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Selection from Call for Articles: Stopping the Persecution by Sending Righteous Thoughts and Telling People the Facts

March 27, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) The following stories are from my cultivation and experiences while helping Teacher rectify the Fa over the past 14 years.

1. Not Getting Wet in the Rain

At 3:00 a.m. one day in February 1999, I went to a park with a stereo and fliers about Falun Dafa. When I got downstairs, I noticed that it was raining and I was worried whether anyone would come to the park. I thought to myself that the rain should stop when I began to do the exercises. Thus, I went to the park, put my stereo and banner under a seat, sat on the ground and began to meditate.

As I reached tranquility, it seemed like I was sitting indoors listening to the rain, which was getting heavier outside. An hour later, I finished meditating and the rain stopped. Other practitioners gradually arrived, and one of them said to me, “Oh, how come your clothes are not wet in such a heavy rain?” I realized it had been Teacher, who protected me.

2. Meditating under a High-voltage Electric Baton

The persecution of Falun Gong turned intense in the year 2000. A cell in a detention center, which could hold 12 people, had 30 practitioners in it. One afternoon, two practitioners and I did the meditation, and a guard noticed it and yelled, “Do you want to die? Stop now or I will kill you!” I told myself not to cooperate with the evil.

I quickly calmed down during the meditation. A few minutes later, the guard rushed into the cell with a high-voltage electric baton and began to hit me on my head, ears, back and hands. My hair began to smoke and it felt as though I was on fire. Other cell mates were so scared and began to cry, but I did not move a bit. Two minutes later, the guard put away the baton and took off.

I continued to meditate for about 70 minutes and felt fine. The next day, the guard apologized to me.

3. Divine Pen Stops the Evil

In 2001, I was illegally imprisoned. The guards and prisoners brutally tortured me. One time, a criminal inmate wanted to receive a reduced sentence and thus took my Dafa articles to the prison authorities. I was put in a solitary confinement cell, which was dark and smelly and contained a log with insects. I thought of the Fa principles in “Beyond the Limits of Forbearance” and realized it was time to expose the crimes of the guards and prisoners.

The next day, I told a guard to open my handcuffs because I wanted to write something. The guard thought that I wanted to write statements to renounce my belief and quickly had prisoners send me a meal, paper and pen. I had not eaten or drank for three days. I finished the meal and wrote a 14-page letter. I felt relaxed and comforted afterward. I insisted on giving the letter to the warden myself. The guard was very nervous.

The night the warden took the letter, I had a dream. I saw the guard and prisoner who tortured me become 12 inches tall and they were in extreme pain because they had contracted incurable diseases. The next day I was released from solitary confinement. Two days later the guard was transferred elsewhere and the prisoner's sentence was extended for 11 months.

4. Conquering the Evil in Prison

When I was detained in the provincial prison, 11 other practitioners were incarcerated there as well. These practitioners were not allowed to talk to one other. I often saw practitioner A because her cell was near the workshop in which I had to work. I often looked for her and when I did not see her, I got worried. One day she seemed emaciated and had a hard time walking. I heard that she had been hung up and tortured in the workshop for a week. I decided to expose the guards who had tortured her. I gave my allowance to a prisoner and had her help me obtain evidence of torture and information about those people responsible.

After I learned about the tortures practitioner A had suffered, I began writing. In a workshop with 200 people, everyone had to work like a slave in front of guards, who had electric batons. Amazingly, I was able to sit there and write my letter and no one bothered me. I made multiple copies, and when the letter was done, I had to figure out a way to deliver it.

I had the letter with me the next day, and at noon, I saw the warden and handed him the letter. The warden took the letter politely. I was not afraid. In the afternoon, I was looking for the guard who tortured practitioner A. I knew that I had to give the letter to both the warden and the guard soon, in order to eliminate the evil beings behind them and stop the torture.

If I got caught trying to report a guard in another team, I would be punished severely. However, I knew who I was and what I had to do in order to help a fellow practitioner. While the guard in my team was not looking, I asked Teacher to help me and walked toward the guards' office. Three guards were in there, and I walked into the office and delivered the letter to the captain. They were in shock as I turned around and walked away.

The prisoner whom I gave my allowances to told me that after I delivered the letter, the tortures against practitioner A stopped the next day.

5. Mighty Power of Righteous Thoughts

In the prison, everyone had to work 17 hours a day and sometimes even the entire night as well. Practitioners had to attend the so-called “political education” sessions. The atmosphere was suffocating. To negate the persecution, we decided that all practitioners in the prison should go on a strike on a certain day. I wrote 11 notes and had prisoners who supported Falun Dafa send them to practitioners in other teams.

On the day of the strike, none of the practitioners put on the prison uniform and none went to the workshop. Our action shocked the prison authorities. They mobilized all armed police officers, who carried batons and handcuffs with them. These police officers dragged all the practitioners to their workshops.

To find out who initiated the strike, the authorities searched everyone's cell. A guard found my handwritten note, and the next day a prisoner ran to me and told me, “You are in great trouble, the warden and special police agents are going to question you in the office.”

I did not know anything about sending forth righteous thoughts yet because I had been imprisoned and had not seen Teacher's new article. I only knew there was a 16-character verse and I intuitively believed that the verse had a powerful effect in eliminating evil beings. I recited the verse many times before I went into the office.

The warden was very upset and asked me what I had done. I told her, “Nothing but slave labor.” She stared at me, threw the note I wrote on a table and asked, “Did you write this?” I realized what it was about and began to recite the verse. She began to threaten me and I told her, “We practice Truth-Compassion-Forbearance and we study the teachings of Falun Gong and do the exercises every day. We cannot be doing endless slave labor for you; we are not criminals and we are not obligated to do so. Please arrange things reasonably and treat practitioners well.”

As soon as I finished talking, the warden and police officers changed their attitude. The warden told me, “The prison authorities will consider your request. Now go back to your workshop.” The brutal persecution did not occur. I thanked Teacher for giving me such a powerful Fa weapon.

6. Driving Away the Police with Righteous Thoughts

In 2003, I was released and returned home. The minute I got home, officers from the police station, agents from the 610 Office, and Chinese Communist Party members continued to harass me at home. One day, several policemen came to my house. One of them took Teacher's picture and my Falun Dafa books and threatened to confiscate more of my personal property. I pointed at Teacher's picture and warned the policeman, “Put my belongings back where they were. No one here is allowed to mess things up. Everyone should leave immediately!” As soon as I finished talking, they became frightened. They put my things on a table and quickly left.

7. Looking Within and Passing the Test of Life and Death

In May 2008, when I was doing the exercises, I suddenly had to run to the bathroom and have a bowel movement. This situation of loose bowels lasted several months and got really bad. In the end, I lost control of my bowels and had blood in my stool. My anus and bladder hurt so badly that I could hardly sit. In the end, my eyesight began to blur and I became emaciated. My family thought that my cancer had returned.

I knew the old forces must have exploited my attachments and notions. While I was not sure what exactly they were, I remembered three things. 1) I am not sick and I believe in Teacher and the Fa; 2) Eliminate all interference that prevents me from studying the Fa and sending forth righteous thoughts. When I cannot see or am too tired to read, I will still try to listen to Teacher's lectures; and, 3) I will fight and do what a practitioner should do and do it well. I will negate the old forces' arrangement through my actions. Besides the above mentioned, I talked to other practitioners and tried to look within and rectify myself based on the Fa. Four months later, I recovered.

The beauty of practicing Falun Dafa is endless. I will always be grateful for everything Teacher has given me. There is no way to repay Teacher's endless grace and compassionate salvation. I will progress diligently until I am able to return home with Teacher.

Selected from “Call for Articles about Divine Occurrences in the Human World”