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Selection from Call for Articles: The Authorities Had Plans to Sentence Me Illegally

March 25, 2011 |   By a practitioner from Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Since I started cultivation in Dafa in January 1997, I have had many magical encounters under the compassionate care of Master. I would like to share a few of them with fellow practitioners. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

1. A hunger strike miracle

I started a persecution-protest hunger strike at a brainwashing center in September 2001. On the thirteenth day, I was taken to the hospital. Looking at the x-ray results, the doctor said, “Her stomach is very small, like a walnut. There is a mass of white energy in her stomach.” Everyone thought it was very mystical. There was no damage to my stomach even after more than ten days without any food or water. My husband, who is not a practitioner, was really excited and thought that I did very well in my cultivation.

Later, due to a prolonged hunger strike, my weight dropped from over 60 kilograms to a little over 35 kilograms. I was so thin that I looked emaciated. One night, I threw up six or seven mouthfuls of sticky black stuff. The guards were scared to see what happened and took me to the hospital immediately. Once in the hospital, a doctor said it was serious and that I required hospitalization. At my adamant request, I was quickly sent home.

I did not regard myself as a patient and asked my family not to treat me as a patient, either. I ate whatever I wanted to eat and only thought about recovering as soon as possible so that I could do Dafa work.

I started doing the standing exercises the day after I returned home. On the third night, I went out to distribute brochures with my daughter. My body recovered quickly, and people who had seen me before were very surprised. Since then, three of my family members have obtained the Fa. My mother-in-law did not believe in Dafa's power before, but now she has also started practicing.

In February 2002, due to my lack of concentration when studying the Fa and my strong attachment to doing things, I was detained again. I did not eat anything after I was detained and was force-fed twice. I did not cooperate when I was being force-fed. The prison doctor and six to seven guards pinned me to the ground and inserted a tube into my stomach through my nose after eight tries. I immediately pulled the tube out when they released me and saw blood all over it. After two incidents of force-feeding, my face and nose were horribly swollen, and my face was unrecognizable.

After experiencing this, I became more steadfast in the Fa, because I did not feel any pain and I knew that Master had endured it for me.

On the ninth day of my hunger strike, the prison doctor saw that I looked very bad. After measuring my blood pressure at 60/40, she immediately told the head of the prison to send me to a hospital. After I arrived in the hospital, doctors started treating me right away. My mind was very clear. I was constantly sending forth righteous thoughts, but the doctor said I was in shock and my condition was life-threatening.

I felt strange as well. I asked my self, “How could my blood pressure be so low while I was feeling just fine?” The only thing I felt was that I could not move or open my eyes. I suddenly understood that this was arranged by Master and that it was time for me to go home. So I just followed Master's arrangements and calmly sent forth righteous thoughts. I was diagnosed with several dangerous illnesses. An old doctor said while wiping away tears, “Oh, such a nice person. Why are you detained?” So I quickly returned home.

My body recovered quickly. After resting at home for 20 days, I returned to work. The authorities had planned to illegally sentence me, but nothing ever came of it.

2. Safe while delivering truth-clarifying materials

One night in July 2002, after a heavy rain, I needed to deliver truth-clarifying materials to practitioners in a village three miles away. It was very dark and I rode fast on my bike while constantly sending forth righteous thoughts. Suddenly, my bike started shaking and I was going to tumble. I quickly shouted for Master to help me. The bike zigzagged for a while, but did not fall or stop. After reaching the village I found that all the entrances to the village had been flooded and I could not get through, so I had to park my bike on the road and walk through the water.

The next day when I returned to school to work, I heard students from that village say that the heavy rain the day before had washed large rocks onto the road. A long stretch of road was not passable by vehicles and was very slippery for walking as well. I was really moved. With such rough road and my poor riding skills, I could not have made it without Master's protection.

3. My wages were returned to me through righteous thoughts

After years of cultivation I have realized that there is no tribulation that we cannot pass if we truly believe in Master and the Fa and do everything according to the Fa.

At the end of 2003, I received from the township government more than 8,000 yuan in wages for the time that I was detained. People in my school and my family simply could not believe it, because the township government was in so much debt. Even ordinary teachers were not getting their wages paid. Within the depths of my heart, I knew that Dafa was extraordinary. As long as we are righteous, everything can be changed.

I first clarified the truth to the township government officials, always having the thought of saving sentient beings in my mind. Then I gave them materials exposing the evil. The Party secretary of the township was very rude at first. Another practitioner and I spent almost two and a half hours clarifying the truth to him.

4. If we have righteous thoughts and actions, the evil will self-destruct

In June 2008, the deputy secretary of the county Politics and Law Committee came to our township to check on us. Being successful in clarifying the truth and helping people quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations these several years, I developed a show-off mentality and a desire to validate myself. This was taken advantage of.

That day, three government employees accompanied the deputy secretary to my home. The deputy secretary immediately told me to turn in my ID card and CDs for clarifying the truth. I tried to clarify the truth to him. Not only did he not listen, but he called the County National Security Division in an attempt to arrest me. Under Master's compassionate care, I was able to escape from right under their noses.

As soon as I arrived in a safe place, all the exits of the village were closed under martial law. As I was in a practitioner's home, my daughter called and told me that they only found some books, nothing else. It turned out that my husband had hidden everything when he returned home. In fact, I knew this was because of Master's protection. My husband usually did not know where I placed the equipment.

At the time of the Beijing Olympics, fearing that people would go to Beijing to appeal, officials came to my home several times to tell me to return to work. They even guaranteed that I would not be arrested again. The County Public Security Bureau told my family to pay ten thousand yuan as a deposit and write a guarantee that I would not cause trouble during the Olympics, and after the Olympics, the money would be returned. They asked me to return to work.

After I received the news, I told my family, “We will not pay one cent or write one character of a guarantee.” I called the leaders of my school and said, “You ask the county officials to promise that they will not arrest me again. I will not pay one cent. If you agree, then I will immediately return to work.”

The first two days I was not very calm and could not concentrate during Fa study. I dug deep within and found many attachments. The most serious one was still the “attachment of validating self.” I quickly calmed down and was able to concentrate when studying the Fa. My righteous thoughts also immediately strengthened.

Four days after I left home, I told my family that I wanted to return. As I rode home on an electric bike with my daughter, I sent forth righteous thoughts. The next day I went to work. School leaders told me, “That county official guaranteed that you will not be arrested again. He wanted you to have peace of mind and concentrate on work.” Later, fellow practitioners had a face-to-face talk to clarify the truth to the deputy secretary of the Politics and Law Committee. Since then he has not done anything illegal to Dafa practitioners.

After this experience, I had a deeper understanding of Master's Fa:

“The evil beings are being decimated in large quantities, and right now, as long as Dafa disciples keep strong righteous thoughts, the evil beings can no longer mount any resistance.”

“The gods set forth something in the early period of my Fa-rectification, namely, that whatever the wicked Party does, regardless of its aim, will end up assisting me and Dafa disciples. So, whenever the wicked CCP wants to do some bad thing, it will turn into a failure and scandal as soon as it's begun.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Conference”)

5. Walk the final part of the cultivation path well

Since April 2002 when I broke out of the county detention center, I have walked a relatively stable path. During these years, all of my relatives and friends have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Nor have my colleagues been left behind. In addition, I also make sure I don't leave behind any students in my school.

In addition to my work, I often go to the villages in my county to distribute materials in person and help people quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations on holidays and vacations. I have been to everywhere that practitioners from my county are detained, no matter how far they are. Some places I revisited more than once.

Since the publication of Master's several articles in 2010, I realized that, in order to save more sentient beings, we need to cultivate ourselves well. We should look inward whenever we have conflicts and let go of self. Let's cooperate as one body and reach consummation following Master to return to our true homes.

Selected from “Call for Articles about Divine Occurrences in the Human World”