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Don't Let Your Heart and Mind Be Easily Swayed

March 26, 2011 |   By a Practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I have recently been reading on everyday people's websites, about the current struggles against dictators. Although I know the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) exists for Dafa disciples, it will cease to exist once Dafa disciples have completed saving sentient beings. However, I still enjoy seeing the collapse of dictatorship regimes, so I have been paying more attention to those events, such as the situation with Libya and whether Gaddafi falls from power. I get frustrated whenever I see Gaddafi's side winning.

Today, I suddenly thought, “How could Dafa disciples be moved by everyday people's events!” Although it seems like a small thing, I was already involved in everyday people's events. If I don't awaken quickly, interference will come soon. Master says,

“Everything that happens today in the ordinary society is the result of Dafa disciples' thoughts. Even though the old forces do exist, if you don't have those thoughts they can't do anything. When your righteous thoughts are strong enough the old forces can't do a thing.” ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.")

I thought maybe the situation in Libya was related to Dafa disciples' thoughts. Now, what happens in China may also be because of Dafa disciples' thoughts.

There are already many lessons in this respect. I was extremely sad about what happened at the Olympics in 2008. At that time, I always thought that the CCP would fail at organizing the Olympics and I talked to everyday people about this prediction to save them. However, the result was the opposite of my attachment. I now regret my actions very much and hope that it doesn't affect the salvation of these people.

In fact, it is looking outward if you are too attached to those ordinary people's things. It is a very serious attachment if you look outward. Master says,

“With Buddhism in particular, if you search for external help, you are said to have taken a demonic way.” (Zhuan Falun)

I now understand that Dafa disciples need to keep in mind doing the three things well. Other things should not move our minds, whether it's a revolution, an earthquake, or other new things that happen. I will remain steadfast on the path of cultivation until the completion of the Fa rectification period. If it ends tomorrow, my mind will be on the Fa today. This is to encourage myself because I think that there might be many events occurring before the Fa rectifies the world, and we should keep our thoughts unmoved, as would a divine being.

Let us encourage each other with Master's Fa,

“You have gone through great trials and hardships to arrive at where you are today. By all means, you shouldn't let your heart and mind bob about like duckweed, stirred at the first hint of wind.” (“On the Novel The Cosmos's Calamity”)