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The Old Forces Lie in Our Unknowing Selves

February 08, 2011 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) With regard to the old forces, Master said a long time ago:

“At present, the old forces have already been completely weeded out. From the ones in the highest forms all the way down to the so-called Gods and warped beings who have, as arranged by the old forces, taken part in the Fa-rectification and affected the Fa-rectification at different levels, all of them have been weeded out entirely. They're gone. And those dark minions who actually carry out specific tasks are being completely weeded out, too.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Washington DC Fa Conference”)

The persecution that practitioners endure are imposed by the old forces, but why do they still exist? Where are they hiding? My understanding is that the old forces reside within our attachments. The side that we haven't cultivated well still follows the old cosmos' law that centers around selfishness, and has not yet been rectified by the Fa. Their negative impact affects things all the way down to human society.

Master's Fa-rectification is moving very fast and practitioners are assimilating to the Fa, cultivating themselves, saving sentient beings and establishing their mighty virtue.

“Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master” (Zhuan Falun).

In other dimensions, it is Master who does everything for us. If we want to reach consummation and fulfill our prehistoric vows, we must weed out the old force elements, change fundamentally, and “...attain the righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism” (“Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature” in Essentials for Further Advancement). Without selfishness, there will be no place for the old forces to exist, nor will there be a persecution.

Master has cleaned up most of the old forces. The rest is up to us to cultivate well. In the delusion of the human world, it is extraordinary for practitioners to keep strong righteous thoughts, a belief in Master and determination to cultivate away this fundamental attachment.

In my understanding, the old forces want us to be selfish and self-centered. But Master has saved us, so shouldn't we follow and believe in Him? When Master has offered us salvation, why do we still allow the old forces to control us?

Please kindly point out anything improper.