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Practitioners from Rizhao City in Shandong Province Sentenced

February 09, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Shandong Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Qian Chun, Ms. Ding Xi, Ms. Wang Yun, and Mr. Mu Zongyan from Rizhao City, Shandong Province, are being held in Rizhao Detention Center.

Ms. Qian was arrested by officers from Qinlou Police Station in Rizhao on November 10, 2010, and was sentenced to two years in prison on January 20, 2011.

Ms. Ding was sentenced to one year in prison in October 2010 by officials from Donggang Police Sub-Bureau in Rizhao.

Ms. Wang and Mr. Mu were both sentenced to four years in prison by the Rizhao Court.

Ms. Zhang Ping, Ms. Ding's mother, was arrested by officers from Donggang Police Sub-Bureau, and was later sentenced to four years in prison. Her term will be up in July 2011. It was said that officials from the prison did not want to admit her, but agents from the 610 Office in Donggang Police Sub-Bureau bribed them into accepting her. Because Ms. Zhang is in her 80s, prison officials want to release her before her term is up, but the 610 Office will not give them permission.