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My Cultivation Experience of Being a Coordinator

February 27, 2011 |   By Hong Lian, a Dafa disciple from Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) In 1996, I obtained the Fa together with my husband. At that time, my husband had advanced liver cancer. I had glaucoma and was about to lose my vision. After we started practicing Dafa, my husband recovered in six months, and my vision returned to normal. Many other diseases I had (such as a stomach problems, kidney disease, an endocrine disorder, and rheumatic diseases) also disappeared. My happiness was beyond words. During that time, I cultivated very diligently. I read through Zhuan Falun every three days, did the exercises, taught new practitioners how to do the exercises (I was an assistant at that time), and actively spread the Fa. I felt I was extremely fortunate, and I made up my mind that I must try my best to cultivate.

After July 20, 1999, the evil authorities' slander and persecution against Dafa overwhelmed the entire country. Like many other practitioners, I felt very confused and didn't know what to do. One week later, my husband and I, along with many other practitioners, resumed our Fa-study and continued doing the exercises.

One day, when we were doing the exercises in a park, several police officers came and took us away. My husband told them all, the officers, the heads of the police department, the Political and Judiciary Committee, and the public, about his experience of recovering from an incurable cancer and how he became completely healthy. He also explained to everyone about the supernatural abilities of Dafa and how compassionate Master is. In the end, no one said anything, and they all left quietly. From then on, I realized that it is very important for Dafa disciples to spread and validate the Fa.

One day in April 2001, several practitioners and I went to Beijing to validate the Fa. We traveled separately and then met at a place not far from Beijing. The day after we arrived in Beijing, nine of us practitioners went to Tiananmen Square at around 9:00 a.m.. When the police officers came over to us, we all took out our banners, lifted them over our heads, and solemnly called out: “Falun Dafa is good!” “Falun Dafa is righteous!” “Restore Master's good name!” The young armed police were stunned. At that moment, I felt tall and gigantic. It was so sacred and solemn. All the nervousness I had when I entered Tiananmen Square disappeared.

I was detained at Chongwenmen Police Station and was held in a room with practitioner A. We started a hunger strike, but then had to endure being force-fed. After two days, some people from practitioner A's work place came and took her away. I asked Master in my heart: “Master, I want to get out of here, I want to go back to my hometown to validate the Fa.” Two days later, a police officer came and talked to me. I explained the facts about Falun Dafa to him and told him about the huge changes in both me and my husband. That police officer was moved by our stories and agreed to help me get out of there. After we finished talking, he gave me a blank sheet and asked me to fill it out, but I refused to write anything. He said: “Can you write a sentence that you want to say the most?” I then picked a pen and wrote “Falun Dafa is good” on the paper. That police officer was smiling at me and showed respect for me. Not long after that, I was released. Before I left, I said to that police officer: “Thank you for helping me, please remember 'Falun Dafa is good'. You'll have a wonderful future.”

After I got back home, I realized that only two or three of the practitioners who had gone to Beijing to validate the Fa had returned. Our Fa-study group was destroyed and we lost contact among our local practitioners. I was able to locate several practitioners and we all thought that the most important thing was to get some truth-clarification materials. We thought that if we had some materials explaining the facts about Falun Dafa, we could expose the regime's crimes more easily. However, under the CCP's reign of terror, no one dared to help Dafa disciples to photocopy any materials, even if we paid them extra money. Then I remembered Master's words, “When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.” (Zhuan Falun) I thought that since Master said we can do it, then we must do it. Finally, after we explained the facts about Falun Dafa to a middle-aged lady at a photocopy shop, she agreed to provide us several hundred copies of the materials every week. I remembered that after the news of the staged Tiananmen Square self-immolation was broadcast, we made several thousand flyers to explain what really happened. We posted the flyers on telephone poles, walls, and bridge railings. Some practitioners left the flyers under doors, and some posted them on apartment doors. All of these efforts powerfully exposed the evil's lies.

In this way, I became the local coordinator. For those practitioners who had difficulty stepping forward to clarify the truth, I went to their houses with several practitioners who had cultivated very diligently. We studied the Fa together and communicated with them from the Fa's perspective. At one time, we invited all the practitioners who had fear or had some family interference to come together and study Master's lectures. After this small Fa conference, everyone went out and found all the previous practitioners they could find and helped them start cultivating again. Many practitioners stepped forward and started to validate the Fa. When we ran low on informational materials, Master arranged for practitioners from other cities to come here and help us set up a materials production site. With ample materials, it became much easier for us to clarify the truth. The local practitioners went out to hang banners and post other truth-clarification messages in public places. Even the lampposts in the largest plaza in our area were sprayed with “Falun Dafa is good.”

As I had more and more Dafa work, I began to develop an attachment to doing things, and my Fa-study was reduced. As a result, my loophole was taken advantage of and the authorities arrested me and ransacked my house twice. When I was held at the detention center, I looked inward and rectified myself based on the Fa. Protected by Master, I got back home safely. I studied Essentials for Further Advancement at home. In it Master said:

“The work you do for Dafa is not irrelevant to your cultivation practice. Factors that are to improve your xinxing appear everywhere in your work. You should not only do your work, but also reach Consummation.”
(“Clearheadedness” from Essentials for Further Advancement)

Afterward, during a small cultivation experience sharing conference, I shared my lesson of developing the attachment to doing things and slacking off in Fa-study, which became the reason I was arrested and detained. During that conference, other practitioners also shared their cultivation experiences, and we all found our attachments and improved our xinxing.

One day in 2002, several officers from the Politics and Law Section found me and said that someone told them that I was the local coordinator. I began to fear being arrested, so I left my hometown and went to a new city. I didn't know any practitioners in that city, and I didn't have any informational materials with me. However, except for doing housework, I went out to validate the Fa as long as I had time.

The city I was living in had a lot of rental houses, so I used the excuse of looking for a rental house to explain the facts about Falun Dafa to the owners and expose Jiang's regime's evil crimes. Most of the owners seemed very sympathetic, but some were afraid. Doing this, I visited all the rental houses in two years. But as time went on, I couldn't always use this method. It was too difficult for me to clarify the truth if I didn't have any materials at hand.

In 2004, under Master's arrangement, I found several local practitioners, and I started to spend two hours taking the bus to distribute some informational materials every week. In 2006, with practitioners' help, I found a Fa-study group that was not far from where I was living. At that time, all the materials that group had also came from other places, and the limited amount couldn't meet our demand. Therefore, I got the idea to set up a materials production site at my house. In 2007, a practitioner helped me build up a materials production center. Although I was 60 years old and didn't know anything about computers, I knew that Master was with me all the time. I learned how to use the Internet and how to download and print materials. A practitioner specifically came to teach me all the techniques. Finally, I broke through the obstacle that kept me from doing these things all by myself.

When I printed the first piece of informational material, I was so excited that I cried out loud. I was so grateful to Master. Later, I gave the computer and printer to another practitioner and helped him set up a materials production site. Then I bought a new computer and printer. After a while, I volunteered to take on the coordination job in the area where I was living. I helped the practitioners develop two Fa-study groups and set up two materials production sites.

Master said:

“Falun Dafa is for cultivation practice—it is not a job. All of our volunteer workers must first be genuine cultivators with high-level xinxing, as they are role models for xinxing cultivation.”
(“It is not a Job, but Cultivation Practice” from Essentials for Further Advancement)

I enlightened that Dafa disciples must take the Fa as our teacher. In their many experience sharing articles, fellow practitioners have written about their experiences of memorizing the Fa, so I also started to memorize the Fa. In early 2006, it took me three months to memorize Zhuan Falun. Since I often went out, I sent forth righteous thoughts on the bus each time; then I started to memorize the Fa. Sometimes I could even memorize one whole lecture. When other practitioners felt it was very difficult to memorize the Fa, I shared my own experience with them. I told them that first of all we should believe in Master and Dafa. Master said:

“Reading the books more and studying the books more is the key to truly elevating yourself. To put it more simply, as long as you read Dafa, you are changing; as long as you read Dafa, you are elevating. The boundless content of Dafa plus the supplementary means—the exercises—will enable you to reach Consummation.”
(“Melt Into the Fa” in Essentials for Further Advancement)

Later on, several practitioners who obtained the Fa after July 20, 1999 understood how to study the Fa, and they all placed Fa-study as the first priority and gradually improved their xinxing.

In our area, most of us are elderly practitioners. Some elderly practitioners have fallen behind in discussing the facts about Falun Dafa. I took the lead in several Fa-study groups and talked about my own experience of distributing truth-clarification materials. Other practitioners also talked about their experiences of distributing the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and posting truth-clarification messages. Gradually, all the practitioners stepped forward and went out to distribute materials. Half a year later, we had gotten rid of many attachments, such as fear, the mentality of saving face, or worrying about the effects of truth-clarification efforts. Later on, I introduced our experiences to practitioners in other areas, and one of them said: “You have done such a great job in helping the practitioners.” At first, I felt very happy about it. On my way back home, I suddenly realized that I had developed the attachment of zealotry. “Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” (Zhuan Falun) Actually everything is done by Master. Fellow practitioners are making progress under the guidance of Dafa and Master's protection. What I have done is really nothing.

After 2008, the practitioners in our area started to explain the facts about Falun Dafa in person. Those who already had a lot of experience helped the practitioners who had just stepped forward. Moreover, other diligent practitioners came to share their cultivation experiences of doing the three things with us. There was a 69-year-old practitioner who went out to persuade people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations every day after she studied the Fa, regardless of the weather. At one time, she and another practitioner helped more than 70 people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations in only half a day.

In September 2009, when a 30-year-old practitioner was explaining the facts about Falun Dafa to people, he was reported to the police, and was arrested and detained. His mother (also a practitioner) came from another city and planned to go to the police station to ask for her son's release. I wanted to go with her, but I also worried whether I would have some difficulty because I couldn't speak the local dialect. However, Master has mentioned to us that all the Dafa disciples are one body, his business is my business. So I maintained strong righteous thoughts and went to the police station with that practitioner's mother and explained the facts to the police officers. Although we didn't bring the practitioner back with us, we did what we should do as Dafa disciples. Through this experience of clarifying the truth to the police officers in person, some of our problems in coordination were exposed: We didn't have an overall plan. We also further understood how serious cultivation practice is.

Around the Mid-Autumn holiday in 2010, several of the coordinators went to visit that practitioner's family. One of his elderly family members became sick, so we raised some money and gave it to them for medical treatment. His family was moved by our efforts.

There was another practitioner who had also been sentenced to a forced labor camp, and her children were working in another city. During the harvest season, no one helped her husband to do the farm work. Her husband was very worried, so we helped him harvest the peanuts. When we went there, it had just rained, and the field was so muddy that it was very difficult to walk in it. None of the practitioners complained about the difficulty, and we all worked very hard for two days to help him harvest the peanuts. Some practitioners' hands were cut by the hard work, but they didn't say anything about it. After that, they also helped him pick the apples. Dafa disciples' compassion moved that practitioner's husband. In the past, he was against that practitioner's cultivation and often complained about her being sentenced to forced labor. This time, after seeing the compassion of Dafa disciples, he completely changed his attitude and supported his wife in continuing cultivation. On our way back, the villagers greeted us with a big smile. All of them had witnessed the selflessness of Dafa disciples. There was a 70-year-old villager who joined the Communist Party a long time ago. The local practitioners had tried a dozen times to persuade him to quit the CCP, but they had not yet succeeded. However, this time, after he witnessed the compassionate hearts of Dafa disciples, he readily agreed to quit the CCP.

Over the past few years, I have enlightened that doing coordination work among fellow practitioners is also a process of cultivation for me. In order to be a good coordinator, I should study the Fa well in the first place. Everything I do is for the improvement of fellow practitioners and myself. In the future, I will study the Fa well, spend more time studying the Fa, and do the three things well to become a better practitioner.