced. Thanks to my previous experience in cultivation, most of the time I could maintain a stable mentality. I had a fundamental attachment, which was that I wanted to keep something to my self, as well as the mentality of validating myself by using the wisdom that Dafa endowed me with. After I realized that, I firmly kept in mind that I am a practitioner. I should serve society well and validate Dafa while cultivating myself. In the process of improving my xinxing, I always held such a thought: “Under any circumstance, as soon as my heart is moved, I must identify the reason behind it and figure out what made me upset.” I continued doing it this way in my cultivation and my xinxing improved very fast.

Due to the effectiveness of my medical solutions and reliable service, I gradually gained patients' trust and created a very good environment. Some neighbors sincerely called me “Falun Dafa.”